Ten hours ago.

The Kingdom of Wind.

This is an endless expanse of yellow sand.

A large army of people temporarily camped here to rest. No one spoke. In the air, there was only the sound of howling wind and the rustling sound of flowing sand.

In the desert, both day and night are very terrifying.

The temperature during the day is unbearable, just like being in a furnace, even the wind is scorching.

The temperature at night is extremely low. If someone dares to pee, he will receive a pile of ice chips tomorrow.

However, it is likely that it will be absorbed by the dry desert and will not freeze.

Chiyo followed Fengying for a day, and her eyes never shifted, just staring at Fengying.

Seeing that Fengying had finished his work, she finally couldn't help but asked, "Where are the bodies of my sons?"

After most of the day, Fengying was no longer panicked.

He looked at Chiyo, and Chiyo's clothes had been tidied at this time.

She has returned to her old elder appearance, but her spirit is not good.

Her face is pale and her steps are weak.

If it weren't for the support of willpower, Fengying has no doubt that the other party would die.

He looked around and said, "Come with me, this is not the place to talk!"

As he said that, Fengying turned and came to a tent, which they had robbed when they passed by the town of Rain Country.

It's a pity that there are not many, so they can only give priority to those in the leadership.

In the tent.

As soon as Fengying sat down, Chiyo asked directly: "You can tell me now!

In fact, after such a long time, she already had a bad feeling in her heart.

If the bodies of Songming and others were really in Fengying's hands, he would have handed them over to her long ago.

Even if he didn't hand them over to her at the first time and wanted to use these bodies to do something, she didn't care.

As long as he can give them back to her, he can take whatever he wants.

Now she just wants to see her son and daughter-in-law.

Fengying took out a scroll from his arms and put it on the table.

Seeing this scroll, Chiyo's face suddenly became happy.

This is the scroll she saw in the memory of the Anbu, which is the scroll that the Konoha Anbu ninja used to seal her son and daughter-in-law.

"Son..." Her tears burst out.

"Mom will take you home now! "

Her hand trembled as she tried to reach out and pick up the scroll.

But she was stopped by the Third Kazekage.

Instantly, Chiyo's face darkened and her voice became sharp.

"Fengying, what do you want to do? !"

"You hid the scroll from me, and I'm not going to pursue this matter anymore!"

"Why, do you want to threaten me with their bodies! ?"

"Tell me, what do you want!"

Looking at Chiyo's cold and evil appearance, Fengying couldn't help but shudder.

He unconsciously remembered a saying, it's better to provoke villains than women, especially old women.

Chiyo at this moment was completely different from what he had ever seen before.

He quickly let go of his hand and explained, "That's not what I meant. I mean..."

"Forget it, open it first and I'll tell you later! "

Chiyo's expression did not improve, but became even uglier. If there was no problem, how could the Kazekage say such a thing?

She picked up the scroll and opened it impatiently.

This was a sealing scroll. She also had some knowledge of sealing techniques, and she could tell at a glance that this sealing scroll was a product of Konoha.

"Empty! ? "She widened her eyes and looked at the blank space in the scroll with disbelief.

Generally, if an object is sealed in a sealed scroll, a word will appear in the array pattern.

For example, if it is a corpse, there will be a word "corpse".

If it is sealed water, it is the word "water".

This is to make it easier for the ninja to know what is sealed inside, and it is also a proof that there is something inside.

Even if it is not, a word "seal" will automatically evolve.

But there has never been a seal scroll with a blank array pattern core.


Unless it is a new seal scroll, or there is no sealed object.

The wind shadow said at the right time: "Yes, when the shadow clone of the Konoha Anbu ninja was crushed by me, only this thing fell from him.

At that time, I was still surprised, why the Konoha Anbu ninja would use the shadow clone to send this blank scroll to me.

Yesterday morning, after I heard Tsunade of Konoha say that, I realized that I was being plotted against by them! "

"Not only me, but also you, and our Sand Ninja, all of Konoha was being plotted against!"

He said quickly and clearlyThese few words ensured that Chiyo could hear them clearly even in a daze.

Chiyo seemed not to hear what Fengying said. She stared blankly at the scroll in her hand, as if she couldn't believe it.

The next moment, she immediately gathered a few chakras and injected them into it.

"Seal, release!"

The seal scroll did not move at all, and even returned the chakra she injected intact.

Chiyo was still unwilling to give up, and condensed chakra again.

Then she slapped the scroll with a slap, and the sound was a little louder.


No movement...


"Release for me!"

Fengying just looked at Chiyo, crying, and kept pressing his hands to inject chakra.

But it was useless. This scroll was originally empty, so what could it release?

"Unlock it... please..."

Chiyo looked at the motionless sealed scroll, and her whole body seemed to be pulled out of her bones, and she knelt limply on the ground.

Her face was full of snot and tears.

Her eye bags were swollen, and her hair, which had just been combed, was already messy.

"Elder Chiyo, please cheer up!" Fengying hurriedly helped her to a chair beside her so that she would not be so embarrassed.

But the other party only had the scroll in his eyes. No matter how he helped her sit down, she would slide limply in front of the sealed scroll.

As if it could open what she wanted.

After several rounds of this, Chiyo finally stopped sliding, and she let the tears slide down her face.

She suddenly looked straight at Fengying, and shouted in a very strange tone: "Fengying, I want you to swear that this scroll is really sent by the Anbu of Konoha!"

Although the best way is to let her see Fengying's memory.

But the other party is the Kazekage, the face and the first person of the Sand Village.

Although she was heartbroken, she still had some intelligence.

But as she said this, she looked at the Kazekage with a hint of pleading.

I hope the bodies of my son and daughter-in-law are with him, and I hope he can return them to me.

Hearing this, the Kazekage was stunned.

He looked at Chiyo, who was now paler, with redder eyes, and a very distorted and scary expression.

When his eyes met hers, he subconsciously wanted to hide, but was stopped by reason. He bit the bullet and looked at Chiyo.

Raised his left hand and raised four fingers.

"I swear, the scroll I got is an empty scroll!"

"If I lie, then let me suffer three swords and six holes, my body will be torn into pieces, and I will die young and not die well!"

After saying that, he retracted his fingers, "Now you believe me, right?"

Chiyo didn't answer, there was only dead despair in her eyes.

The Kazekage swore so, what else can she do...

On one side is the hostile Konoha, and on the other side is her family. Although they have some conflicts in politics, they are all for the Sand Village.

Who to believe, there is no need to think about it.

The Kazekage looked at the despair in Chiyo's eyes, and he felt a little reluctant. If he hadn't destroyed the scroll, Chiyo wouldn't be so desperate.

"Elder Chiyo, you have to believe me. The scroll I got is really empty. I don't know what kind of memory Konoha showed you, whether it is real or fake.

But if memory is not extracted from the dead, it is not credible at all.

They can completely conceal some important information.

Perhaps the Anbu really saw the bodies of Song Ming and others, which were sealed in the scroll, but the Anbu had enough time and opportunity to swap the scroll while on the road!"

Fengying felt that he still had to explain.

It's good that Chiyo could think of this. If she didn't think of it, she couldn't blame herself if she said it.

Chiyo hung her head and said nothing.

The Kazekage continued, "I have lived for so many years, and you are older than me. Neither you nor I have ever seen anyone who would return the body on their own initiative.

Konoha just said that the body was returned, and then gave us a trumped-up scroll, which can easily split us Sand Ninja.

You are the representative of the Elders, and I am the leader of the Kazekage. If we become enemies, it will only make the people of Konoha happy. They wish we would do this!"

"To be honest, this plan is too insidious. It is definitely something that only the Dark Ninja World, Shimura Danzo, could think of!"

Chiyo waved her hand, she stood up tremblingly, and walked out of the Kazekage tent with three steps.

It doesn't matter what she says now, and she doesn't want to listen.

Her son is dead, her daughter-in-law is gone, and now there are no bodies of them.

Nothing is left!



“Nothing is left…”

For a moment, her gray hair was flying, like a madman.

When she finished shouting the last sentence, she fainted completely and lost consciousness!

The people around her were so scared that they hurriedly carried her back to the Kazekage tent and quickly asked the medical ninja to treat her!


“Lord Chiyo, please cheer up!”

“Go and call the medical ninja over. Elder Chiyo couldn’t stand the blow and fainted!”

“Elder Chiyo, wake up. I lost my parents when I was a child. If you don’t mind, I can take care of you in your old age!”

“Get out, it’s time, and you’re still thinking about yourself!”

After cursing, the man turned to look at Chiyo who was carried in, and immediately screamed heartbreakingly.

“Mom, wake up!”

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