Weilai looked at Honghong with a shy face.

At this moment, the latter looked confused.

Question: What would you do when you find out that your brother is a big pervert?

She subconsciously glanced at the shy Weilai, and suddenly there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

She had never discovered that her brother was such a person before. He hid it too well.

In other words, he is actually a sultry + old pervert! ?

However, when she recalled that she saw Linghua's wet appearance in Weilai's memory.

She was silent.

If she were Weilai, she might be like him and get excited.

Because Linghua at that time, let alone Weilai, even she couldn't help but get agitated when she saw it.

'No, no, Honghong, how can you think of your brother like this! '

Weilai was raised by me since he was a child, how could I not know what kind of person he is.

I can't think that Weilai is a pervert.

In that situation at that time, anyone would have thoughts about Linghua.

Even if she is a woman.

So the future is still a normal person.

If you think about it this way...

'Yes, that's right, think about it from another angle, my brother has learned to dig up the cabbage by himself, I should be happy! '

If you think about it this way, the weird thoughts in her mind disappeared instantly.

Instead, she was filled with a strong sense of accomplishment.

"Brother, you have grown up!"

Future: ⊙(・◇・)?

I don't know why, I always feel that my sister seems to have experienced a very fierce brainstorm in a short moment.

Look, not only did she not blame herself, but she looked at herself with a face of relief.

This is not normal at all.

He couldn't help but whispered: "Sister, are you okay?"

Honghong reached out and touched the future's head, and smiled and replied: "It's okay, sister, I am actually very happy, you finally became a man!"

Future was even more confused.

May I ask what is the relationship between "color" and "man"?

Who stipulates that men must be lustful?

Is a man who is not lustful not a man! ?

"Let's go, let's go home!"


Mirai nodded subconsciously and was led home by his sister.

When they all came back, Dazhuang and his wife had already returned home and lay down, and the shoes placed at the entrance were proof of that.

The next morning.

It was a good day today.

Just like the mood of the future, it was beautiful.


Mirai stood in front of the window and couldn't help stretching.

The originally stiff waist also crackled with bones at this moment.

"What a good day!"

"Mirai~" At this time, the sister's voice came from downstairs.

"Get up, today is the day you officially form a team, you can't be late!"

Hearing this, Mirai immediately replied: "I know!"

After answering his sister's words, he returned to the bed and changed out of his pajamas.

Outside the Hyuga mansion.

As soon as Linghua walked out of the door with a handbag, she saw Kushina waiting for her at the door.

She was the only one outside, and she didn't see the yellow-haired guy.

This surprised Linghua.

In the past, the little sister was very attached to Minato. Since the two of them were together, the little sister rarely came to her house alone.

Kushina naturally saw Linghua, and she happily greeted her, "Ah~ You're out!"

As she said, she took Linghua's hand.

Walk with her to Minato's house!

Linghua asked curiously: "Kushina-chan, what brought you here today?"

"Usually you can't wait to stick to Minato and don't want to separate!"

Hearing this, Kushina smiled awkwardly.

Can she say that she thought about it for half a night last night and found that what Mirai said made sense. She had to keep a little distance from Minato and couldn't cling to him too tightly, lest he get annoyed with her!

Minato: ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3 I want to cry!

But she couldn't say that, so she pretended to be unhappy and stretched out her hand to gently pinch Linghua's little tummy.

"What are you talking about? I'm that kind of person!"

"Ah!" Linghua's face flushed red. In broad daylight, how dare Kushina, a pervert, pinch me there!


She was so embarrassed that she fought back immediately!

Kushina was very cunning. When she started, she had already thought that Linghua might fight back.

So when she realized that Linghua was going to fight back, she immediately let go of her hand and ran away with a mean smile!

"La la la!"

"You can't pinch me! Hehehe..."

As she said that, she ran towards Minato's house.

Linghua saw that she dared to run, and was immediately furious, "Stop right there!"

'Kushina is really something, every time she can't win an argument with me, she likes to change the subject by touching her! '

She knew this, but she always succeeded.

Seeing that she had already run far away, what could she do? Of course, she would chase after her and ask for justice!


"Hehehe... Catch me first!"

For a while, the cold streets in the morning were full of the laughter of girls chasing and playing.

Soon Linghua caught up with Kushina and pinched her two little tufts of hair 'viciously'.

"Ah!" Kushina screamed in pain.

It immediately attracted the attention of people on the street.

Kushina, who noticed this, immediately blushed with shame.

It was several points redder than her hair.

Seeing that her face was even redder than hers, Linghua finally let out a sigh of relief. She said unhappily, "Next time you dare to pinch me, I will definitely retaliate fiercely!"

Kushina hurriedly begged for mercy, "I dare not, I will never dare to do it again next time!"

'Wait, I won't give up so easily! '

Looking at Kushina's expression of 'I know I was wrong, but I will dare to do it next time'.

Linghua rolled her eyes speechlessly.

This girl is really hopeless.

However, after Linghua's 'revenge', Kushina didn't dare to jump too much. She took Linghua's hand and walked towards Minato's house.

She noticed the handbag in Linghua's hand.

However, because it was made of paper, she couldn't see what was inside. She could only see through the bag's mouth that it was made of fabrics such as clothes.

But why does this color look so familiar? And Linghua doesn't seem to like dark colors of clothes! ?

She asked curiously, "Huahua, what is this dress?"

Linghua didn't think of hiding it. Anyway, when she returned it to Mirai, they would know who it belonged to, so she replied, "This dress belongs to Mirai!"

Hearing this, Kushina's eyes widened immediately, and she couldn't help but lean back a little.

"You last night..." She looked at Linghua in astonishment and asked incredulously.

Why is Mirai's clothes here with Linghua?

Why did Linghua take Mirai's clothes, and even used the word "set", could it be that even Mirai's underwear is in it! ?

For a moment, her face turned red, and a very bold idea came to her mind.

Did they do that secretly last night! ?

After the incident, Mirai forgot to take the clothes away, or the clothes were stained? !

Thinking of this, her breathing became a little faster.

Linghua rolled her eyes at her unhappily, and she knew that this girl's mind was full of Minato Huang.

She really should switch with Minato, she came to be Jiraiya's disciple, and they both happened to be quite naughty.

She sighed, rubbed her swollen forehead, and explained helplessly: "Last night after we went back, Mirai asked me to have a barbecue, and when we passed by the river, he accidentally fell into the water.

I didn't bring any change of clothes, so I borrowed his clothes first!"

In public, she didn't tell the secret passage, just said that they both fell into the water!

After hearing Linghua's explanation, Kushina was relieved.

I was thinking too much about feelings!

To be honest, they are still just children!

However, when he thought that Mirai would lend his clothes to Linghua, he couldn't help but say in surprise: "It's strange, Mirai, who is obsessed with his sister, is willing to lend you his sister's washed clothes!"

Everyone has been friends for four years, and they are already familiar with each other.

They all know that Mirai is very attached to his sister.

As she said that, Kushina looked at Reika and smiled even more happily, "It seems that you have a very important position in Future's heart!"

Reika couldn't help but smile! But she still pretended to be reserved and said, "No way!"

Not long after.

When the two girls walked side by side to Minato's house, they saw that the four boys of Future were already here.

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