On the main street of Konoha.

Linghua was walking out of a fruit store with Kushina.

They each held a fruit basket in their hands.

At this time, Linghua took Kushina's hand and walked towards the hospital. She looked at the fruit basket in her hand and said with emotion: "Last night was really thrilling. If we had gone a second or two later, Kato Dan's intestines would definitely have been blown out.

By then, even if Teacher Tsunade treated him in time, I'm afraid he would be powerless!"

"Have you found out who did it?" Kushina asked curiously.

She didn't go last night, and after the sisters came back, she only told them about the situation in general.

Linghua shook her head, "No!"

Kushina was stunned by this, "With your [Baiyan], you didn't find out who the enemy was?!"

Hearing this, Linghua immediately looked at Kushina with resentment.

Although the teacher didn't say it last night, Linghua combined the matter of [Kaifang Barrier] and figured out why.

"Your ancestors developed many treasures to target my [Baiyan]!"

Although this statement was a bit like exposing a wound, she had been with Kushina for so long that she naturally knew what kind of person she was.

She would not be angry with her because of this matter, because she had let it go.

Hearing this, Kushina just smiled and said nothing more!

She didn't know much about the feud between her ancestors and the Hyuga clan, and besides, the Uzumaki clan had become a thing of the past.

Now she just wanted to live in the present, marry and have children with the person she loved, and accompany her for life.

As long as the bloodline of the Uzumaki clan continued to be passed on, it would be fine.

What idea of ​​promoting the Uzumaki clan, let alone her, even Grandma Mito didn't have it.

The original Uzumaki Country was destroyed because it threatened the status of the five major ninja villages.

Although Brother Rope Tree had told her that the White Snake Sage's view on the extinction of the Uzumaki clan was because they traded too much with the God of Death, thus being infected with bad luck.

But it's useless to say that, the Whirlpool Country has been destroyed.

Looking at the fruit basket in her hand, the smile on her lips became more obvious.

"I wonder if Minato likes the fruit basket I bought for him!"

Hearing this, Linghua was stunned. She looked at the fruit basket in her hand. This was the one that Kushina picked up after searching for it after the two of them entered the store.

Then she chose four or five fruit baskets, and finally chose the fruit basket in her hand with difficulty.

Then she paid for the two fruit baskets very quickly.

She subconsciously thought that the fruit basket in her hand was bought by the other party for her!

But her words...

"Whose fruit basket is mine?"

Hearing this, Kushina smiled sweetly at her and said, "The basket in your hand is mine, and the basket in my hand is Minato's!"

Linghua:... (⊙_⊙;)...

"What about mine?"

Hearing this, Kushina paused and looked at Linghua blankly.

Just now, she was only concerned with choosing the fruit basket for her and Minato, and actually forgot about her good sister!

Seeing her expression, Linghua was completely speechless.

"You are such a heartless person. I ran to your house early in the morning and accompanied you to the store, but you only thought about your little lover!"

Kushina blushed immediately, and she said embarrassedly: "Oh, sorry, let's go back and buy another one!"

As she said that, she smiled flatteringly and was about to pull Linghua back.

But Linghua pulled her hand away, she turned her head and looked at a flower shop, her eyebrows raised.

"I don't want to choose the same as you and your little lover, I'm going to buy flowers!"

As she said that, she took Kushina's hand and walked towards the flower shop.

Under the introduction of the clerk, she bought a carnation and a sunflower!

After paying, she left the flower shop with a confused Kushina!

On the street, Kushina looked at the two kinds of flowers in her hand and was a little confused.

"Are you going to give two kinds of flowers?"

Hearing this, Linghua curled her lips and said unhappily: "With the personality of a certain blind man, he would never think of bringing gifts to visit a patient.

You have bought a fruit basket for Minato-kun, and I will also bring a flower. He is left alone. Do you think he will be embarrassed to dig out a three-bedroom apartment?"

Kushina naturally understood what the last sentence meant. Mirai had explained it to them at the beginning.

This means being embarrassed to the point of digging one's feet.

And being able to dig out a three-bedroom apartment means that it is so embarrassing that it cannot be worse.

Kushina turned her head to look at Linghua, and a sly smile appeared in her eyes.


"Someone is not honest!"

Linghua just rolled her eyes at her, said nothing, and walked on her own.

At this time, Kushina came to her side again and took her hand, but one handIt was a bit strenuous for her to carry two fruit baskets.

But she didn't care about that. She was more curious about her sister's thoughts.

"Reika-chan, are you in love with that guy?" Although it was a question, it was a positive tone.

Reika turned her head away, not wanting to look at her.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Even if I like a blind man or a cripple, I can't like him!"

"Uh... but... Mirai is blind now!"

'Hehe... this is an admission... this is definitely an admission! '

Reika: (ŎдŎ;)

"No, I didn't mean that!"

Seeing her sister blushing, Kushina was amused and didn't plan to tease her anymore.

She turned her head to look at the road and said with emotion: "To be honest, Reika-chan, are you greedy for Mirai's body!"

Reika: (°Д°)

She turned her head and looked at Kushina, as if she didn't know why she was so bold to say such shameful words on the street.

Even more shocked by the meaning of her words.

Could it be that she wants to have two relationships at the same time! ?

As soon as Kushina saw her expression, she knew that the little sister must have thought wrongly.

She pinched her in annoyance.

"What are you thinking about? How could I be that kind of indecent girl!"

Linghua felt pain and came back to her senses. She frowned and asked, "Then you..."

Kushina hurriedly looked around and saw no acquaintances. Then she blushed and whispered quickly, "I have seen Minato's body. Although he is still young, he actually has eight abdominal muscles.

So I want to ask you, are you greedy for Mirai-kun's body!"

Linghua subconsciously thought of Uchiha Mirai, lying naked on the operating table.

After all, her teacher is Tsunade, and she should go to the treatment room to help.

So she had seen it too...

She couldn't help but reply: "Now that you said that, I realized that Uchiha Mirai has a pretty good figure, with eight-pack abs and strong muscle lines.

It's hard to imagine that this is the body of an eight-year-old child!"

Hearing this, Kushina nodded, and she said with emotion: "So this is why they are so strong!"

"With such a strong talent, they are more determined and hardworking than ordinary people!"

After she said this, Linghua couldn't help but be convinced from the bottom of her heart.


Indeed, there are many people with talent, and there are more of them in the ninja world, but they have completely lost themselves under the word "genius" among people.

Gradually reduced to mediocrity.

But Minato and his friends in the future are different. They did not get carried away by the title of genius, and continued to move forward in their own way!

She admired them very much for being able to achieve such extraordinary strength at such a young age!

Soon, the two sisters arrived at the hospital entrance.

As Linghua swept her eyes, she saw the conspicuous bag of Shengshu next to the chair!

At this time, he was dancing and talking about something, his tone was very excited, attracting a group of people to watch him.

Kushina obviously saw this scene, she shook her head helplessly, "Brother Shengshu still likes to show off so much!"

Linghua's mouth twitched slightly twice, and she was a little speechless!

Kushina then asked: "Do you think he will be targeted by people from other villages if he is so ostentatious?"

Hearing this, Linghua frowned slightly.

"It's hard to say now, once he masters that power, he will definitely be!"

Hearing this, Kushina immediately handed the fruit basket in her hand to Linghua, and squeezed into the crowd, grabbed Shengshu's ear, and pulled him out.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"It hurts, let go!"

Shengshu hurriedly broke free from Kushina's hand, rubbed his ears in annoyance, and said speechlessly: "What are you doing?"

Kushina was about to speak, and Mirai and Minato appeared out of nowhere.

Although Mirai was tied with a white cloth, everyone could feel that he must be rolling his eyes.

"You are finally here. If Minato and I were not waiting for you, we would not hide aside!"

Reika did not answer this. She handed him the fruit basket that Kushina bought for Minato, "Here, this is the fruit basket that Kushina bought for you!"

After that, she handed the sunflowers she bought to Mirai.

"I bought this for you, remember to pay me back later!"

As soon as Linghua finished speaking, Mirai felt that there was something more in his hand.

He couldn't help but laugh, "Hey... you guys are thoughtful. If you didn't tell us, we wouldn't have remembered it at all!"

Minato looked at the fruit basket in his hand happily.The scene of Kushina helping him choose a fruit basket suddenly came to his mind.

His face was full of smiles like a chrysanthemum.

"Nana, you are so nice!"

Hearing this, Kushina immediately abandoned Nawase and said to Minato with a smile: "Let's go in!"

As she said that, she took Minato's hand and walked towards the hospital.

Linghua and Mirai followed.

Nawase was the only one left at the door. He touched his ear with one hand and raised the other hand to his chest.

This is a good hand, but is it missing something?

"Hey... Where's mine!?"

"You bought it for Mirai and the others, so where's mine?"

The only answer he got was the back figure that turned around the corner and disappeared!

For a long time, no one responded, leaving Nawase alone in the wind!



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