The future moved...

The future went up to A...

The future was hit back by Yu Wei Xionggui with one punch...

But the future and her friends were relieved.

Judging from her attack just now.

Her strength is not exaggerated to the point that she can smash an A-level ninjutsu with one punch.

Minato smiled bitterly and apologized: "I didn't expect that I was so angry before that I didn't even condense the [Rasengan] properly, so she broke it apart with one punch!"

He had already noticed the change in the situation just now.

The power of [Rasengan] is mainly reflected in condensation and turbulence.

As long as condensation is guaranteed, then as long as the turbulence is more and faster, its power will naturally be stronger.

Otherwise, it will be a larger ball. If it is just this step, I am afraid that even the future can break it up with bare hands.

"Don't watch it, let's deal with the surrounding rock ninjas first, and then attack her together!" Rope Tree called out, clenched his fists, and rushed towards the group of rock ninjas.

Minato and the other three followed closely.

However, the difference is that Minato and Nawaki have started taking drugs.

Although the Hyouryo Pill has great side effects on their growing bodies, it is better than surrendering.

And these side effects can be cured after the war, although it will be complicated.

But who told them to have Tsunade?

Her existence gave Nawaki and the others the capital to spend money.

This is why they did not stop Mirai from swallowing the Hyouryo Pill.

Mirai saw that his friends had moved, but they were not here to help him, so he immediately understood their combat strategy.

Is this to deal with the small fish first, prevent interference, and finally join forces to deal with this brotherly perverted woman...

It's a good plan.

Youwei Xionggui naturally noticed this scene.

When she saw a loyal Genin being strangled by the four people, her face became solemn.


If this kind of strength was placed on an adult, she would not be surprised.

But these four are children.

Moreover, the strength of the boy in front of him was not bad. His punch just now did not kill him.

Even the ordinary jonin in the village could not match his strength.

At this moment, she finally took it seriously.

"Boy, I admit that I misjudged you. How about this, you defect to our Iwagakure!"

"With your talent, you will soon become the most important person in our Iwagakure.

By then, you will not only be able to command ten loyal people like me, but also obtain supreme power!"

The militarized management of Iwagakure has instilled the idea of ​​'firmly obeying the orders of superiors' in the hearts of Iwagakure since childhood.

Even if they are asked to die, they will most likely not refuse.

Mirai sneered and ignored him, but went up with a knife!

'Maybe after a few more battles, I can use [Wind Wound]! '

For some reason, he suddenly had this idea in his mind.


In the center of the battlefield.

When Kushina raised the barrier.

Jiraiya's face changed slightly.

You know, when he sensed the cold chakra coming from the eyes of the future, even if his heart was extremely shocked, he was as calm as an old dog on the surface.

But this time, his face changed for a moment.

It is conceivable how shocked he was.

He subconsciously glanced over there, and couldn't help but pray with worry in his heart.

'Little guys, don't get into trouble! '

Most of Ohnoki's attention was on Jiraiya, and he naturally noticed that something was wrong with him.

"Boy, your heart is in turmoil!"

Jiraiya heard this, looked around calmly, pretending to scan the battlefield.

He also noticed that his actions just now were somewhat unreasonable!

He replied calmly: "Because you are going to lose!"

Hearing this, Ohnoki frowned fiercely.

Because what the kid said was right. Since the other side suddenly had seven giant summoned beasts, and each of them was very powerful, their Rock Ninja was now retreating step by step.

The most uncomfortable thing was that this kid also split his shadow clones to go to the blasting teams on both sides.

The most likely thing was that he had stopped the blasting team's mission.

Thinking of this, he felt very uncomfortable.

Konoha is still so strong.

The old guy Hokage didn't come, and the three ninjas alone successfully stopped him.

But soon, this mentality disappeared immediately.

Instead, there was an indescribable murderous intent.

We must not let these three people walk out of the battlefield alive, otherwise Konoha in the future will be a mountain that suppresses them tightly.

At that time, if we want to overthrow Konoha, we can only rely on the efforts of the next generation.But the civilians of Konoha seemed to be blessed by something. The probability of strong people appearing among them was much higher than that of other ninja villages.

For example, the boy in front of him.

For example, Orochimaru.

It was not known whether there would be more strong civilians in the future.

So in his opinion, fighting for the village was the worst strategy.

In fact, the people of the four major ninja villages had secretly discussed this point. That was definitely the change brought about by the ordinary members of the Senju clan who married and had children with the villagers.

Although there was no evidence to prove it.

But the ordinary people of the Senju clan, no matter how ordinary they were, were far superior to the real civilians.

No matter how thin their blood was, they could improve the potential of the descendants of ordinary villagers.

So, they all knew that in the future, the people of their four major villages would definitely not be able to fight against Konoha.

So they often harassed the border of Konoha.

Basically, they wanted to delay the development of Konoha through war.

Thinking of this.

He immediately shouted in a deep voice: "Second unit, all troops attack!"

Iwagakure has many ninjas!

In order to resist Uchiha Madara, his teacher, the second generation Memu, encouraged the ninjas in the village to have more children.

Until now, the ninjas of other ninja villages can only take out 15,000 full combat forces at most.

This is still counting the ninjas who guard the border, guard the village, and maintain daily.

But their Iwagakure Village can easily take out more than 25,000 ninja troops.

So in this battle, he had secretly asked Iwagakure Village to send troops into the battlefield many times.

The purpose is to let these ninjas who have been resting and recuperating rush to kill immediately after the blasting troops succeed.

With the full strength of the Iwagakure ninjas, chasing the exhausted Konoha's defeated army, they can definitely kill them all.

The flying ninjas and blasting ninjas did not appear on the front battlefield, which was also a preparation for this plan.

Because the demolition team is very important, they don't have to do the critical tasks of direct combat for the time being, such as sneaking into Konoha's position from underground and burying a large amount of explosives under their feet.

The flying ninjas just need to wait with the people of the second team.

When Jiraiya and the other two heard what Ohnoki said, their faces all changed.

Tsunade and Orochimaru temporarily abandoned the two Jinchūriki and gathered together.

"Damn, Ohnoki is still so insidious, and he really used a back-up plan!" Tsunade's face was so ugly.

But Orochimaru smiled.

"Didn't Jiraiya tell you about me just now? There's nothing to be angry about. Act according to the plan!"

Before, after Jiraiya entered the [Sage Mode], he sensed that there were a large number of troops behind the Rock Ninja, but they did not move, and even their own fluctuations were covered by the barrier talisman, making it difficult for the [Baiyan] to detect abnormalities.

Then he quietly told Orochimaru and the others about this.

So Orochimaru and the others couldn't help but hold back some of their strength, just holding the two Jinchūriki back, not letting them run away further.

It was to play a role at this critical moment.

"Okay!" Tsunade responded.

At this time, they could already see a lot of dust splashing behind the Rock Ninja.

The ground was shaking slightly, as if there were thousands of troops rushing towards them.

The two no longer hesitated and showed their real skills.

Tsuyoshi made a seal with both hands and shouted in a delicate voice: "【Chakra Mode】..."


How could she not know the moves that her brother Nawaki knew?

Moreover, this was a move developed by the second grandfather, which could play an absolute role at the critical moment.

For a moment, her momentum boiled up.

The ground began to tremble slightly, although not as much as the group of Rock Ninja.

The rocks and gravels on the ground around her all violated gravity and were all slightly suspended.

Seeing this, Orochimaru immediately returned to Manza.

He told Jiraiya, "Jiraiya, you can handle Ōnoki's attack without worry.

Tsunade and I will take care of this group of rock ninjas!"

After saying that, he looked at Lao Zi.

There was a hint of sneer on his face.

"In my opinion, the existence of Jinchūriki is extremely unreasonable. Although the tailed beasts have chakra and destructive power far beyond that of ordinary people, they want to use the power of the tailed beasts with human wisdom.

The consequence is that people become beasts."

"Lao Zi, you have been fighting with me for so long, don't you realize that your sanity has been reduced a lot!"

As he said that, he quickly formed seals with both hands.

"【Ninjutsu: Evil Snake Coil】!"

This is a technique he rarely uses, mainly because it is very difficult to train a giant snake that is obedient and powerful.!

But when it comes to the critical moment, he will not hide it.

As he bit his finger, he slammed it on the ground.

A huge cauliflower snake, only slightly smaller than Wanshe, suddenly appeared under his feet.

It carried him and rushed towards Lao Zi!

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