How could Mirai not know the weakness of [Substitution Technique].

In order to fight Minato for a longer time, he worked hard on the extreme distance.

He compressed the three-second stiffness to one second.

And the extreme distance is only about thirty-nine meters.

Mirai believes that only Minato can reach the speed of forty meters per second in the same realm.

And there is only one Minato, so he is not panicked.

Therefore, when he couldn't dodge in time, his body instinctively used the substitute items prepared at noon.

This is also the reason why Hyuga Reika rolled her eyes and didn't see the preparation of the substitute technique.

When he fell into a familiar trance, his mind hurriedly gave orders to his body.

In one second, these orders were at least a hundred times.

Finally, he felt that his body could move.

His vision also recovered from the trance, and he subconsciously swung the knife towards his original position.

Now, he can only use basic skills, and he can't even think about sword energy.


At the moment of swinging the knife, Mirai only felt that he hit something, causing his blade to stay in the air.

He was immediately shocked, "What a fast speed!"

The one who can block his knife must be Hyuga Reika.

Although he just noticed that the opponent's reaction speed was only a little bit behind Minato, he didn't expect that she could reach the distance of 39 meters in one second.

At the same time, a trace of fear flashed through his mind. If it weren't for the long-term training with Minato, his body would have instinctively adapted to fighting with super-fast ninjas.

He subconsciously swung the knife with his wrist, and I'm afraid he would have been cut by the opponent.

Hyuga Reika frowned slightly, this guy's body instinctively reacted too fast.

This is a problem.

Because combat experience, intuition, etc. will become uncontrollable factors in combat, and often at critical moments, they will turn the outcome of a battle.

Her current strength was basically developed through her own secret training.

Compared with the future who was taught by others every day, she could be said to be an experienced baby with strong strength but no corresponding combat experience.

She could not bring out her strength 100%.

'No, we must fight quickly. Once the opponent adapts to our fighting style and obtains our intelligence, we will definitely lose! ' Hinata Reika thought secretly.

Soon, she had an idea in her mind.

At this time, she used a kunai to hold the future's sword. The slashing force carried by the blade was so strong that she could not help but bend her body.

But fortunately, she could block it.

It should be that Uchiha Future did not expect that she would suddenly rush to attack him, and he swung the sword, which was just a subconscious instinctive reaction of his body, so the force carried by the blade was not very great.

When she saw Uchiha Future looking at her with a look of surprise, she immediately raised her eyes and glared.

A king-like pressure rushed towards the future.

Caught off guard, the future was frightened by this immaterial impact.

It seemed that he was no longer facing a chubby girl, but a fierce tiger that had fought many battles and was greedy for people.

His body stiffened instantly and he couldn't move at all.

Just like those people crossing the road, when they saw the truck coming, their minds went blank instantly, and all the muscles in their bodies tightened instantly, making it impossible for them to move at all.

And Hyuga Reika instantly seized this opportunity, and her chubby body lowered, directly avoiding the blade, and rushed into the future's arms.

In fact, using [Soft Fist] at this moment is the best result, which can seal the opponent's tendons and veins in an instant. If the force is increased, it can also destroy the opponent's acupuncture points, which is enough to determine the outcome with one blow.

But correspondingly, the characteristics of [Soft Fist] are too obvious. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the exclusive attack method of the Hyuga clan.

So she could only helplessly choose the popular attack method of Kunai.

As long as she stabbed the opponent to death and destroyed the opponent's brain, even if the Yamanaka clan came, they would not be able to obtain any useful information.

Of course, if Uchiha Mirai opened the [Sharingan], she would also take it out and hide it.

This would not only provide a motive for killing Uchiha Mirai, but also because someone was eager for the [Sharingan], so they killed a lone Uchiha genius.

And she could also study the [Sharingan] carefully and see the secrets between the two eye techniques.


An extremely terrible death crisis attacked Mirai, causing his soul in the dark to shudder violently.

The frightened mind also returned to normal at this moment.

Death!I seem to be dying!

I will be killed by an old man!

Damn it, how can I die in such a place!

I am a dignified Uchiha and a time traveler!

For some reason, the future was filled with anger. This anger seemed to be an emotion that emerged from deep in the body, and it was born from nowhere.

It was like the anger of an ant that had been teasing you and suddenly bit you.

By the time he reacted, this anger had already enveloped his whole body.

After he came to his senses, he saw a chubby, white face, getting closer and closer to him. She held a dark and sharp kunai in her hand, erected in front of her chest, with her arms bent, which was the forward swing when she was charging.

But his body was stiff in place, like a lifeless wooden stake.

At this moment, it seemed as if time had slowed down. In his eyes, the fat hands of Hyuga Reika seemed to be edited, playing in front of him frame by frame.

Although his body was still very stiff, especially his lower body, it felt like it was soaked in cement, so heavy that he couldn't move at all.

But the good news was that his hands could move.

He immediately gave up the knife in his hand and quickly pulled it back.

At the critical moment, he just held the blade of the kunai in front of his heart.

The opponent's strength was very strong, so strong that he almost couldn't hold the kunai in the future.

Fortunately, his lower body was in a stiff state and he didn't use any force. Therefore, when the tip of the kunai almost pierced his skin, he was pushed back several steps by the opponent's strong impact.

In the process of sliding backwards, the opponent's strength was finally exhausted.

"This is all possible?!" Hinata Reika was extremely stunned, and her eyes with bulging veins were full of disbelief.

After realizing that her [Baiyan] had the ability of coercion, she used it immediately, with the purpose of catching the opponent off guard in a very short time.

Taking advantage of the opponent's thinking, which was still stuck in the old-fashioned way of fighting against the Hyuga clan, and not reacting and being alert to the ability of coercion, she successfully defeated the opponent.

The beginning of the matter was indeed carried out according to her own ideas. Uchiha Mirai was shocked by her before she could react at all.

This tilted the balance of victory to her side, but who would have thought that the opponent would be able to come to his senses in a very short time in the end, and at the critical moment, he used his hand to grab the kunai first and blocked her thrust.

As a result, this carefully planned battle failed in an instant.

Both hands were cut, and a sharp pain spread from the palms to the whole body, making Mirai grimace in pain.

God has mercy on him. Most of his fights with Minato were just a little bit. His fights with his sister and parents were only bruises. It was not like this. His palm was pierced. He could feel the scratching sound of the metacarpal bone being scratched by the kunai, and the blood was oozing out.

If his life was not seriously threatened, he would have let go of his hand in pain.

Compared with the palm, the heart is the most important.

"You guy, I admit that I underestimated you!"

Strong, fast, and smart! At the same time, he is not lacking in the determination to kill someone.

He is a tough opponent.

He moved the kunai to the side little by little, always aiming at the heart, and his back was chilled.

At the same time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "You should have killed someone!"

The reason why the future said this is to get the information he wanted through words.

In the battle of ninjas, information is very important.

There is a big difference between those who have killed people and those who have not. When fighting, the former will subconsciously avoid the vital parts. Even if they aim at the vital parts, they will hesitate for a moment because of panic.

Those who have killed people have adapted to this panic and will be extremely calm.

The most important thing is that he can divert the opponent's thinking by talking, so that the opponent can't focus on attacking.

So most ninjas don't talk when fighting, and analyze the opponent through physical contact with the opponent, fighting and other processes.

Or they talk a lot of trash to influence the opponent, let the opponent reveal flaws, and analyze the opponent's intelligence.

The future originally belonged to the former, but he didn't open his eyes, and his observation ability was far inferior to that of Hyuga Reika with [Baiyan], so he chose the latter.

Hyuga Reika's expression did not change, at least the future couldn't see it, but he could sense that the strength of the kunai had changed slightly.

Very subtle, but effective!

The corners of his mouth rose even more, and a look of "I see through you" appeared in his eyes, and he said: "Have you... heard of... [Reincarnation Eye]?"


The fat girl was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed.

[Reincarnation Eye]The word "eye" has never appeared before. The Hyuga clan has no record of it, at least she can't see the record in the file.

How did Uchiha Mirai, an outsider, know about it?

How much does he know?

Does he also know that the [Reincarnation Eye] can break the [Bird in a Cage] curse! ?

At this moment, she was extremely panicked!

The [Reincarnation Eye] is related to everything she has. Once it is exposed, she will be doomed.

Not to mention revenge and freedom!

Although Mirai did not have coercion, he successfully used his words to disrupt the other party's mind.

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