The exit of the underground passage is a river.

The moonlight tonight is beautiful, and the moon in the sky is much larger than three footballs added together.

The cold moonlight sprinkled on the ground, and anyone who is not deaf can see the road clearly.

Mirai, with a pig head on his head, quickly floated to the surface of the water.

After getting on the shore, he looked at Linghua behind him with a sad face, who looked "unhappy".

He said in a muffled voice: "Hua'er, why did you hit him so hard!"

It hurt him to death.

Speaking of which, Linghua really learned everything.

Not only did she learn the medical ninjutsu of Sister Tsunade, but she also learned her temper.

Linghua: ヽ(`⌒´)ノ


"You're talking nonsense, you deserve it!"

A young girl who looks like a young woman...

"Don't think I can't hear it, do you have something else to say!"

Future was stunned, and a trace of obvious surprise flashed across his chubby pig-headed face.

"I didn't, I'm not, you think too much!"

Listening to Future's three consecutive denials, Linghua was not moved at all.

She hummed: "Heh... Does the latter sentence mean 'a young woman who looks like a young girl!'?!"

Future: ᓫ(°⌑°)ǃ

He was shocked, he was stunned, and his diaper was wet with fear.

How did Linghua know?

He really thought of this sentence, but he didn't want to say it at the time, because he knew that if he said it, he would definitely get a beating.

In fact, even if he didn't say it, he still got a beating.

"I didn't say that at all!" What could he do? He couldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death.

Otherwise, Linghua would definitely beat him up again.

As he said that, he used the acting skills he had learned throughout his life.

He looked at Linghua with three parts of sincerity, three parts of sincerity, and four parts of sincerity on his face...

For a moment, Linghua was a little stunned.

She asked uncertainly: "Really?!"

"Absolutely not!" Weilai said firmly. In order to ensure the credibility of his words, he stretched out four fingers and swore to the sky: "If you don't believe it, I can swear by holding Minato's asshole!"

Linghua was a little skeptical at first, but Weilai dared to make such a big oath, and she immediately believed it 70% to 80%.

"Okay, I believe you!"

As she said that, the anger in her heart had dissipated for the most part, and she carefully touched Weilai's face.

A trace of embarrassment emerged in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I was a little too heavy!"

As she spoke, her hands immediately emitted a green light and began to treat Weilai's pig head.

Weilai shrugged with a wry smile, but didn't say anything!

He just quietly accepted Linghua's treatment by the river.

Three minutes later, Weilai regained his handsome face again.

He went to see Linghua tonight to take her out for a good meal, but he had to deal with the wet clothes first.

He did bring a change of clothes with him, but Linghua didn't seem to have any!

He only noticed Linghua's wet clothes at this time, and his breathing became slightly faster.

If Linghua didn't shake obviously when she went down the stairs before, then it was absolutely obvious now.

The casual clothes she wore were directly attached to her body because of the water stains.

It made her majestic figure even more magnificent.

And under the moonlight, Weilai could vaguely see a touch of black, wrapping the majestic chest.

Not only that.

Her lower body fits perfectly.

The originally loose pants are now like tight pants, exposing her legs and buttocks perfectly.

For a moment, Mirai felt that his nose was itchy.

Before he could rub it twice, two streams of warm feeling instantly sprayed out of his nasal cavity.

That's right, it sprayed.

Just like Kakashi, the third generation, Jiraiya, and the elite teacher Ebisu, the kind with a huge amount of bleeding.

Linghua was embarrassed and annoyed by Mirai's gaze.

She was about to take action, but she saw this scene, which scared her.

You know, even if Mirai saw her private parts, he didn't bleed so much.

She didn't care about covering her clothes.

She quickly stretched out her index and middle fingers and thrust them forward.

She directly pinched his nose.

At the same time, he shouted anxiously: "Hey, are you okay!?"

"Don't scare me!"

After Linghua did this, Weilai suddenly came back to his senses.

He quickly pulled out his nose and sucked hard.

He sucked all the blood accumulated in the nasal cavity into his throat, and then closed the trachea, allowing it to flow into the stomach along the throat.


"It's okay... I just got angry!"

As he said, he noticedFeeling that his nose was still itchy and warm, he immediately jumped into the river.

The cold river water instantly cooled him down a lot.

For a while, the amount of blood from his nose was effectively controlled and gradually stopped.

Linghua also reacted at this time.

She immediately squatted on the ground with laughter.

( ゚▽゚)/


"I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so stuffy!"

"Before, when you saw my legs, you were so excited that your eyes opened on the spot. This time, when you saw my figure, you sprayed blood from your nose. If you see someone more beautiful than me in the future, will you die on the spot!"

It's strange that she didn't get too angry at the moment, but gloated over it.

Maybe it's because she had already let out her anger just now!

When Weilai heard this, his old face suddenly turned red, and he was ashamed.

"No way!"

After shouting in exasperation, he opened his mouth and spit out his coat and trousers.

Then he turned his back to Linghua and threw it to her.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, or you'll catch a cold!"

'Otherwise, I'll bleed and be laughed at by you! '

He didn't know whether Linghua had brought the multi-storage scroll, so he just assumed she didn't.

Let her change her clothes earlier, and he wouldn't be embarrassed all the time.

Linghua caught the clothes, which were obviously washed, and there was still the smell of detergent on them.

Linghua raised her eyebrows, but didn't say anything else.

And she did feel a little cold.

It would be better if she didn't catch a cold.

"Then don't peek!"

Future: o(*////▽////*)q

Peeking! ?


Not good!

My nose is itchy again!

"I'm not that kind of person!"

After saying that, he buried his head directly under the river surface, leaving only the sound of bubbles, "Gulu... Don't... Gulu... False accusation... Gulu... I..."

Linghua smiled, looked at the future, and turned to the other side of the river bank.

She looked at the storage scroll in her arms, thought about it, and put it on the other side.

She turned on [White Eyes] and looked around, and found that the future was still squatting in the water honestly. There was no one within a hundred meters around, so she took off her clothes and changed into the future's clothes.

Although the clothes were a little big, they were quite comfortable to wear.

Realizing that Linghua was not behind him, the future felt that his anger had subsided a little.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly.

'Damn it, Linghua, this guy, is just like my aesthetic! '

It's a girl who looks like a young woman!

As he said that, he subconsciously glanced at the river surface.

Although it was night, the river surface was not as clear as during the day, but he could still see part of the scenery.

If it glowed, it would be clearer.

Then he was silent...


When he saw the red, he couldn't help but think of Tsunade's warning.

He was so scared that he quickly closed his eyes.

He didn't dare to look at anything anymore, and quickly dispelled the blood-spurting picture in his mind.

"Damn, although there is a precedent, isn't it too outrageous!"

"What precedent?!" At this time, Linghua had changed her clothes and was twisting the water stains on her clothes and walking back here.

Weiwei subconsciously changed the subject and said: "Nothing, it's just... it's... it's time for me to change clothes!"

As he said, he didn't dare to look at Linghua, closed his eyes, lowered his head and walked to the river bank from the other side.

He quickly ran to the other side of the river bank.

Only Linghua was left confused on the spot.

‘Host, I feel that Uchiha Mirai seems a little strange! ’

‘I feel the same way! ’

‘Why don’t we go and take a look quietly! ? ’ Tongzi couldn’t help but instigate.

Linghua couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

But she still subconsciously said: ‘Uh... ahem... this is not good! ’

Although she had seen Mirai’s naked body countless times, it was always in the treatment room, and there were always people around.

But this time was different.

Not only was there no one around, but the environment was also different.

So the atmosphere was different.

So her mood was different now.

Two little people immediately emerged in her mind.

One was white with a halo, and the other was black with a knife and fork.

The black one said: ‘Just take a look, just take a look, even if he finds out, you can say that you want to see if he’s okay, what a good excuse and opportunity! ’

The white one with a halo and a spoon in hand hurriedly pushed the black little devil away.

OccupiedMost of her heart.

She said excitedly: ‘That’s right! Just take a look! ’

Linghua couldn’t help but mutter: “Then… take a look!?”

Thinking of this, her feet had already moved…

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