Tsunade took a sip of tea.

After thinking for a while, she continued, "The human brain is the most sophisticated and complex organ, no doubt about it!"

As she spoke, she looked into the future, "My second grandfather's notes once recorded his research and speculation on the blood disease of your Uchiha clan!

He speculated that the biggest inducing factor of the blood disease is the physical pathology and overdraft caused by excessive use of the [Blood Limit].

The pupil power of your clan's [Sharingan] is actually a special chakra discharged after the chakra passes through the brain.

Excessive consumption of pupil power is excessive pressure on the brain."

After speaking, Tsunade paused to give everyone time to digest her words.

After waiting for a while, she continued, "You must be very clear about the side effects of overusing the Sharingan!"

"Can you tell me what it feels like?"

After hearing this, Mirai touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and replied uncertainly, "At that time, I only felt a headache, and my eyes hurt even more.

Especially the extreme disharmony of the body, as if I was drunk, the whole world was spinning!"

"Yeah!" Tsunade nodded, "The body lost balance, the brain hurts..."

"These keywords all point to the cerebellum of the human body, so my second grandfather guessed , the blood disease of the [Sharingan] affects the cerebellum, and cerebellar lesions can cause cerebral hemorrhage, brain tumors, etc.!"

"This is a problem with the head, and the next is the body. Human chakra needs to extract energy from cells and then merge with spiritual energy to form a special energy.

This is the foundation of ninjas and the source of all skills.

Your Uchiha [Sharingan] pupil power also flows into the brain through chakra, not the brain providing this chakra!"

After hearing this, the future nodded in approval.

It makes sense. The human brain can't extract much energy at all. On the contrary, it is the part that consumes the most nutritional energy.

"Sharingan consumes a lot of chakra, and you are only eight years old. Your body is still in the development stage, and you need nutrition everywhere and energy to grow.

But you opened Sharingan at such a young age, which is equivalent to having a gold swallower in your body.

Especially when fighting Youwei Xionggui, this gold swallower directly swallowed up the energy in your cells and the spiritual energy in your soul.

This will directly affect the genes in the cell nucleus.

Genes are the foundation of the human body. Once it is damaged, the human body will produce different in vitro characteristics.

But this characteristic is 99.99% harmful, so this is also one of the key points that induced your blood disease!"

Listen to me in the future, don't use Sharingan anymore.

Wait until your body recovers.

The switch in the brain can be restored to normal in front of us. If it is not necessary, don't restrict your eyes and don't use your Sharingan!"

Orochimaru understood, "Are you going to let Sharingan go and let it develop on its own? "

Tsunade nodded and said, "Well, the human body also has the ability to recover and develop itself, and if human intervention is made, unpredictable results will occur!

This will not be of much benefit to his future growth!"

Hearing this, Mirai nodded to show that he understood.

He didn't think much of the fact that his teachers knew that he used the two gates of Kai and Xiu to control the chakra in his brain, so that it suppressed the special fluctuations of the [Sharingan], so that others could detect his eyes.

He didn't plan to hide this from them.

It doesn't matter if they know it.

And a secret is a secret only if it is known to oneself.

Once it is known to the second person, sooner or later, the secret will be exposed.

After the diagnosis, Tsunade gave a few more warnings, and then she and Jiraiya got up and left.

Before leaving, she also took Reika, Kushina, and Minato with her.

In the tent, only Orochimaru and his apprentice were left.

"Mirai, while your body is recovering, why don't you do an experiment with me! "

Orochimaru suddenly suggested.

Mirai was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then nodded.

"Okay, Orochimaru-sensei!"

He just had this plan, and when Orochimaru told him about the possession of another's body, he had this idea.

Having read the original work, he naturally knew that Orochimaru-sensei's technique of taking over other people's bodies had too many disadvantages.

It would seriously consume his own soul power.

And after taking over another person's body, the body would quickly decay and become diseased.

It could take three years at most, or one year at least.

At that time, he would have to use the reincarnation technique and take over another person's body again., and then his soul will be hurt again...

This will lead to a vicious cycle, let alone immortality.

Even his life span will not be as long as before.

He wanted to remind Orochimaru of this at first, but after thinking about it, he gave up. The main reason was that even if he said it, Orochimaru would never give up with his personality.

Once the technique is initially developed, he will be eager to use it.

That's why he showed that hesitant look.

But it would be different if he participated in it. Even if he couldn't help, he could watch Orochimaru and stop him from being so crazy.

That's what is commonly known as being overwhelmed.

He felt that he was still very confident and could persuade Orochimaru not to be so overwhelmed.

Orochimaru nodded. When he accepted Future, he originally wanted to use his [Sharingan] power to help him with his research.

But... now he has cultivated Future, the Uchiha, as his personal disciple.

So he turned his head and looked at Nawaki.

"What about you? Do you want to come to the lab to help?"

Hearing this, Nawaki's face was a little embarrassed. He turned his head away unnaturally, "Teacher, you know me. I get a headache when I see those data.

If I go to the experiment, let alone help, it's good enough that I don't cause trouble for you!"

Orochimaru is no exception.

If Nawaki is willing to help, he would not have accepted the future at the beginning.

"Okay!" Orochimaru nodded, and did not force him.

He stood up and walked towards the outside.

"I'm going to a meeting. You should rest well these days.

When the future's injuries are almost healed, I will take you to the lab!"

As he said, he paused, thought about it, and spit out a bundle of books.

Then he turned to the future and said, "These books are all kinds of publications published by the second generation of the major villages. You can pick the parts you like and read them!"

"However, you must pay attention to the combination of work and rest!"

"Okay, Teacher Orochimaru!" Future responded.

His eyes almost lit up when he looked at the books.

Who didn't have a dream of becoming a scientist when he was a child?

It just so happens that he can't do anything except some rehabilitation exercises.

It's better to read a book to kill the boring time.

Otherwise, he really lies down, and he always feels that Cao Gonggong scolds him from time to time!


In the main tent.

Danzo, who couldn't stand the ruthless oppression of the third generation for three days, ran away with Aburame Ryoma.

This made the third generation regretful. Why couldn't he be patient and handed over all the documents that had been piled up for a month to Danzo.

If he handed them to him bit by bit, would he not run away?

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret.

After the meeting, Danzo took the initiative to keep Orochimaru.

After everyone left, he said slowly: "Orochimaru, I have an experiment, do you want to participate?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru was not surprised at all. The only thing that could seduce Danzo was the experimental resources he controlled.

He left himself, which made him guess in this regard.

"Please tell me clearly, Danzo-sama!"

Danzo didn't say anything, and the Aburame Ryoma behind him immediately understood. He hurriedly performed the insect secret technique and explored the surroundings.

Then he whispered to Danzo: "Sir, there is no abnormality!"

After hearing Ryoma confirm that it was safe, Danzo said slowly: "Wood Release Reconstruction Plan!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru's pupils shook violently.

His face showed a solemn look.

"Master Danzo, do you want to conduct an experiment in private?!"

"That old guy Sarutobi has been using the qualification of the "Wood Release Experiment" to pressure me recently. I think he probably regrets it and doesn't want to do it anymore!"

Speaking of this, he felt very aggrieved.

At the beginning, it was agreed that he would send troops to help him, and he let him join the experiment.

But the result...

Alas... It's better not to say it, it's sad to say too much!

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