One hour before they set off in the future.

In the toad's stomach.

Haohan was exhausted and fainted.

Six punishments, each of which was torture, he never thought that he could bear them all.

He looked at Jiraiya, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes, "Hehe..."

"Cough cough cough..."

He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't catch his breath, and was choked by saliva, which made him cough violently.

After coughing for a long time, he felt better, and then looked at Jiraiya, Orochimaru and others again.

"What other punishments are there? Go on, if I frown, I will be sorry for the name my father gave me!"

'... Huhu... Oh my God... I finally got to the beauty trap... It's not easy... After this punishment... I will confess! '

If he didn't know there was a beauty trap, he would have confessed as early as the first move.

Seeing him being so tough and saying such tough words, Orochimaru frowned slightly.

"Jiraiya, can you do it? We don't have much time!"

If they don't get back in the morning, they will definitely find their letter in the future, and then Danzo will bring people to support them...

That movement will easily be noticed by the Rock Ninja, and then all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Hearing this, Jiraiya's cheeks twitched a little.

He looked at the book in his hand, his face dark, "I know that this kind of torture method that is everywhere is not very useful at all!"

As he said, he burned it with fire.

Seeing this scene, Haohan's heart also burned.

He looked at the dust that turned into ashes and fell from Jiraiya's hands in a daze.

A bad premonition burst out from the bottom of his heart.

The development of things seems to be going astray!

Jiraiya waved his hand at Orochimaru and said, "The several kinds of punishments just now are knowledge from books. Although it was beyond my expectation that he had no tricks, it was acceptable.

Next, I will use my trump card!"

As he said this, he looked at the clone beside Haohan.

He did not use the punishment just now on the clone, and the clone was still in a coma, which made Haohan subconsciously think that after all the punishments were used on him, Jiraiya would shift the target to his teammates.

Or, after he gave out the information, Jiraiya would wake up the people around him and use punishment to interrogate the information.

Then compare whether what they said was consistent.

If it was inconsistent, it could be confirmed that they were lying.

So he did not suspect that there was any problem with his teammates beside him.

Sure enough, when Jiraiya woke up his "teammate".

He asked a few questions, and the "teammate" was quite powerful. He didn't say anything, and if he said anything, he would curse out loud, which seemed to be tougher than him.

Seeing this scene, Haohan felt wronged and anxious.

Jiraiya, Jiraiya, why don't you use the next punishment, maybe you will confess!

Damn it!

Damn it, the previous six punishments were in vain.


" are more tough than your teammates!" Jiraiya looked at his clone Rock Ninja and said with a headache.

[Clone Technique] is one of the three low-level body techniques, and many ninjas don't like to use it.

Because it can only confuse the enemy, and it will dissipate after a little damage, which is useless.

But in Jiraiya's hands, he has almost played [Clone Technique] to the feeling of Shadow Clone.

It has a physical body, can speak, has temperature, and can think independently, but its ability to withstand blows is extremely poor.

There is no improvement.

And when facing the pupil technique ninja and the perception ninja, the opponent will see through it at a glance.

But it can be used to confuse the enemy.

Just like now.

The clone Rock Ninja looked at Haohan beside him, slightly surprised, and then encouraged: "It turns out to be you, it seems that I am not the only one who was caught, you are also caught!"

Haohan was stunned for a moment, the other party's tone seemed to be very familiar with him! ?

The problem is that he has no impression of this person at all!

As if seeing his confusion, the clone Rock Ninja frowned and said: "Don't you know me?!

Back then, the damn guy of the Five-Tail went berserk, and it was me who saved you!"

Hearing this, Haohan's favorability towards him immediately increased by 70% to 80%.

Just based on the word "damn" he said, he is one of us.

"Oh~ I remember, it turned out to be you, I still have to thank you for your rescue, otherwise, I would have died!"

At that time, he was indeed affected by the Five-Tail, and then he bumped into someone, so he didn't have much injury.

But he didn't remember who he bumped into.

After all, it was so chaotic at the time that he had no time to look around.Ah.

Now that he thought about it, the more he looked at his companion, the more familiar he felt. This seemed to be the person he bumped into!

Jiraiya interrupted their reminiscence. With a strange smile, he approached the clone Rock Ninja with his hands in the posture of [milking dragon claw hand].

"Hehe... since you are so tough..."

"I think my torture method is useless to you. In this case, killing you seems to be too easy for you!"

The clone Rock Ninja was quite domineering. He didn't even look at Jiraiya and snorted coldly: "No matter what method you use to interrogate me, I tell you, I'm not afraid. The worst thing is death!"

"Eighteen years later, I am still a hero of Rock Ninja!"

Haohan didn't know what Jiraiya felt, but he looked at his companions, and a trace of guilt gradually appeared in his eyes.

He actually thought about confessing just now. It was really wrong. He didn't deserve to be a Rock Ninja at all.

"Brother, good job, we can't reveal the secret of the Rock Ninja even if we die!"

Jiraiya interrupted the Rock Ninja clone without waiting for him to speak.

At the same time, he made five seals with his hands and pressed them on the head of the Rock Ninja clone.

"Want to die!? Not that easy!"

"【Ninjutsu: Frog Transformation Technique】!"

After saying the name of the ninjutsu, Jiraiya kindly explained: "This is a technique that permanently changes the human body. It can turn the victim into an ugly toad forever, and he will never be able to use chakra in his life!"

Hearing this, the Rock Ninja clone hurriedly showed a look of fear and terror.

It was a huge contrast to his previous toughness.

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "No, no, no, Master Jiraiya, I'm willing to say it, please don't turn me into a toad!"

Haohan was stunned. Is this still the tough brother just now?

Why is he so scared? !

However, when he thought about turning into a toad, an ugly toad, for the rest of his life, he shuddered instantly.

So scary!

If it were him, he would definitely peed.

After thinking about it from his own perspective, it seemed reasonable that his companion would be scared.

"Hehe... It's too late... You'll be a toad for the rest of your life!"

"You can only eat insects forever. If you get on a female toad, people will kick you away subconsciously because people are afraid of the pus on the toad's body.

I'm also afraid that I will be splashed with pus and become as ugly as a toad!"

"No, I don't want it!" The clone Rock Ninja hurriedly wailed for mercy.


In an instant, his wailing disappeared.

There was only a cloud of white smoke on the spot. When the white smoke dissipated, there was only a fist-sized toad left.

Seeing this scene, Haohan was shocked on the spot.

At this time, Jiraiya turned his head and looked at him.

He laughed strangely: "Hehe... It's your turn, kid!"

Seeing Jiraiya's hand gradually approaching him, Haohan was so scared that his eyes popped out.

His teeth were trembling.

Even the bottom quickly became wet and warm.

He had just peed before!

But Haohan could no longer feel these, his pupils shrank like needles.

His expression was full of fear.

In his sight, there was only that big hand, which was like a demon, exuding a terrifying and terrifying aura, and was approaching him little by little.

It was this hand that turned his companion into an ugly toad just now.

Once he was touched by it, he would become a toad like his companion!


No, no, absolutely not, even if he died, he would not become a toad!

In an instant, the intense fear instantly sobered him up.

"Don't, Master Jiraiya, I'll tell you everything!"

Jiraiya looked at him and shrugged, "It's too late..."

"No, no, no, it's not too late at all!"

"Ask me, I'll tell you everything, I won't hide anything!"

"Besides, you turned me into a toad, so your previous torture was in vain!"

He said a lot in one breath, and his breath was full of desire to survive!

I don't know which words touched Jiraiya, he really stopped.

Seeing this scene, Haohan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that he has been saved.

"Then I'll ask?"

"Ask, ask, ask! Just ask, I won't hide anything!" Haohan nodded like a rattle.






Haohan: "..."

He must be blind. How could he not see my strong body?

Jiraiya's expression suddenly became impatient.

He emphasized his tone.



Haohan: "???"

What length? What the hell is this?

He was a little confused, not knowing what length Jiraiya was asking about!

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