Kato Dan looked at Tsunade's departing back, his eyes dimmed for a moment.

"Tsunade, I wish you happiness!"

When a woman wants to wait for another man for three years, then the man should let go.

There is a novel that says well that two people are destined, and three people are sins.

Movie and TV "Da Nao Guang Chang Long"

Although Tsunade said she would wait for three years, she might not have realized at that time that when she said she would wait for three years, her heart already had the answer!

So he had thought it through after running all the way last night.

The novel also wrote a sentence that he agreed with very much, that loving someone is not about wanting to possess all of her, but about learning to let go and let her live the happiest life.

Thinking about it, he retracted his gaze and looked at the flowers on the bedside table.

Especially the sunflower.

Looking at it, it was as if he saw a round of tomorrow rising slowly from the east.

"I actually thought of that book... hehe..."

It's just that it's been so long that he has forgotten who the author is!


Orochimaru brought Mirai and the others to the grove.

He began to answer their questions.

He had an experiment to do today, but he remembered that he hadn't taught Nawase and Mirai for a long time.

And the three ninjas are all one.

Teaching Nawase and the others is teaching, and teaching Kushina, Reika, and Minato is also teaching!

So he just taught them all together.

The five little ones and Orochimaru sat on the grass, they formed a circle, listening to the snake's narration.

"Minato, although I don't know much about time and space ninjutsu, I know that the second generation's jutsu, except for the water escape jutsu, is almost all extended from the [Summoning Jutsu].

For example, [Immortal Reincarnation], [Multiplication Detonating Talisman]...

Logically speaking, [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] should also be related to [Summoning Jutsu]. You can try to start from this aspect!"

When Minato heard this, he frowned and thought.

He has only understood the first stage theory of [Flying Thunder God Technique].

It's like he just learned to read classical Chinese, but doesn't quite understand the meaning.

However, Orochimaru's words helped him open up another way of thinking.

Moreover, [Flying Thunder God Technique] is a technique that instantly moves to the vicinity of coordinates by sensing coordinates.

It sounds a bit like [Reverse Summoning Technique].

Thinking of this, he hurriedly raised his head and looked at Orochimaru gratefully.

"Master Orochimaru, thank you for your guidance. Your words have opened up a new way of thinking for me!"

Orochimaru smiled and gladly accepted his thanks.

"[Flying Thunder God Technique] requires talent. None of the three of us have spatial talent, so the only thing that can guide you is experience.

This technique ultimately depends on your own exploration!"

Minato shook his head and disagreed with this point, "This is already the greatest help to me!"

After talking about Minato, Orochimaru looked at Kushina beside him.

"I heard from Tsunade that you want to learn the [Yin Sealing Technique], right?"

Kushina nodded, she held her sister's hand and said, "We have both been reading about the knowledge of sealing techniques recently!

At the beginning, grandma said that if we can perform A-level sealing techniques, she is willing to let us learn [Yin Sealing]!" At this point, her eyes dimmed.

But grandma passed away.

I couldn't see this scene.

Soon she cheered up and said in a firm tone: "Although Grandma Mito passed away, I still want to learn A-level sealing techniques first, and then get in touch with [Yin Sealing]!"

Orochimaru nodded, he looked at Kushina and the other two, his eyes showed appreciation.

"Your ideas are very good, and the road you are on is also correct.

Only when the foundation is laid, the road ahead will be easier."

As he said, he looked at the books and scrolls placed behind the two little ones.

Guessed: "You should have read [Five Elements Seal] recently!"

Kushina and the others were not panicked that Orochimaru could reveal the sealing technique they had learned recently.

Whether it was what they said in the future, or Tsunade teacher told him that she taught them the sealing technique, or Orochimaru saw it based on experience.

This would not do them any harm.

"Yes!" Kushina nodded.

But soon, she and Linghua couldn't help looking at each other, their eyes full of bitterness.

Linghua said: "But this sealing technique is too difficult. Some sealing techniques are contradictory to other sealing techniques.

It seems that the two of us are more confused than the two of us!"

Looking at the depressed look on Linghua's chubby little face, Orochimaru couldn't help but laugh twice.

From them, he seemed to see the shadows of Jiraiya and Tsunade.Even though these two people can play the sealing technique well, they were just like Linghua and Kushina at the beginning.

Holding a pile of documents all day, they read them for a long time.

He smiled and said, "It's reasonable that you find it so difficult to read!"

"Although the difficulty of [Five Elements Seal] is A-level, its function is very wide. It can be divided into five attribute seals: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and their functions are different.

The effects are also different, so there will naturally be contradictions."

Hearing this, Kushina asked curiously, "Then how to solve it?"

Orochimaru gave his own opinion, "The reason why you find it so difficult is mainly because [Five Elements Seal] is too complicated. Although learning it can quickly master most of the sealing techniques in a short time.

But its difficulty is there. My suggestion is that you slow down your study of [Five Elements Seal] and look at the more niche low-level sealing techniques first.

After you have mastered the low-level sealing techniques, learn [Five Elements Seal]. In this way, you will be much more relaxed!"

And they also have the resources for these low-level techniques.

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Linghua and Kushina nodded thoughtfully.

After a moment, Linghua's eyes lit up, and she asked: "Lord Orochimaru, you mean to let us change the way, for example, we used to go from simple to complex, now we change from complex to simple, right!"

Orochimaru quickly understood Linghua's metaphor, complex refers to the numerous low-level sealing techniques.

And simple refers to the [Five Elements Seal].

He smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's what I mean. The purpose of these two roads is the same, but the process is different, so the scenery you see is different.

It's like climbing a mountain. The former is a straight line up the mountain, and there will be many steep places in the middle. This is the problem you encounter. When you overcome the problem of the straight line and reach the top of the mountain, you look down and you will find the steep mountain below the mountain, which is also the problem.

And the latter is to let you climb the mountain from the foot of the mountain in a rotation. This will be much easier, and you can also effectively cross the cliffs and slowly climb to the top of the mountain!"

After Orochimaru explained this, not to mention Reika and the others, even Nawaki understood it.

Kushina and the other two were like people moving forward in the fog. Under Orochimaru's words, they found the guiding street lights.

The mountain that used to weigh on my heart seemed to have disappeared.

"Thank you, Lord Orochimaru, your words have given us a new direction!"

"You're welcome!" Orochimaru smiled.

Then he looked at the future beside Linghua, and asked with a smile: "[Chakra Perception Technique] still has no clue?"

The future pursed his lips and nodded, "Yes! This is the first time I found that the S-level technique is so difficult!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru couldn't help laughing.

If the S-level technique is so easy to master, why would he be obsessed with research!

For him, research is a way for him to master the S-level technique.

Know it, understand it, master it, and finally surpass it...

This is the purpose of his scientific research.

Of course, this method is not suitable for other people, not to mention the distant ones, such as Jiraiya and Nawaki, these two people are not suitable.

As for the future...

He is still a little bit behind, at least he hasn't even finished reading the theoretical basis.

"I don't understand the perception technique!" Orochimaru pondered for a while, shook his head and said: "But in my opinion, the core of perception lies in two points, one is the source, and the other is the receiving source."

He didn't know how to explain it, so he said some words he thought were easy to understand.

"I have also roughly understood the [Chakra Perception Technique]. Its core focuses on receiving.

Then you must first know what chakra is, what characteristics it has, and what kind of fluctuations it will emit!"

"Why can it be received!"

"Once you understand the principle, you can easily master it!"

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Mirai was stunned.

He really had never thought about this aspect.

These days, he always let the shadow clone hold the scroll of perception technique and read it word by word.

It was like reading classical Chinese without annotations.

It made him dizzy.

These days, he saw his friends scratching their heads, and subconsciously thought that S-level techniques were so obscure.

After all, when he learned the [Great Fireball Technique], the scroll also said directly what kind of seal to make, what to transform the chakra into, and how to release it.

It did not explain the principle.

He did it and soon learned this trick.

So much so thatHe habitually thought that the S-level techniques were the same, and he just needed to learn them.

As a result, he couldn't even see where the door was.

But after Orochimaru said this, he seemed to see it!

Mirai couldn't help but look at Orochimaru with shining eyes, "Teacher, you are so awesome!"

The corners of Orochimaru's mouth rose a few degrees.

After solving the difficulties of the future, he looked at Nawaki who was looking at him expectantly, and the smile froze instantly.

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly said to Minato and the others: "Okay, let's stop here today!"

As he said that, he stood up and patted the dust off his butt.

The faces of the four people in the future were full of uncontrollable joy, but Nawaki was the only one sitting on the ground in a daze.

Stupidly looking at Teacher Orochimaru who seemed to be leaving...

"No, teacher, have you forgotten me?!"

Why is it gone when it comes to him!


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