The next morning.

Mirai was led by her sister to the memorial.

Today is a collective memorial service for the fallen ninjas of Konoha.

Everyone must attend, and those who are interested can buy a flower.

Mirai follows his parents. He is now blind in the Uchiha clan, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

This makes Uchiha Mirai speechless.

Why not carve the seal around the eyes, or make it look like a pair of glasses?

It is too inconvenient to make an eye mask, and he is a blind man.

He decided to talk to the teachers about this matter later!

This time is not like yesterday, there is no eulogy, and everyone will be done after offering flowers.

As the Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen needs to say a few words on this occasion.

He stood on the high platform, at least the people behind him can see him.

He said in a heavy tone: "The Second World War belonging to our Konoha is over!"

No one will cheer when hearing this.

They all looked and listened with grief.

Almost all the people who died this time had relatives and friends. According to the six-person rule, the deceased mourned today were all their acquaintances.

"I am as sad as everyone else. They were all young and strong men, but a war made them all die young.

If they hadn't died, how prosperous would our Konoha be!"

"But everyone has to die, some are heavier than a mountain, some are lighter than a feather..."

As soon as these words came out, those who had never heard of them all felt their scalps tingling.

The whole body couldn't help but shiver.

Lighter than a feather, heavier than Mount Tai!

These words were so stylish.

Only Minato and the others had strange expressions on their faces. Isn't this the words written in the book in the future, and then Minato brought them here.

It is estimated that the third generation heard it in the Valley of the End eight days ago and used it on the spot.

Many people raised their heads and looked at the high platform.

Sarutobi continued, "Their death, without exception, is heavier than a mountain, ten mountains, because of their dedication, we have the peace we have today..."

"They are dead, but they will always live in our hearts. How can we be willing to forget them!"

After saying a few words, the third generation saw that everyone's mood was much better.

He immediately waved his robe, stepped forward, and shouted loudly: "Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The flames will continue to illuminate the village and let the new leaves sprout..."

These words were like turning on some kind of switch. In an instant, all the ninjas were on fire.

Many people looked at the platform with burning eyes, and they all wanted to howl.

The third generation then struck while the iron was hot and shouted: "In the past, they burned themselves to protect our village and our future.

There will definitely be more difficult sufferings waiting for us next. They protected us, our wives, and our children.

In the future, it will be our turn to protect their children and their future!"

For a while, the atmosphere reached a climax.

If this wasn't a cemetery, they would definitely howl and vent their inner cries.

In the grove.

After the mourning ended, the future and the others gathered together again.

Feeling the support of Minato, the future smiled bitterly, "Teacher, let's discuss something!"

Yes, in addition to the future five, there are Uchiha Hong, Orochimaru and the other three ninjas.

"You say!" Orochimaru put one hand on his waist and looked around the venue where there were almost no traces of training.

"Teacher, can you replace the eye mask with glasses or something? You wrapped my eyes with white cloth. Although it can suppress the flow of my chakra, my vision is also blocked!"

At this time, glasses appeared in the ninja world.

So Orochimaru and the others knew what glasses were!

Hearing this, Orochimaru glanced at him and said speechlessly: "We used the eye mask on purpose!"

At this moment, not only the future was stunned, but even the friends were stunned.

"Teacher, what does this mean?"

Tsunade explained: "You all noticed Mirai's eyes last night, he almost opened the three magatama.

Although he was stopped by Orochimaru, his eyes have changed after all, which proves that the power of writing [Sharingan] in his mind has increased a bit."

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pressed on Mirai's forehead, carefully sensing something.

Soon her face twitched.

"Sure enough, it developed as I thought. Mirai's eyes have begun to drag down his eight-year-old body.

Once he continues to use his eyes, even if he doesn't use [Sharingan], just looking at something, his body can't bear it!"

Honghong and the others understood, all looked at them in amazement.

"Sister Tsunade, are you saying that even if he uses ordinary eyes to see the world now, it will burden his body?!"

Tsunade retracted her hand, she smiled bitterly and said, "That's what I mean. Although it's not too serious, it is a consumption. With his current physical condition, once he opens his eyes to see the world, the blood disease will be difficult to cure!"

Jiraiya spread his hands and shrugged, "So, kid, you should be blind for a few more days. When your eyes no longer affect the treatment of the blood disease, you can take off the sealing cloth."

"Is that so!" Future smiled bitterly, blinding his eyes with emotions is still part of the treatment!

"How long will it take? It's impossible that if the blood disease doesn't get better in three years, I will be blind for three years!"

After hearing what Mirai said, Minato hurriedly said, "Don't be afraid, Mirai, even if you can't see for the rest of your life, I will take care of you!"

Mirai looked at him sideways and said with emotion, "Good buddy, for a lifetime!"

Look, there is a man willing to take care of you for a lifetime, how great!

Kushina was immediately anxious. She had been a mistress for so many days, and she was about to become a regular wife. How could Mirai and Minato rekindle their old love?

She hurriedly said, "Well, Mirai, my family has a technique, which is said to have been developed by a blind ancestor. The ability seems to be to see the world with the mind's eye. Do you want to learn it?"

This was what she accidentally saw in the inheritance passed down to her by Grandma Mito in the Valley of the End.

She didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but just now, in a hurry, she finally remembered such a technique.

"Mind's eye?!" Mirai and the others were stunned for a moment, even Orochimaru and the others looked at Kushina curiously!

"Yeah!" Kushina nodded, frowning, trying to recall the jutsu.

But she only glanced at it at that time, and didn't remember much at all.

She stood up and said, "I can't tell you the details. So, Linghua-chan, please take care of the future, Minato and I will go back to look for it!"

With that, she didn't wait for the others to say anything, she took Minato's hand and ran towards the Whirlpool Tower.

Everyone: "..."

Jiraiya joked, "Hey, this little girl has the impetuous temper of you, Tsunade!"

Tsunade didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, she turned her head and looked at Honghong a few times.

Not to mention, she was more and more satisfied the more she looked!

She could wake up with a smile in her dreams if she could marry such a good girl.

Speaking of dreams...

Her hands began to itch.

She immediately pulled Jiraiya and Orochimaru and said with a smile: "Come on, let's gamble, just one!"

Last time, she just wanted to go to the casino to play, but her grandmother took her ears away.

She has been busy since then, until now.

To be honest, she is more addicted!

Orochimaru shook his head: "I'm not in the mood!"

Jiraiya waved his hand: "I don't have any small money!"

Tsunade: "..."

She can understand that Orochimaru is not in the mood, after all, the future is indeed different in his mind.

But Jiraiya, you are one of the three ninjas after all, why are you so poor!


Looking at Tsunade's contemptuous eyes, Jiraiya suddenly became anxious.

"Tsunade, what is that look!"

It's like looking at a loser.

He hates others treating him as a loser the most, you know he hasn't been a loser for many years!


Reika was pushed to the future by her little sisters, and she smiled helplessly.

Then, without saying anything more, he took Weilai to sit under a tree.

She asked curiously: "Weilai, why were you so excited last night?"

Upon hearing this, Weilai was slightly startled.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Nothing, I just thought too much!"

As he said that, he turned his head to face his sister.

Just say it, how could his sister be interested in that stinky loser Shengshu.

Last night, she admitted that her relationship with Shengshu was not what she thought.

So he believed it.

After all, his sister never wanted to lie to him, a cute and obedient brother!


He was really stupid. He actually thought that his sister could be interested in someone. It was really wrong!

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