Right wing of the battlefield.

Aburame Ryoma and the others were slightly stunned, and then they all looked at Elder Danzo.

Just now, they all received information from the Yamanaka clan.

There was also a picture of a mission scroll and a map in their minds.

This scroll was forged by the future, and the font was written by the future with the [Sharingan], imitating the handwriting of the ninja.

And the original mission scroll of the ninja was just a mission scroll that had been completed but not submitted.

It had nothing to do with what he was doing now.

Now the future can boldly use the [Sharingan] without fear of being discovered, because Kushina has the treasure of their clan in her hands.

And with the chakra of the Uzumaki clan, the effect of the [Square Barrier] has increased by several percent.

The future saw the handwriting of the ninja scroll, where did this guy copy this ninja scroll from?

I planned to practice by myself, but I didn't expect that I would die before I could practice the technique.

If someone compares the handwriting of the task scroll with the real ninjutsu scroll, they may notice subtle differences and something wrong.

But this picture is in their minds.

This difference will be perfectly filtered out.

No one can find the abnormality.

Even if the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan invade their consciousness and watch this memory repeatedly, it will be the same.

After doing all this in the future.

I will take my friends to the edge of the battlefield and happily touch the corpse.

Now they are still young and can't help at all.

Especially the core of the battlefield.

The battle there is extremely fierce. If they are stubborn and go in.

Let's not talk about whether they can help, they probably can't even get close.

There is a difference between ninjas, jonins and jonins.

For example, Toranosuke and Nijia, who both know [Hardening Technique].

If the former had not been as careless as Souda, Mirai and the others would have taken the opportunity to control him.

Finally, Minato found an opportunity and fed him a [Rasengan] into his mouth.

Only then did he kill him with difficulty.

As for the man named 仐甲, Mirai and Reika did not use the pupil technique, and the five of them killed him together, and also killed the people around them!

And with the help of the slug, their chakra began to recover rapidly.

Danzo narrowed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he said: "All Roots, go underground to deal with these explosives!"

"Yes!" Behind him, the Root ninjas who were kneeling and waiting for orders all responded in a deep voice.

Without waiting for them to take action, Danzo spoke again.

"One more thing!"

"I found that some of the ninjas in the demolition team used earth escape technique seals. If you use lightning escape technique, you may be able to control these explosives!"


"One more thing, send someone to check on the rock ninja named 仐甲 to see if he is dead and how he died!"

He doubted the authenticity of this information.

The rock ninja is one of the five major ninjas, and there are very few ninjas who sell out their own country's intelligence.

Even if there are, why did Uchiha Mirai and the others just happen to meet them! ?


"And..." Danzo hesitated.

Finally, he shook his head. He wanted to ask someone to bring Uchiha Mirai and the others here.

But when he thought of the complexity of this team, he gave up.

"Forget it, you guys go ahead!"


Seeing that his boss had nothing to order, Aburame Ryoma waved his hand and said coldly: "If you can capture them alive, capture them alive. If you can't capture them alive, kill them without mercy!"

They have been kidnapping people on the battlefield these days. In addition to the people in their own research department, they will also give a few to Orochimaru to help with the research.

And the ninjas they will face next are all from the blasting unit.

Most of these people are pseudo-explosion ninjas who are selling dog meat under the guise of sheep, and among the remaining ten, there should be one or two real blasting blood ninjas.

Their existence will be of great help to themselves and others.


"Disperse!" With Ryoma's order, all the root ninjas turned into black shadows and disappeared behind Danzo.

They all rushed to various locations in their minds.

They started their mission.

Only Aburame Ryoma and Danzo were left at the original place.

Looking at the guard behind him, Danzo frowned slightly.

‘It’s really a bit stretched with only Ryoma! ’

He has a lot of things to do, and it’s impossible for him to do them all by himself.

For example, he sent Aburame Ryoma to protect Kushina.

At that time, he had no right-hand man around him, and he had to rely on himself.

Now Aburame Ryoma has to protect himself, so there is no ninja to do it.Leading the team mission.

‘It seems that I must recruit another ninja to be my assistant! ’

He thought about it, and then said: “Ryoma, you should go too. The strength of the Rock Ninja’s blasting team is not bad. I can feel more at ease if you coordinate and command the Root!”

After hearing this, Aburame Ryoma pursed his lips and said nothing.

Instead, he nodded and said: “Okay, Elder Danzo!”

As he said that, he also turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Soon, he caught up with the Root’s main force.

He quickly ordered: “We will be divided into two teams, one will take the rear of Konoha as the route, and the other will pass through the center of the battlefield!”

The explosion point arranged by the Rock Ninja’s blasting team happened to be roughly semicircular, right at the foot of Konoha.

"Attention, we don't need to care about the place where Jiraiya's shadow clone attacks. We must eliminate the threat of explosion as soon as possible, and we must not expose our actions and let them notice it."

"Did you hear that clearly!"


"Very good, Jia, you will lead the team to clear this line behind Konoha, and by the way, find out the specific situation of that Jia!"

This Jia is not Yamato. Captain Yamato is still a cell at this moment.

Let's get back to the point. The center of the battlefield is the most dangerous.

There is Jiraiya and his team fighting there, and there are three huge summoned beasts and two Jinchūriki. Their fighting is extremely loud.

And every time Tsunade and Han fight, the sky collapses and the earth cracks.

If you don't pay attention, the ninjas under the ground may be buried alive.


After giving the order, they immediately parted ways, each with a team, and with the help of the earth escape root ninja, they quickly sneaked into the ground.

The center of the battlefield.

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Danzo's root has taken action.

Just now, he also realized that his idea of ​​using shadow clones to eliminate explosives was a bit risky.

He can indeed stop the large explosion team of Rock Ninja, but there are still many small teams, and he really can't split himself.

He has sage chakra on him, and Tsunade's slug is completely useless to him.

Because his chakra carries a trace of the breath of Myoboku Mountain, and the slug carries the breath of the Wet Bone Forest. The sage chakra of both contains the characteristics of their respective sages.

For example, Myoboku Mountain's [Sage Mode], in addition to increasing hard power in terms of combat effectiveness, also greatly improves perception.

The [Square Barrier] of the Uzumaki clan is useless to him.

The Wet Bone Forest increases the recovery and vitality of the sutra user.

The [Sage Mode] of Ryuchi Cave has a great increase in sutras.

These three sage sutras have all been transformed by the sages of the three holy places.

Practicing their magic will naturally be contaminated by their aura.

He looked at Ohnoki with his eyes slightly narrowed, and he must not let him notice the movement of the roots.

So he rushed and attacked again.

The cooperation between Orochimaru and Manja was barely able to suppress Lao Zi.

But Lao Zi's chakra coat was too tricky.

Once the contact time was too long, he would also be eroded.

The two big snakes before were the best examples.

The same is true for Tsunade. Her strange power needs to attack the target to cause the greatest damage.

But Han's chakra coat is like a hedgehog. He can hurt him, but his fist will also suffer corresponding damage.

It's simply a battle of killing one thousand enemies and hurting eight hundred of himself.

Fortunately, she also found a way to deal with it, which is to concentrate the chakra on the fist and make it into something similar to a glove.

It can avoid being eroded.

But once her power exceeds the tolerance limit of the glove's chakra, it will also disperse.

She punched Han again, knocking him away, and her brows knitted in pain.

Her eyes fell on her fist.

She saw that the cross section of her fist had been corroded by most of the wound.

‘Damn, did you use too much strength?’

Seeing this, the slug hurriedly said: “Tsunade-sama! I will treat you immediately!”

There was a hint of urgency in the soft voice.

Tsunade ignored it, but frowned at Han who fell to the ground and slid far away.

“It’s strange, the tailed beast chakra coat alone has the ability to corrode, which is not the same as ordinary Jinchūriki!”

Orochimaru also landed beside her, frowning.

“I also found out about this. By the way, did your grandmother tell you about this?”

From the battle to now, he didn’t know how many times he had shed his skin.

The original body has turned into dust and merged into the earth.

Tsunade shook her head, "No!"

Hearing this, OrochiMaru frowned even more.

"We can't fight them, and we can't take it head-on. It seems that we can only force them to release the perfect tailed beasts!"

Hearing this, Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and she looked at Orochimaru in astonishment.

She asked in disbelief: "Are you crazy? If they are perfect, the three of us, plus our own summoning beasts, may not be able to defeat a single four-tailed or five-tailed beast!"

Their strength is still a little lacking.

Hearing this, Orochimaru sneered.

"We don't have to fight against the perfect beasts ourselves!"

Tsunade is not a rope tree. When she heard what Orochimaru said, she understood it immediately!

Her beautiful eyes lit up immediately, "This is completely feasible!"

Orochimaru didn't say anything, he turned around and rushed towards Lao Zi.

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