Unlike the laughter and joy in Konoha, the Iwagakure was completely silent.

Many people had expressions of hatred on their faces.

Especially when they saw Han, the hatred was almost beyond words.

They almost hit him.

But sometimes, silent indifference and hatred are more chilling than the physical hurt.

Han was in such a mood.

Ever since he went out once and felt the emotions of the whole camp, he was so scared that he hid in his tent, and asked Lao Zi to help bring food.

The third generation Ohnoki was floating in the tent, ignoring these things.

He looked at a map in front of him, his eyes flashing.

He muttered to himself: "We must find a way to eliminate the three ninjas of Konoha. Otherwise, they will be the legend of the three ninjas in the future!"

The battle three days ago is a good example.

Jiraiya was able to hold him back.

He couldn't be distracted by other things.

They are still in the rising period of strength. Now they have this strength. It is hard to imagine how strong they will be when they reach the peak in the future.

So a plan emerged in his mind.

'Jiraiya's own strength is not strong, but he knows [Sage Mode].

Combined with the previous battles between the three ninjas, it is obvious that only Jiraiya knows this trick. So as long as he cannot absorb natural chakra, he cannot enter [Sage Mode].

He will not be so strong! '

So, what to do?

Soon, he smiled bitterly. It is too difficult to isolate natural chakra.

You know, there is natural chakra everywhere in this world, and it is impossible to eliminate it.

After a moment of distress, he quickly had other ideas.

'Let Jiraiya be seriously injured instantly and unable to enter [Sage Mode], isn't it enough! '

Thinking of this, he began to gradually improve the plan in his mind.


In a blink of an eye, three days passed again.

The next few people lined up to wait for Tsunade's inspection.

The first one was Minato.

After he sat down, Tsunade just took his pulse and checked his chakra, and then his expression was a little relaxed.

"Your injuries and consumed energy have been replenished, and you can continue to train and fight normally in the future!"

Hearing this, Minato was delighted.

He hurriedly stood up and bowed to thank her: "This is all thanks to Sister Tsunade's hard work in treatment!"

Tsunade smiled and accepted his thanks.

Next was Kushina.

Tsunade used the same steps, especially she also carefully checked the seal.

After finding that there was no trace of damage, she was relieved to check Kushina's spirit and body.

"You are like Minato, your injuries have also fully recovered!"

Kushina didn't have many injuries, mainly the meridians on her arms, which had different degrees of damage.

After all, she used the [Tai Chi Rasengan] twice in a short period of time.

While this move is powerful, it also puts a great burden on her body.

"Thank you for the treatment, sister Tsunade!"

Tsunade also smiled back.

Then she looked at her brother.

She reached out to his chest and used her chakra perception ability to carefully sense Rope Tree's injuries.

The broken ribs have recovered as before. After all, with the help of medical ninjutsu and the combined treatment of drugs, nearly a week is enough for the brother to recover.

The depleted energy and spirit have also returned to normal levels.

"Recovered well!"

Hearing this, Rope Tree scratched his head and looked at his sister with a silly smile.

"Hehe... It's good to have a sister who knows medical skills!"

"With you by my side, I'm not afraid of the god of death!"

Tsunade couldn't help but chuckle at Rope Tree's disguised praise.

She flicked her brother's forehead lightly, and scolded him with a smile: "You are always so talkative. If I am not by your side one day, you will be killed by the detonating talisman!"

Hearing this, Nawaki did not care about his sister's words. He corrected her: "Sister, the detonating talisman cannot kill people!"

He had said at the beginning that those who could be killed by the detonating talisman were definitely the unlucky ones among the unlucky ones.

Haven't you seen that I was blown up so many times, but I was still unscathed.

I can be regarded as an exception, so what about Toranosuke and Yuwei Xionggui!

They were also blown up, and they were blown up more than me, and the power was stronger, but they didn't die!

As he said, he glanced at the future and complained in his heart: 'This is just like the fire escape, especially the Uchiha's fire escape. I have never seen this ninjutsu burn a person to death. ’

Tsunade ignored him. The detonating talisman didn’t kill anyone because it was not used in the right way. Let her set it up and see if anyone died.

“Okay, stay away. These two are the most troublesome!"

She said, looking at Linghua and Mirai.

The smiles on the faces of others also faded a lot.

Especially Orochimaru, his heart was in his throat.

Last time Mirai said he wanted to gamble, he found him that night and showed his [Double Magatama Sharingan].

At that time, he cooperated very well and showed a look of shock, but he didn't expect to be seen by this kid.

Later, the master and disciple talked by candlelight at night and opened their hearts completely.

He also knew about Mirai's plan, and he also said what he wanted to do most at the moment, which was to develop a forbidden technique that could take over other people's bodies.

At that time, he saw that the kid seemed to be hesitant to speak, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Instead, he expressed his idea that he would fully assist him, and he knew that he had not misjudged him.

This kid really regarded him as a teacher and as his own.

"Who will come first? "Tsunade asked with a serious expression.

Mirai and Linghua looked at each other, the former stretched out her hand and pushed Linghua, saying: "You go first, you were taking drugs at that time!"

Hearing this, Linghua no longer refused, she nodded, took a few steps forward, put Zai's hand on the table, and let Teacher Tsunade feel his pulse.

"Thank you, Teacher Tsunade! "

Tsunade did not correct her address.

After all, she accepted Linghua with the idea of ​​being her personal disciple.

Tsunade reached out and took her pulse carefully. This time, unlike Rope Tree and the others, Tsunade looked very serious and narrowed her eyes.

She was obviously in a state of high concentration.

In the tent, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Even the carefree Jiraiya and Rope Tree and the uncle and nephew did not dare to breathe heavily, for fear of disturbing Tsunade.

Time passed very slowly at this moment...

It was like a second turned into a minute.

Everyone started to think wildly.

Could there be something wrong?

About three minutes passed...

Tsunade opened her eyes and retracted her fingers. She frowned and rubbed her eyebrows with a headache.

Without waiting for everyone to ask, she said, "All the external injuries of Linghua have healed, but the deeper injuries have only recovered a little! "

Mirai and the others took a deep breath. Sure enough, there are more difficult injuries!!!

He took the initiative to ask: "Sister Tsunade, can you tell me in detail?"

Reika also looked at the teacher.

Tsunade was also silent. She said: "You also know that the combination of soul and body makes us!"

Jiraiya stepped forward and handed her the tea. He asked in confusion: "Could it be that Reika's injury is in the soul?"

Tsunade took the teacup, took a sip of tea lightly, shook her head and said: "That's not the case. Her soul is fine. The injury is in the body! ”

The existence of chakra allows ninjas to do many unscientific things.

For example, at this moment, she can sense the condition of Kushina's soul through physical contact.

Although there is no special formation to assist, the investigation is not very accurate, but Tsunade is a medical master in the ninja world.

The result of perception is almost comparable to the result of perception assisted by the formation.

Everyone: "..."

They all looked at Tsunade speechlessly.

You are so naughty!

Since the disease is in the body, why do you bring up the soul!

Tsunade ignored their gaze, she put down the teacup, frowned and said: "After all, the medicine made by Linghua is imitated by herself based on a few words and the names of medicinal materials.

Not to mention the efficacy of the medicine, the side effects alone are terrible.

And this is a compulsory drug that reverses the chakra of the human body in a short period of time.

Through the power of the medicine, combined with the seal, fat is quickly transformed into chakra.

This is not a simple matter in itself.

The Akimichi clan also developed for thousands of years before they could develop the current butterfly-transforming chili pills.

But after taking it, there is a 90% chance of death! "

Originally, the chance of death was 100%.

This 10% survival rate is the result of the painstaking improvement of countless generations of sages in the Akimichi clan over the past thousand years.

"So, Linghua's injury is mainly due to the pills forcibly extracting fat energy and turning it into chakra.


The energy stored in the cells was forcibly extracted by this drug.

In other words, the 40 trillion to 60 trillion cells in Linghua's body were more or less damaged.

It doesn't matter if one cell is damaged, the human body's system will quickly expel the dead cell and split into new living cells to replace its work!

But in an instant, so many cells all had problems.

That's not a minor injury, and it's also the most difficult to treat.

It must be done step by step. "

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