Hinata Reika held a large file and looked at the familiar figure in front of her in surprise.

Although she hadn't seen him for three years, she still remembered that outfit.

'But then again, Master Jiraiya is still dressed exactly the same as when he left three years ago.

Could it be that he hasn't changed his clothes in the past three years! ? '

Although ninja clothes are made of good materials, toughness is the most basic advantage.

Many people wear the same clothes for two or three years.

For example, a squinty-eyed Uchiha.

Sometimes he can even wear a piece of clothes for three months without washing.

Jiraiya turned around and saw a girl who was about 1.5 meters tall, two heads shorter than him.

The big white eyes flashed with a strong surprise.

Her beautiful long hair, tied into two ponytails, was draped over her shoulders, looking playful and a little cute.

On her delicate collarbone, she wore a forehead protector exclusive to Konoha ninjas. Her upper body was only wearing a simple T-shirt, but it was supported by two high mountains.

She even looked more magnificent because she was holding a half-meter-high document.

She wore a pair of loose casual pants on her lower body.

Although her trouser legs were loose, this was the entrance to the village, and the wind blowing from the Konoha gate was not serious, and it would always blow out the straight and round legs hidden under the loose trouser legs.

What Jiraiya cared about most was her small feet.

At this time, she was wearing a pair of slightly larger slippers, which made her feet look extremely delicate and white.

Even her toenails were so cute and pink!

This was a perfect pair of little feet.

Compared with the legs I drew in the picture book, they were like heaven and earth.

There was no comparison between the two.


For a moment, he felt the blood boiling in his body!

There were countless wolves howling in his heart.

Awoo~ Awoo~

Awoo~ Awoo~

Just when he was about to approach and chat, a voice came and interrupted his action.


"Uncle Jiraiya?!"

"You finally came back!"

Just as Linghua said, Jiraiya's outfit was too easy to recognize. He hadn't changed in three years.

Jiraiya was stunned when he heard it.

Is it another person who is familiar with him?

But this voice is in the voice change period, so he couldn't tell who it was for a while.

He looked subconsciously.

He saw a pretty boy with long hair and better skin than a girl, looking at him in surprise.

His facial features are delicate and it is hard to tell whether he is male or female.

However, from the obvious voice just now, and the flat body with vaguely visible chest muscles, it can be judged that this is a man.

At this time, he was walking over with a shopping bag of ice cream.

It's just that his eyes were closed, not open at all.

But Jiraiya could feel that he was looking at him, and he walked normally, as if he didn't close his eyes at all.

When he got closer, Jiraiya realized that this pretty boy was really good-looking!

If he changed into women's clothes...


Damn it, why did I have such a terrible idea.

At this time, Jiraiya finally came back to his senses from the excitement of seeing the beauty, and asked curiously: "Who are you?!"

They looked familiar, but he just couldn't remember who they were.

And they all knew him, and he could hear the familiarity in their tone.

But a white eye, obviously a member of the Hyuga clan.

The clothes of this 1.5-meter-tall boy were printed with the logo of a round fan, and he was a member of the Uchiha clan.

When did he know such a big Uchiha clan member! ?

Hearing this, a strange look flashed across the face of the future.

He glanced at Reika.

To be honest, it was normal that Jiraiya could not recognize Reika, because Reika's appearance at this moment had changed so much from before.

It used to be tons, but now it's kilograms.

And the reason for all these changes was the diamond mark on her forehead.

Since she learned the [Yin Seal], she transformed from an ugly duckling to a white swan overnight.

So much so that she has now become one of the goddesses pursued by many young men in Konoha.

And when she became a disciple of Tsunade, she changed her previous cautious character and became generous.

It made her temperament even more outstanding.

It is said that in the Hyuga clan, the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi had confessed their love to her.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Reika.

And with Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, behind her, the main family of the Hyuga clan dare not go too far.

However, there is a bold guess in the future that Reika may be Hinata's mother.

OtherwiseWhy does Reika look so much like Hinata in the future?

But this is just his guess.

There are many people in this world who look alike but are not related by blood.

Especially for the Hyuga clan, which is a close-kin marriage group, it is normal to have similar people.

"No way, uncle!" Mirai pouted and complained unhappily.

"You can't recognize Reika, can't you recognize me too!"

"I'm Mirai!"

"Uchiha Mirai!"

Jiraiya: (|| ゚Д゚)

Jiraiya was stunned!

He looked at the two people in front of him in astonishment.

His face was full of disbelief, and he even forgot to breathe.

His eyes were as big as his fists.

"You, you, you..."

He subconsciously pointed at Mirai, stuttering so much that he could hardly speak.

Mirai looked at him speechlessly, not knowing why he was shocked.

So she also imitated him and stuttered: "I, I, I... What's wrong with me!"

"You are Uchiha Mirai!?"

Finally, Jiraiya said something that shocked him.

Mirai nodded and replied: "It's me!"

Jiraiya immediately turned his head and looked at Reika, "You are Hyuga Reika!?"

"Yes, Master Jiraiya!" Reika smiled slightly.

She also reacted to something and knew why Jiraiya was so shocked.

After all, she is now exactly the same as when she took drugs to lose weight.

It's just that she has changed from a fat face and big breasts to a girl with big breasts.

Don't look at her D, she is actually just eleven years old!

Jiraiya took a deep breath and took a step back.

The shock in his eyes turned into shock.

"Fuck, what kind of feed have you eaten in the past three years? How can you grow so big!?"

When he said big, he subconsciously glanced at Reika.

Just now he thought this little girl was a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

But if she is Linghua, then she is only eleven years old.

Tsunade is thirty years old and still not as old as her.

And what shocked him the most was this guy, Mirai, how did he grow from 1.3 meters to about 1.5 meters? !

And according to his visual estimation, Mirai's height is at least about 1.55 meters.

This is the height of most teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Yahiko and others are only about 1.4 meters, which is a normal height.

Although there are many teenagers in the ninja world, they look mature, such as Uchiha Fugaku.

He is not much older than Nawaki, but when the two are together, Uchiha Fugaku looks at least three or four years older.

But there are very few such people.

There are less than ten of them among the tens of thousands of people in Konoha.

And as far as he knew, Uchiha Mirai was eight years old, although he was taller than his peers because of adequate nutrition in childhood, but it was also within the normal range.

But he grew to 1.55 meters at the age of twelve, which was simply outrageous.

Hearing this, Mirai shrugged and said, "So it's because of this!"

"Nothing else, eat well, sleep well, and every three days, Tsunade teacher personally takes care of him!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned. If you think about it carefully, if Tsunade personally takes care of him...

It seems that it can be justified that he has developed so well!

For a moment, he was speechless.

As Mirai said this, he took out a bag of ice cream and gave it to Jiraiya. The latter took it subconsciously before he came to his senses.

Then, Mirai took out another bag of ice cream and peeled it, but he didn't peel it for himself. He naturally handed it to Linghua's mouth, and then took the documents in her hand.

Linghua did not resist. She reached out and took the ice cream she was biting, and asked curiously: "Master Jiraiya, you are coming back, why didn't you tell Teacher Tsunade in advance?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya's face was numb with shock, and he quickly recovered his previous look.

He scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly: "I want to give her a surprise!"

As he said that, he realized that they were still holding a stack of documents, so he asked curiously: "By the way, what are you doing?!"

"Oh, this is the document registered at the door. Master Hokage has something to do and can't get away, so he asked us to come here to get it!"

Hearing this, Jiraiya was stunned for a moment.

Let the future and others come here to get the documents? !

What the hell?

Is there no one in the Anbu?

As if seeing Jiraiya's thoughts, Future smiled and said: "Let's talk while walking!"

"Uh, that's fine!" Jiraiya did not refuse.

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