Just when the Konoha ninjas were in a turmoil because of the Four-Tails' words, Ohnoki suddenly shouted loudly: "Come out!"

"Danzo, Orochimaru, I know you are already ambushing nearby!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru and others were not surprised at all.

If Ohnoki didn't know that they would come here, then there would be something fishy.

"War?" Tsunade turned her head to look at the few people and asked.

Jiraiya on the side shook his head, "My opinion is to let them withdraw from the Rain Country and sign a "Peace Treaty" with us!"

Hearing this, many people looked at him speechlessly.

If the "Peace Treaty" was useful, World Wars I and II would not have broken out, and they would not have fought with the Land of Earth.

Jiraiya naturally knew what they were thinking.

So he continued to speak and expressed his thoughts.

"Let's not talk about the Four-Tails for now. Even though we lost some Rock Ninjas in the battle just now, they are still more numerous than us.

We divided our troops into two places to drive the Rock Ninjas out of the Rain Country.

We didn't think of swallowing them all."

Because we can't do it.

When he said this, everyone was stunned.

It should be said that what he said made some sense after listening carefully.

Since the core goal is to drive the Rock Ninjas out of the Rain Country, it is better not to fight if possible.

In this way, they won without losing anything.

It seems very good!

What if some people are tempted...

Seeing that everyone's expressions changed, Jiraiya hurriedly continued: "I also know that the "Peace Treaty" is a piece of waste paper with no binding force, but at least it can ensure that the Rock Ninjas dare not break the contract in a short period of time.

Unless they, the Land Country, don't want credibility and face!"

The "Peace Treaty" has the strongest binding force when the treaty is just signed.

If the treaty is torn up right after it is signed, the credibility of the person, or even the country, will plummet.

Which country will dare to sign a contract with him in the future?

After all, if he doesn't keep his word, then the chances of him being cheated will be very high...

Of course, as time goes by, this treaty will naturally become worthless as people forget it.

At that time, you can find an excuse to tear up the treaty, and you won't have much trouble.

Jiraiya meant that the signing of the treaty can at least guarantee that during this war, they will have concerns and will not take the initiative to attack themselves again.

Danzo opened his eyes slightly.

"I agree with Jiraiya's opinion. As long as the Rock Ninja retreats and signs a treaty not to invade our Konoha, it will be fine.

Even keeping their people to cause trouble on the borders of the other three major countries will be a hundred benefits for our Konoha!"

Hearing that Danzo agreed, the heads of other families also nodded.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"We all agree!"

It's best for them to win through negotiation without sacrificing the lives of their own family members.

Even if the Rock Ninja regrets it later, they are able to organize resistance.

Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya without leaving a trace.

The three of them almost lived and ate together.

Although the relationship was sometimes distant in the past, they have returned to normal since they took in the future.

For Jiraiya's proposal, he also saw the deep relationship that Jiraiya didn't say.

'Is it because he believes the words of the four-tailed beast...'

'The child of prophecy really exists! ? '

'Preserve the strength of the ninja world and fight against the final disaster? ! '

Forget it, I'll ask him later.

"I agree with Jiraiya's idea!"

With his statement, the decision was made.

"Okay, Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya, the three of you follow me out for a talk!"

"Okay!" the three responded.

Jiraiya slapped himself twice to make his face look a little red and not so pale.

It was not easy for people to see the clues.

Looking at the four people of Danzo coming out of the shadows, Ohnoki's mouth twitched.

Although he had a glimmer of luck in his heart, that is, they did not come, but when he saw them, this glimmer of luck was completely gone.

Although it was expected, it really happened, and he felt indescribably aggrieved.

If it weren't for these two daring guys, how could they, the Rock Ninja, suffer such a heavy blow!

He didn't even need to think about it, he knew what would happen next. The people of Konoha would definitely make all the Rock Ninja withdraw from the Rain Country.


Just as he descended, a sound of cleaning the battlefield rock suddenly came from behind him.Shinobu's exclamation.

It attracted the attention of everyone present.

"What happened?"

"Han is still alive!"


This time everyone ran faster and gathered around.

They watched the huge tail and half of the buttocks turn into chakra and disappear, slowly revealing a human figure inside.

One of the action team leaders touched his chin and analyzed: "It must be that when the Tsuchikage-sama's [Dust Release] hit Han just now, the fearful Five-Tails immediately moved the position of the Jinchūriki, so Han escaped the fate of being decomposed!"

His explanation was quite recognized by everyone.

Soon, someone wanted to step on the unconscious Han with red eyes.

But he was hurriedly pulled back by the people next to him.

"Dachun, what are you doing!"

"Let me go, I want him dead, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have lost so many people!"

"Calm down, Han is also our companion!"

"Same shit, if he really regarded us as companions, how could he let the tailed beast out!" This voice almost roared out.

"Look at the people around, they are all good men, before setting off, who didn't go to the battlefield with the intention of defending their country.

They didn't die on the battlefield, didn't die on the way to charge, but died at the hands of their own people."

"How can you let me treat him as a companion!"

The voice was full of grief.

It resonated with many people at once.

"That's right, he must be executed!"

"He doesn't deserve to be our companion, he is a beast, he must be locked up even if he doesn't die!"

"The Sand Village is the place where the Jinchūriki is imprisoned, Han should also be locked up, he doesn't deserve to be a human!"

Seeing more and more people, they all began to blame Han.

The action team leader's face became much uglier.

To be honest, he also began to hate Jinchūriki in his heart.

But he knew one thing more, the matter of Jinchūriki was very important, far beyond the control of people like them.

Moreover, he had met Han and Lao Zi, and knew what kind of people they were.

Moreover, over the years, they had made countless contributions to the Hidden Rock Village.

They had worked hard.

How come this group of people only saw their mistakes and didn't remember their good deeds?

So he shouted loudly: "What are you doing!"

"You want to rebel!"

"What do you want to do? It was the people of Konoha who caused the tailed beasts to riot. You actually blamed your own people. Why didn't I see that you are the ones who only dare to bully others in your own home!"

"If you have the guts, go and seek revenge on the three ninjas of Konoha!"

"I'm surprised. You saw with your own eyes that the three ninjas of Konoha did the two riots. Why don't you go find them, but instead hold on to your own people!"

After he finished shouting, everyone around him was silent.

The words of the action team leader made many rock ninjas blush and feel ashamed.

Yes, they only dared to bully others in their own home. Are they still rock ninjas!

Immediately, someone turned his head and looked at Orochimaru and his people, with a look of hatred and anger.

"Let's go!"

"Brothers, follow me to take revenge!"

As soon as he raised his arm and called out, nearly a thousand people responded.

They all held weapons in their hands, pointed them in the direction of Konoha, and were about to launch an attack.

How could the people of Konoha be so lenient with them?

As Danzo waved his hand gently.

The Konoha ninjas who were ambushing behind them all jumped out in unison.

In just a few breaths, a large group of Konoha ninjas stood behind Danzo.

They stood on a slightly higher ground, and looked superior.

They all looked down at the Rock Ninjas.

And Orochimaru and the other two immediately bit their fingers and quickly formed seals with their hands.

"【Spirit Summoning Technique】!"

In an instant, the three giant beasts that frightened the Rock Ninjas appeared again.

The violent airflow instantly attacked the surroundings, causing the Rock Ninjas who wanted to take revenge to be stunned on the spot.

All of them stopped at the same time.

They looked at the three giant beasts with horror!

And the figures of the five little brats not far away.

They summoned four summoned beasts last time, which caused the Rock Ninjas to suffer a great loss.

There has been a precedent, and they may be able to summon them this time!

Once the war starts...

They lost two tailed beasts, the Tsuchikage-sama was weak, and they consumed too much.

As for Konoha, they have already summoned three giant summoned beasts, and those five people may also be able to summon four summoned beasts.

In other words, the last battle may happen again...

This idea soon emerged in the minds of many Rock Ninjas.In the sea.

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