The ninjas guarding the border of Konoha are mainly based on strongholds, and then they cross-patrol along the border.

Thus, they can protect Konoha.

But last time, the ninjas on the border did not notice the surprise attack of Sand Village.

After that incident, even if the third generation did not say it, they would spontaneously improve the patrol.

So everyone spoke up and put forward their own ideas, which made Sarutobi and others discover it.

It turned out that there were so many loopholes in the border of Konoha.

Fortunately, they were discovered in time, otherwise they would be in trouble if they were controlled by the enemy.

After seeing the heads of the eight directions of southeast, northwest, southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest, all expressed their ideas.

The third generation wrote down their requirements.

"I already know your requirements. This matter cannot be accomplished overnight. So, when you go back, pay attention to the loopholes and shortcomings in this regard. We will discuss a perfect plan as soon as possible!"

After saying this, he looked around. Seeing that no one spoke, he thought for a while and asked again: "Do you have any other opinions?"

Hearing this, everyone else shook their heads slightly. They had raised all the ideas they could think of just now.

There is really no idea now.

After Tsunade thought for a while, she stood up and said, "Third Hokage, I have an idea!"

Seeing that it was his beloved disciple, Sarutobi gestured with his hand and said, "Go ahead!"

"Teacher, you have also been to the battlefield, you should know the cruelty of the battlefield. Many of our ninjas died before they could be sent to the rear for treatment.

You have also seen the healing ability of slugs. At the beginning, we easily defeated the rock ninja and the sand ninja with the blessing of recovery ability.

My suggestion is that in the current mode of one jonin leading three genin, we can train a medical ninja.

In this way, even if someone in the team is injured, they can get timely treatment.

Thereby greatly increasing the survival rate of our Konoha ninjas!"

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up.

Who doesn't want a nanny standing behind him when fighting!

Especially Kato Dan, who made him experience the pleasure of a nanny more than once.

It was so exciting that he was overwhelmed.

With Tsunade's assistance, he even killed the Sand Ninja with ease.

The third generation frowned and thought about the possibility that Tsunade said.

Without saying anything, Koharu Utatane objected: "No, Tsunade, you want to train a medical ninja in each team, this is too difficult!"

"Medical ninjutsu is different from other ninjutsu. It requires extremely high chakra control and rich knowledge reserves of medicinal power, and it will also affect the combat power of the entire team.

It may even become a burden and drag down the overall strength of the team!"

"Let's not talk about these for now, Tsunade, you are also a medical ninja, you should know how huge the initial investment is to train a medical ninja!"

Hearing that her idea was rejected.

Tsunade was immediately anxious.

In the team, training a medical ninja can greatly increase the survival rate of the team, and even if it becomes a burden, it is unlikely that the medical ninja will be captured and killed on the spot by the enemy due to its importance.

So the people in the team have enough time to carry out rescue.

"But once there are medical ninjas in the team, the survival rate of our ninjas will be greatly enhanced. The ninjas who survived are all valuable talents for our village."

Mitomon Yan glanced at her and interrupted, "Tsunade, we all understand your idea, but you have to know that your idea can only be realized in peacetime. Now let's consider it in wartime. According to our intelligence, there are signs that the Lightning Country is sending troops to our Konoha!"

As he said, he looked around, "The Second World War belonging to our Konoha can be said to be over, but it does not mean that the Cloud Ninja will not attack us. This is also the main purpose of gathering you together."

Tsunade lowered her head when she heard this.

She had this idea because when Rope Tree and the others had problems, there were slugs beside them. If they were not there, and Kushina was the only one, I am afraid that when she rushed back, she would receive two or three cold corpses.

After that, she accepted Linghua as her personal disciple, and she also had this idea.

If the wartime is the main focus, then her reform of ideas will have to wait until peace comes.


She couldn't help but look at the Hokage.

The latter also noticed her gaze, he sighed, and slowly shook his head at her.

Obviously he had the same idea as Mitomon En and the others!

Orochimaru glanced at Tsunade.

Just as he stood up and was about toWhen he was standing on the platform, a voice came from behind him.

"Hokage... Hokage-sama, three elders, I think Tsunade-sama's opinion is particularly important at this time!"

Seeing Orochimaru looking at him, the man smiled apologetically.


Just now, after he stood up and said the first word, Orochimaru followed suit.

In Orochimaru's heart, he must have felt that he had stolen his speech.

This made him very embarrassed.

Orochimaru didn't think much about it. He nodded at Kato Dan and sat down, indicating that he should speak first.

This made Kato Dan slightly relieved.

Although he is now the head of a group, his status and identity are completely inferior to Orochimaru and others.

He continued, "After all, the Land of Lightning has just shown signs of mobilizing troops, but they are fighting fiercely with the Land of Earth, and they cannot split their forces to attack our Konoha for a while.

The Land of Earth is at least a strong country that is slightly weaker than our Land of Fire. Although the Land of Lightning restrains the Land of Earth, the Land of Lightning cannot defeat the Land of Earth in a short time!"

"And we have won two consecutive victories against two big countries. Under the pressure of such a winning streak, the Land of Lightning is unlikely to attack us rashly.

So we might as well follow Tsunade's words and reform the ninja team!"

"I lived on the battlefield for a period of time. During that time, Tsunade was transferred to the direction of the Rock Ninja position. Without her assistance, our Konoha suffered too many casualties.

Even with the lead of the charge by you, Lord Hokage, we can only barely stop the Sand Ninja. 's attack, and there was no way to make an effective counterattack! "

"And the number and strength of the Rock Ninja in that direction far exceeded the Konoha Ninja led by Lord Orochimaru.

But with the help of the two big slug sages, they resisted the wave after wave of attacks from the first unit.

Later, Tsunade came to our battlefield again. With her help, our morale was high, and many people survived the poisoned weapons of the Sand Ninja! "

"So my idea is to ask Lord Hokage and the three advisory elders to agree to Tsunade's request!"

"Medical ninjas are very important to our Konoha, and as the first person in medical ninjutsu is in our Konoha, why don't we make good use of such a good resource!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but nod their heads.

As the border leaders, some of them have also been on the battlefield. They naturally know clearly that many ninjas did not die at the hands of the enemy, but died when they could not rescue them in time.

If there were more medical ninjas, for example, if each mission team was equipped with this ninja, perhaps they would not have so many deaths.

"I second the motion!"

"Please consider this, Lord Hokage, the three elders!"

"Medical ninjas are very important to our team!"

"Me too!"

The third generation and others looked at the words of seconding below, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En both shook their heads slightly. They both felt that it was inappropriate to let one person in the mission team become a medical ninja.

The stronger the team is, the less likely it is to get injured.

And as a team leader, he must have one or two first aid skills.

For example, bandages to stop bleeding, drug treatment, etc.

You know, not every medical ninja is as good as Tsunade, who can not only heal people, but also be the main force to fight people.

The most important thing is that there are so many teams in Konoha, and each team must have a medical ninja. The investment of this resource is extremely huge!

Danzo still had a blank expression on his face.

As if all this had nothing to do with him.

The third generation retracted his gaze, he pondered for a moment, and slowly said: "Tsunade's proposal is very valuable, but the concerns of the Mitomon elders are also very important.

Let's do this, the current ninja formation will not move, and in the next new team, we will consider who will learn medical ninjutsu."

Hearing this, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that this was the biggest concession from the teacher.

But the first step has been taken, and the remaining second step will be much easier!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile gratefully at Kato Dan!

This made the latter blush slightly, and scratched his head shyly.

It made Orochimaru sense a different breath.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

'Jiraiya, Jiraiya... your home is going to be stolen! '

I really look forward to what expression Jiraiya will have when he comes back three years later and sees Tsunade holding other people's arms!

As long as Jiraiya suffers a defeat, he will feel happy both physically and mentally!

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