The Kazekage's face darkened quickly.

He looked at the Hokage's fearless look, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

He seemed to have caught him, but it seemed that he had not.

However, thinking of what Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, had said just now, and the expression of the Hokage now.

He was more inclined to the latter, that is, he had not caught the third generation at all.

Thinking of this, he immediately increased his strength, causing the binding force of the iron wings to suddenly increase.

The next moment, the third generation's appearance changed.

His expression gradually stiffened, and his skin color quickly turned gray, yellow, and sticky, and even shot out from the gaps in the iron sand.

Gradually, a human-shaped mud appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the third generation Kazekage's face darkened instantly.

"Earth substitute!?"

"When did it do it?"

As he said, he turned his head and looked behind him, and the ground there began to change.

The Konoha ninjas who were struggling whether to go forward to support, all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

The third generation is really strong, and he was not caught!

At this time, the head of the Hokage had already emerged from the ground. He looked at the Kazekage and explained: "When the smoke was produced..."

He had rich combat experience, especially he had participated in the First World War. At the end, his teacher died. He and his friends led the people of Konoha to beat back the ninjas who attacked Konoha.

So he knew one thing clearly, that is, smoke is the most likely time for accidents.

It will cover people's vision and make it difficult to see the movements inside.

Generally, most of the ninjas covered by smoke are fine, and they also take advantage of the smoke to cover the enemy's vision and hide quietly, preparing to make trouble.

So he summed up a conclusion, called the law of no injury in the presence of smoke.

And it is very practical.

So now, he has developed a habit, that is, when he sees smoke, regardless of other things, he will directly prepare a substitute.

If something goes wrong, it won't be fatal.

Look, it came in handy this time.

The Third Kazekage took back the iron sand scattered on the ground and let it return to his back, forming a pair of wings.

"Third Hokage, I admit that you are very strong, but my strength is not bad!" He said, and launched another attack.

Seeing this scene, the Third Hokage's face turned cold.

"Since you are stubborn, then there is no need for me to hold back!"

Originally, he wanted to persuade this guy to withdraw.

Because Jiraiya told him about retaining the strength of the ninja world last night.

He didn't say why, but he still trusted Jiraiya.

"【Water Style·Water Break Wave】!"

"【Lightning Style·False Darkness】!"

"【Combination Skill·Electric Water Force Technique】!"

The next moment, a water blade with electric sparks slashed directly at the Third Kazekage.

Seeing this attack, the Kazekage's face changed slightly.

He hurriedly withdrew.

He still remembered the lesson just now.

He suffered a great loss, and was almost trapped in a cage and roasted to death by the opponent's fire escape.

Therefore, he dared not fight in close combat again, and had to keep his distance.

'Really, I lost my mind! '

He smiled bitterly. His advantages were mobility and air superiority.

Why did he have to fight the opponent head-on?

It was simply a lump in the head.

Tsunade was still fighting with Chiyo.

Chiyo was very frustrated, really!

Even when fighting with Sarutobi Hiruzen, she was not so frustrated.

If he wanted to use poison, it would be dissolved by the opponent's medical ninjutsu.

If he wanted to use puppets, he would be blown away by the opponent's punch!

Even if he used ninjutsu, it would be broken by the opponent.

But the opponent's random punch, he couldn't bear it at all, and could only dodge continuously.

If he faced the third generation of Hokage, he would be concerned about the poison mist and the puppet mechanism, and would not choose to fight head-on.

So fighting him, there can be a back and forth.

But fighting with Tsunade...

Damn, foul!

After venting her anger, Tsunade was finally able to calm down and fight well.

Chiyo, this old woman, is strong and unusually strong.

And her indomitable spirit made her scalp tingle.

Everyone can see that the Sand Ninja is going to fail, and it will only be for a short time.

But she just won't admit defeat, and she will bite off a piece of meat from their Konoha even if she dies.

Tell me if it's annoying or not!


She glanced at Chiyo and Kazekage.

It doesn't seem like there is a gap between them, but it shouldn't be...

Could it be that Chiyo didn't see the bodies of her son and daughter-in-law? !

When Uchiha Dahai proposedA vicious plan.

It was unanimously approved by the village's senior officials and teachers.

So they sent the Anbu to send back the bodies of Akashi and Songming.

But they did not receive any information about the Sand Village's funeral.

But the Anbu man clearly said that he used the shadow clone to send the body directly to the Kazekage.

'Then there is only one possibility...'

The Kazekage suppressed the matter of the body and did not let Chiyo know about it!

Her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

After dodging the opponent's puppet attack, she subconsciously looked at the teacher.

With the teacher's ability, this matter must have been thought of quickly, but why didn't he say it?

Could it be that the teacher wanted to keep this matter and do something! ?

She thought for a moment, and after she couldn't figure it out, she just gave up.

If he didn't say it, then she would say it herself.

The old woman in front of her knew that she was going to lose, but she still refused to admit defeat.

It was even more smelly and hard than the stones in her toilet.

It was conceivable that even if they defeated the Sand Ninja and drove away Chiyo and the others, when they returned to Konoha, this old woman would definitely lead people to attack the front line.

So she couldn't fight this time.

She immediately punched a white puppet and blasted it away, then turned to look at Chiyo.

With a cold snort, "I'm surprised. When you send people to attack our Konoha, you should be prepared for these people to die in battle!"

"We have already returned the bodies of your son and daughter-in-law to you. Why are you still pestering them!"

"Why not admit defeat earlier? This way, you can still retain the combat power of your Sand Ninja!"

"If I were you, I would have gone home to guard the mourning hall and let them rest in peace first!"

"But you are so good that you don't care about their funeral affairs and fight with us Konoha directly here."

"Old woman, you don't seem to love your son and daughter-in-law as much as I thought!"

She said this very skillfully.

The starting point is to wonder if the other party has taken the wrong medicine, pestering them Konoha, and pointing out the fact that they have returned the bodies of Akashi and Song Ming.

It seems that Chiyo doesn't understand what he is thinking!

There is a little suspicion of sowing discord, but it is not big.

Afterwards, even if someone wanted to persuade Chiyo not to fall into the trap of sowing discord with what she said, Chiyo would be very disgusted. It might even anger her. Hearing this, Chiyo was stunned. The Kazekage, who was fighting with the Hokage in the distance, shouted with an unchanged expression: "Bullshit, when did you Konoha return the bodies? Why didn't I see it!" As early as when he dealt with the bodies of the couple Akashi and Songming, he had thought about what he should do if Konoha told Chiyo about this matter, so as not to attract Chiyo's hatred. Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't help but raise her eyebrows. This matter is a bit interesting! She is already 100% sure that the bodies of the couple Akashi and Songming were kept secret by the other party. Otherwise, why would he refute it from such a distance! The Kazekage turned to look at Chiyo and said seriously: "Elder Chiyo, have you ever heard that someone would return the bodies of the enemy's strongmen!"

"Anyway, I haven't heard of it. Our ninjas' bodies contain many secrets, and even in our brains, there are precious information.

The couple Akashina Songming are our Sand Ninja heroes, they are powerful and are the son and daughter-in-law of Elder Chiyo.

They have mastered a lot of top-secret information.

I don't believe you will be so kind to return their bodies!"

As he said, he looked at the Hokage, his face darkened.

"Since your Tsunade mentioned this, I have reason to suspect that the bodies of the couple Akashina Songming have been dissected by you, and there is not even a complete body!"

Hearing this, Tsunade looked at the Kazekage in some astonishment.

She didn't expect that the other party would be so shameless and turned the matter upside down.

Originally, she wanted to make the Sand Ninja fight among themselves, but the result was good, and she made a mess of herself.

Chiyo turned her head sharply and looked at Tsunade.

Her eyes instantly turned red.

That was the anger rising up.



"Very good!"

"Damn Konoha, I swear, I will never stop fighting you in this life!"

Her words contained boundless anger.

Her eyes were like a demon, ready to choose someone to devour.

Countless chakras emerged from her body.

Her clothes rustled.

At this time, she had begun to burst out and squeeze her body functions.

Crazy extraction of chakra in cells.

Seeing this scene, the Third Kazekage breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this incident was resolved!

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