Neither of them saw Kushina until after school.

Looking at Minato who was reluctant to leave, Mirai shook his head and turned to walk towards the Uchiha clan.

'Kushina didn't come to school today. It seems that she is going to perform the Nine-Tails transfer ceremony! ' He thought to himself.

The fundamental reason why Kushina joined Konoha was because her last name was Uzumaki.

With the blood of the Uzumaki clan flowing in her body, Konoha needs such people to join.

At this moment, Mirai had a sense of déjà vu of fate turning the gears.

The development of many things gradually overlapped with his memory.

'Hehe... I wonder what kind of storm will be stirred up with a little butterfly like me! '

'I'm really looking forward to it! '

When he returned home, he felt someone in the kitchen.

No need to guess, it was my sister who was making dinner. As for my mother and the others, they must have gone out for a stroll and talked about love as usual!

"I'm back!"

Sure enough, as he was talking, a delicate face popped out from the kitchen.

"Ah~ I'm back!"

Looking at the face full of youthful smiles of his elder sister, Weiluo also laughed unconsciously.


After he responded, he changed into slippers and walked towards the kitchen.

"Sister, what are we having tonight?"

Uchiha Hong turned around and came to the wok, "We're having hot pot today, I'm making the soup base!"

"Hot pot!" Weiluo licked the corner of his mouth subconsciously. At this moment, he only felt his mouth watering, and he wanted to pick up the pot and swallow it in one gulp!

It's not that he likes hot pot so much, but because this is not an ordinary hot pot, it is a hot pot made by his elder sister herself.

For him, as long as it is made by his elder sister, it is the most delicious!

Seeing him like this, Uchiha Hong was amused. She reached out and gently touched the future's forehead, jokingly saying, "What, are you tired of eating the food cooked by your mother?"

After being touched, the future subconsciously covered her head, took two steps back, and said with some resentment, "Sister, don't poke my forehead, it will affect my IQ!"

"Hehe..." Uchiha Hong was amused by the future's appearance.

Who would have thought that the future, who had a paralyzed face at school, would have such a childish mentality.

It's so cute~ I really want to hold him in my arms and bully him hard!

The future naturally didn't know what she was thinking. He looked at the dark red soup base, smelled the fragrance, swallowed his saliva and said, "Although the food cooked by my mother looks delicious, I still think the food cooked by your sister is delicious!"

"Then you have to eat more later!" Uchiha Hong smiled.

Although I always wanted a younger sister, it seems that having a younger brother is not bad!

Moreover, Mirai is not like other brothers who always quarrel with their sisters.

He has always listened to her since he was a child. Even if she asked him to wear women's clothes, as long as she begged and cried a little, he would agree to it.

'This should be the sister control in Jiraiya's book! '

In the past two years, she has also read the novels written by Jiraiya. Not to mention, she has really learned a lot.

"We are back!"

A gentle voice came from the door again. The two siblings turned their heads and found that their parents were back.

"Welcome back!"

Uchiha Hong said, and turned off the fire. The soup base was almost cooked. They just waited for their parents to come back and they could eat.

Seeing that she wanted to carry the pot, Mirai hurried forward and squeezed Uchiha Hong away, "Sister, let me do this!"

My sister must have worked hard to cook for a day. How could she let her work harder!

Then she wrapped the rag around the edge of the pot and lifted it up.

Uchiha Hong did not argue with him. She took the stainless steel basin that had been prepared long ago to the top of the cupboard.

"Brother, pour the soup in here!"

After all, the wok is heated by fire, and there is a lot of ash at the bottom of the pot.

It is not good to put it anywhere.

"Oh!" Mirai did as he was told.

Uchiha Hong had already taken out all the cut side dishes.

Then he turned on the induction cooker on the dining table.

That's right, there was an induction cooker at this time, and it was a civilian technology invented by Orochimaru.

The interest from this technology alone was enough for him to have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

As for electricity, it had already been popularized throughout the country at this time.

Otherwise, wouldn't every family still have to light kerosene lamps for lighting?

Of course, refrigerators and microwave ovens have not appeared yet, but it seems that they will soon.

The family of four gathered around the induction cooker and showed off three, four, five or six large bowls of food, eating until their stomachs were swollen.

Looking at the remaining soup base, Wei Li said with some regret: "What a pity, I really can't eat any more!"

At this moment, he was extremely eager to have a bottomless stomach like Hinata.

"Honghong, the food you cook is so delicious!" Uchiha Dazhuang also leaned on the chair and praised.

"Indeed, I haven't eaten so full for a long time!" Mieko rubbed her belly and said a little melancholy.

It's delicious, but it will definitely make you fat.

She now regrets eating so much just now. If she gets fat in the future, how long will she have to exercise to lose weight?

Uchiha Dazhuang sat up straight, took Mieko's hand, and said with a loving face: "But I still think that Mieko's cooking is the best! Honghong's cooking is still a step behind you! You are the best cook in the world!"

Mieko: ⁄(⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)⁄

This action instantly made Mieko shy. She was so embarrassed that she quickly pulled back her hand, held her cheek, turned her back shyly and said: "Oh! What are you talking about!"

This is embarrassing, especially when it is said in front of children.

Uchiha Mirai: 彡(-_-;)彡

Only you will think that the food cooked by your mother is delicious!

And mom, dad will only praise you for being delicious, there is no need to be so shy.

Uchiha Hong just smiled, and did not feel lost or other emotions because of Dazhuang's words.

She seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at the door. There should have been a wooden sword there, but why was it gone tonight!

No wonder it felt strange tonight.

She asked curiously: "Mirai-chan, where is your wooden sword?"

Mirai cherished that wooden sword very much. It was only when he returned home, otherwise, he would have been holding it all the time.

Just like in school.

Upon hearing this, the satisfaction on Mirai's face disappeared, and he said with some regret: "It's broken, buried!"

After all, it was the first gift given to him by Minato, and he had developed feelings for it over the years.

But it couldn't keep up with the improvement of his strength. He knew that the wooden sword would break before, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

"Is that so!" Uchiha Hong nodded in understanding.

The two people who were looking at each other affectionately also withdrew their gazes.

Uchiha Dazhuang thought for a while and said, "Well, I will pass Qingshui to you!"

Qingshui is the name of a sword. It is a ninja sword that Uchiha Dazhuang has been using. Although it is not a famous sword, it is also made by a master craftsman from the Iron Country.

It is a rare weapon.

Uchiha Mirai's eyes lit up, "Is this really okay?"

He had thought about this ninja sword before, but his father refused because he was young and not tall enough.

Later, after getting the wooden sword, he gradually extinguished his desire for Qingshui.

Uchiha Dazhuang patted his chest and said, "What's wrong with that? You can use it!"

"Thank you, father!" Mirai was delighted and wanted to get up to get it.

Qingshui is different from his sword. Although Qingshui is also a famous sword, it is far less eye-catching than his ninja sword that can be taken out for people to see.

Suddenly, he thought of something and asked in confusion: "By the way, father, I used clear water, what did you use?"

In addition to the famous fire escape in the ninja world, the Uchiha is also good at swordsmanship, and the clan has inherited the Uchiha style swordsmanship.

In addition to the [Sharingan], Da Zhuang is also a good swordsman.

Uchiha Da Zhuang said with a smile: "I'll just order whatever I want!"

Uchiha Mirai: "???"

When he thought his father would turn around and take out a better ninja sword, the other party came in front of him and smiled cunningly.

This was the first time that Mirai saw this expression on his father's rough face.

"Son, you see, it's World War II now, and there are wars everywhere. We Uchiha may be called to defend the border one day!"

"You don't want my strength to be greatly reduced, do you!"

Mirai: "..."

For some reason, it seems that someone has remembered something about me!

"So?" He shrank his neck and asked cautiously.

Da Zhuang's copper bell-like eyes narrowed with a smile, and he said a little embarrassedly: "Can you lend me your ninja sword?"

Uchiha Mirai: ( ̄ー ̄)

Good guy, it seems that you are still greedy!

You still miss my ninja sword!

He didn't care about the beard pricking his hand, and immediately slapped his father's face away, firmly denying: "Don't even think about it, at worst I don't want Qingshui, I won't give you Xueyin!"

Xueyin is the name he gave to the sword.

Uchiha Da Zhuang heard this, his face fell, and he muttered: "Tsk! Stingy!"

Uchiha Mirai: ヽ(ー_ー)ノ

Hey, if it weren't for you being myFor my sake, I'll slap you twice!

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