The Mizukage smiled and shook his head.

"You are still taking it for granted. Although the Senju clan has declined, the Uchiha and Hyuga clans have not. Especially in large-scale group operations, the Hyuga clan's [Baiyan] is too shameless. Even if we have the cover of treasures, there are other reconnaissance ninjas in Konoha. It's too unsolvable!"

As he said, he looked at the elder and said seriously: "It just so happens that you are here, elder, I have something to tell you!"

"Well, you say!"

"I want to find seven owners for the seven swords!"

"And this team is the 'Ninja Sword Seven' of our Mist Ninja!"

"Once this team is formed, then we Mist Ninja will have the means to kill outside!"

It's just right that this matter can divert the attention of the people who are asking for war in the village.

Accumulate the power of their Mist Ninjas and prepare for the next three battles.

Hearing this, the Anbu and the elder were stunned for a moment.

"Seven Ninja Swordsmen?!"

They all knew about the seven swords. They were seven swords with special properties collected by the first generation of Mizukage in the Land of Water when he conquered the world.

At the beginning, the second generation also wanted to find a suitable owner for the seven swords, but the time was too short. He died before he could do it.

Then it was the time when the third generation of Mizukage was in power.

Unexpectedly, the third generation of Mizukage also wanted to do this!

"Lord Mizukage, are you really going to decide to use these seven swords?" Minister An asked excitedly.

He also coveted the seven swords!

"Well, I will propose this plan at the Jounin meeting tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Minister An's eyes suddenly lit up!

No matter what he said, he had to get a sword to try.

The elder looked at the Mizukage and suggested, "How about this, the formation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen should be announced under the name of the Mizukage Guard!"

The Third Mizukage looked at him unexpectedly, "The elder means that if it is announced in my name, it can not only increase the enthusiasm of the village, but also make the nerves of other major countries less sensitive, right!"

After all, the sword is a weapon for killing.

When ninjas from other countries know that they have formed the 'Seven Ninja Swordsmen', they will definitely think about whether they will take the initiative to attack and start a war.

At that time, there will be a lot more eyes on them, which is not conducive to their development.

If the Mizukage Guard is formed, it will seem much more normal.

After all, there must be three to five people around each Kage to follow and guard.

At most, they will be surprised that the Mizukage actually formed seven people.

The elder stood up and said happily, "You are right!"

As he said, he looked in the direction of Konoha.

"Konoha is too strong, which is not good. We must slow it down!"


In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Minato and his friends continued to read books in the grove. Even Orochimaru rarely saw the real body of Future.

He came here again today. When he saw the shadow clone Future, his face was not very good.


"Lord Orochimaru!"

After seeing Orochimaru, Rope Tree and his friends hurried forward to greet him.

Orochimaru smiled, "How is it? How much did you understand today?"

He knew what Minato and his friends had been doing recently.

The shadow clone Future smiled bitterly, "Ah... It's too difficult!"

As he said that, he blinked his eyes, as if he had thought of something, and his eyes gradually bloomed with a touch of brilliance.

"Teacher, teacher!"

He hurriedly jumped in front of Orochimaru and asked excitedly: "Teacher, can you change this [Chakra Perception Technique] into a formation and engrave it in my body!"

"Just like [Snake Swallowing Technique]!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru, who was originally depressed because of the problem of the experiment, couldn't help but laugh.

He reached out and touched the head of the future shadow clone, and laughed and scolded: "You should be satisfied to have the top perception ninjutsu for you to learn. Now you are complaining about the difficulty of learning this technique.

Future, you have to know that many people want to get in touch with S-level ninjutsu, but they beg for help.

For example, Minato, if he was not Jiraiya's disciple, with good strength and talent, do you believe that when you proposed [Flying Thunder God Technique], he would have rejected you without hesitation!"

This "he" is naturally referring to the third generation.

Future couldn't help but sigh.

That's right!


"Hold on!"

One day, you will be able to master this technique.

At this time, Sheng Shu walked to the future shadow clone with a smile. Seeing the latter's miserable expression, the other party clenched his fist as big as a sandbag.

"Future, don't blame me, thisIt was your original body that said it!"

The shadow clone quickly covered his hand and said with an apologetic smile: "Brother! Don't worry, I'll do it myself!"

As he said that, he immediately disturbed the chakra in his body and instantly turned into smoke and dissipated.

The future, who was lying on a recliner in the distance, suddenly shuddered all over and his face twitched a little.

He covered his eyes and faced Shengshu and the others.

"Shengshu, look at you, you scared my shadow clone out of a psychological trauma!"

Shengshu spread his hands and smiled: "This is what my sister told me. You also know your own physical condition. If I don't watch you, you will definitely exceed the time limit again! "

Since his body has recovered a little and he can barely bear the side effects and mental fluctuations brought by the shadow clone, Tsunade agreed to let him use the shadow clone to learn ninjutsu information.

But Tsunade also stipulated that the shadow clone can only last for one hour.

If the shadow clone has strenuous exercise or does something that can cause fatigue, this time must be shortened.

So Mirai only complained verbally.

And even if there is no Rope Tree monitoring, he will not do anything out of line.

He sat back on the recliner and began to absorb and digest everything the shadow clone saw, including his latest understanding of the technique.

Not to mention, this kind of thing that makes you feel that you are growing a brain every day is really comfortable and fascinating!

Looking at Mirai's endless aftertaste, Orochimaru shook his head, he restrained the smile on his face, and waved to Rope Tree.

"Rope Tree, come to the laboratory with me! "

Nowadays, let alone Konoha, there is not a single Wood Release ninja in the Ninja World.

His experiment has made almost no progress.

Yes, Konoha told Kato Dan and the others that the registration channel would be open in a month, but at this time, Orochimaru was already studying Wood Release cells.

It's a pity that Wood Release cells are too difficult.

If the original cell does not encounter a threat, it will not pay any attention to people. If it senses danger, it will immediately riot.

It attacks everything around it crazily.

When Danzo saw the violent side of the initial cell, he realized that the second-generation cells he cultivated were not mutated, but just inherited the violent side of the first-generation cells.

"Oh! "After responding, Rope Tree followed Orochimaru.

Recently, he had two tubes of blood drawn. He used to be a little resistant, but after getting Orochimaru's research report, he wished that Orochimaru would draw his blood every day.

Because he suddenly found that he could see his body's activity increasing rapidly.

Although he had this feeling before, it was Orochimaru's research report that gave him a clearer understanding.

He passed by the future and took out a peeled apple from his throat.

"Here, your fruit!"

The future subconsciously reached out and felt a round object fall into his hand.

"Rope Tree, you always bring me fruit, do you have something in mind? "

'Of course I'm trying to please you, my brother-in-law...' (o゚▽゚)o

Sheng Shu replied in his heart, but his face was calm and even a little serious.

"Nothing, don't think too much, have a good rest, I'm going to find Orochimaru first!"

As he said that, he brought a gust of wind and blew past Mirai.

This made the latter speechless.

"What are you doing, so mysterious!"

Minato put down the book, came to sit next to Mirai, and squeezed in with him on the rocking chair.

Curiously asked: "Where is Sister Hong, why don't you see her?"

"She went on a mission!" Mirai moved his position to make it easier for both of them to sit.

"Oh! "Minato understood.

In the past, no matter when, Sister Hong always took care of the future, and they almost forgot that Sister Uchiha Hong was a regular ninja of Konoha.

Even if she didn't consider herself, she had to consider the team.

Their team hasn't taken a mission for a long time.


In the laboratory.

Orochimaru used the equipment to observe the blood sample of Nawaki.

The latter looked a little pale.

He looked at the ten tubes on the table speechlessly, all of which were his blood.

These ten tubes of blood almost took his life.

"Teacher Orochimaru, don't draw blood like this next time, I can't bear it!"

"Okay, okay, next time for sure! "Orochimaru looked at the instrument carefully and said perfunctorily.

Rope Tree: (´-ι_-`)

Alas, no need to look at it, Orochimaru teacher didn't listen at all.

So he dragged his weak body and slowly moved to the chair, then took out the nutrient solution that had been prepared on the side, uncorked it, and gulped it down.

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