The first thing Mirai did after recovering was to duel with Minato.

God have mercy on him, how he spent the past three years, it was simply worse than death!

Every day he watched Minato and the others either doing missions, exercising, or fighting to their heart's content.

As for him, even if he wanted to fight Minato and the others, even if it was just to stretch his muscles, they all disagreed.

So for the past three years, he could only live with a knife in his arms every day.


In the past three years, his progress has risen to a new level again.

It was a pleasant surprise.

Minato was stunned, he looked at Mirai, especially surprised: "You want to fight me?"

As he said that, he subconsciously looked at Tsunade.

The meaning was very clear, can you fight?

Tsunade thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes!"

It just so happened that she also wanted to see Minato's strength, after all, Minato was to be assigned to her to carry out tasks.

Although she knew he was very strong, she was not sure how strong he was.

But she still made a few requests.

"First, Mirai, you can't use your full strength, after all, you just recovered!"

Mirai nodded, not surprised by this.

"Second, Mirai, you can't use the [Sharingan]!"

Mirai nodded again and replied: "No problem, I just don't want to use it!"

After all, the consequences are very serious.

In the original work, Itachi overused the [Sharingan] after opening his eyes at the age of eight.

As a result, he died at the age of 21, and he didn't dare to fight with all his strength during that period.

It's simply a representative of premature death.

And he also suffered from a similar disease to Itachi.

So he had a psychological shadow for a long time, and if he could not use the [Sharingan], it would be better not to use it as much as possible.

"Third, you can spar, but don't get really angry!"

Hearing this, Minato and Mirai couldn't help but look at each other.

Get really angry! ?

It doesn't exist!

"Tsunade sister, don't worry!" Minato said, he walked to Mirai, put his arm around his shoulders, and said with a smile: "You don't know the relationship between us yet, how could we fight each other!"

"That's right!" Mirai nodded in response.

"Okay, then!" Tsunade agreed to their request.

As long as you pay attention to these three points, it's also good to let them stretch their muscles.

So the group came to the outside of the village again.

This was Mirai's request, because he couldn't control the strength in the battle later.

After all, he had never used that move.

After recovering this time, he couldn't wait to find Minato to fight alone, just to experiment with that move.

On the open land, Mirai and Minato faced each other and formed a seal of opposition.

The friends and Tsunade stood in the distance and watched.

Shouda Yile asked curiously: "Can Mirai beat Minato?"

Minato's strength is obvious to all. His extremely fast speed is a foul. Many people can't react at all and are defeated first.

Kushina took Linghua's hand and said confidently: "Of course not!"

"Minato is very strong!"

Her words aroused the approval of many people.

Indeed, Minato's strength is a bit outrageous.

Especially Tsunade and Orochimaru, they have seen some of Minato's strength.

To be honest, they can't beat Minato now when they are twelve years old.

It is possible to defeat him together.

Linghua smiled mysteriously and said: "That's not necessarily true!"

Over the years, she has been with Mirai for the longest time. From the initial unwillingness to the gradual habit, she has witnessed how the mysterious power in Mirai's body has grown and developed.

It can be said that before, the light was only the size of an egg, but now it is the size of an adult's fist.

It is one-third more than before.

From this, it can be judged that the strength of the future has also increased a lot.

Maybe Minato is careless and may be defeated by the future.

However, although she is very curious about that power, she did not ask.

She did not tell anyone about it.

The power of the future is very hidden. If her eyes had not developed very fast, she might not be able to see the changes in this power.

Kushina couldn't help but raise her eyebrows when she heard the little sister say this.

"Reika-chan, you have seen Minato's strength, he will not lose!"

Reika shook her head and rejected: "No, you don't know!"

Hearing this, Kushina let go of Reika's hand, "How about a bet?"

"What to bet on?" Reika asked curiously.

"Whoever loses will wash the other's socks.! ”

‘It just so happens that I have been saving socks for a month, and finally someone washes them!’


Hearing this, Linghua agreed without hesitation!

“No problem!”

‘Washing socks, I just happen to have a month’s supply!’


The bet was established, and the two sisters laughed immediately.

Kushina took Linghua’s arm again, and the two sisters looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but smile brightly at each other.

‘Kushina-chan, you lose!’

‘Linghua-chan, you lose!’

Looking at the bet between the two girls, Jiraiya leaned close to Orochimaru’s ear with a strange look on his face, and asked softly: “Why do I feel that their laughter is a bit creepy! "

And the bet is even more outrageous.

It was actually set up because of two boys.

Orochimaru smiled and glanced at Jiraiya. At this moment, this guy was no longer angry.

It seems that he has selectively forgotten.

Then there is no need for him to mention it, which will make himself uncomfortable.

"It's normal, you will get used to it in the future!"

The so-called best friends will also become plastic sisterhood!

In the field.

Mirai slowly pulled out the mad knife from her mouth, looked at Minato, and chuckled: "It seems that I can't fail!"

Naturally, the two of them also heard the bet that Linghua and the others had just made.

Hearing that only Linghua supported him, Mirai said that he would let Minato experience the taste of failure.

"Mirai, give up, you can't beat me! "Minato also laughed.

'For Kushina, I won't admit defeat!'

For a moment, the two of them simply forgot what Tsunade said.

Mirai raised the long-lost mad sword and pointed it at Minato. The sword was not unsheathed, but a cold and sharp edge instantly came from the direction of the scabbard and rushed straight to Minato.

"Minato, I give you a piece of advice, use all your strength, otherwise you will lose! "

Minato's face had become serious.

When he felt the sharp sword intent, he realized that this battle would definitely be very difficult.

'Mirai, you are so strong!'

He did not speak, but took out a kunai and held it in his hand.

That is, the grip with the blade facing backwards.

Seeing that Minato was ready, Mirai moved.

He immediately waved his hand, threw the scabbard out of the blade, and swish three swords.

In an instant, three four-meter-high sharp [sword energy] were killed by Mirai. All of them were swung out in one second.

Compared with the previous [Sword Qi], each of the [Sword Qi] this time was much larger and more condensed than before, and the most important thing was that their speed was countless times faster.

There was a distance of 16 or 17 meters between Minato and Mirai, but this move took less than half a second from its appearance to Minato's position.

Minato's eyes condensed, and his breathing became heavy.

'You start with three [Sword Qi] slashes! '

It was a familiar taste, but the difference was that Mirai did not follow the slash. Instead of approaching him, he stood still, as if to remind him not to be careless.

For a moment, he felt the pressure he hadn't felt for a long time.

If he didn't pay full attention this time, he might really lose.

When the [Sword Qi] rushed forward rapidly and was only three meters away from him, Minato disappeared instantly.

It was as if he had never appeared in that place.

The three [Sword Qi] didn't even touch the corner of Minato's clothes, and they directly passed by where he was.

Due to the angle problem, the three [Sword Qi] were slashed diagonally downward.

After they slid past the position of the water gate, they came into close contact with the ground.

In an instant.

The ground was as fragile as tofu pudding, and soon it was cut into long traces.

What was eye-popping was that the four-meter-high [Sword Qi] all sank into the ground, but did not dissipate.

Linghua picked up the scabbard that was thrown to her by the future, and hurriedly opened the [White Eyes], looking at the ground intently.

Her eyes were full of surprise.

"Such a solid slash, it actually sank into the ground and cut a depth of ten meters!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present changed their expressions.

The eyes looking at the future were full of doubts.

Such a solid [Sword Qi] attack, except for dodging, it seems that there is no ability to resist it.

"Maybe, Minato will really lose! "Rope Tree's face was extremely solemn.

Mirai's move directly shook their firm belief that Minato would win.

Reika's face, which looked like Hinata, was full of smiles.

"I said Mirai was very strong. In the past three years, while we have been making progress, he has never been lazy!"

For ZhaoShe has taken care of the next three years, so she has the most say!

Shouda Yile asked curiously: "Is it his practice of holding a knife and closing his eyes to rest his mind?!"

Will this be useful? !

"Yes!" Linghua nodded and responded.

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