He wiped his eyes carefully, although this action had no effect on him, after all, he could only see Tessaiga in his sea of ​​consciousness.

But he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, he felt that he could see more clearly.

He looked carefully and found that he was not wrong. The progress bar rose directly to 10%.

In other words...

In other words... he could materialize the golden finger!


His golden finger has arrived!!!


He couldn't care less about walking slowly, and immediately accelerated, rushed across the street and ran towards his own territory.

Others didn't care about his actions. It was not surprising that a child would do something strange.

As the second largest clan in Konoha, Uchiha not only had its own exclusive territory, but also its own river area. Moreover, other people were not allowed to set foot in the territory without special circumstances.

After all, there are too many Uchiha clan members in the police department. Apart from patrolling the streets of Konoha Village, the remaining people have nothing to do.

Others have their own duties in guarding the gates and barriers of Konoha, and it is not the turn of Uchiha to intervene.

So these extra people either go to the battlefield or are arranged to patrol the clan land and protect the clan members.

After all, it is impossible to let these people eat the establishment without work!

Let’s not talk about whether the Uchiha high-level officials agree or not, the Konoha high-level officials will definitely not agree.

Over time, the Uchiha clan land became the private property of the Uchiha.

After a cup of tea.

Mirai has run to the Nanhe River.

This river is said to be the place where the first generation and Madara often hang out. It should have been one of the tourist attractions of Konoha, but after the battle of the Valley of the End, the river suddenly became deserted.

When the first generation of wood was still alive, he would often come to this place to commemorate his and Madara's every bit, but after he died, anyone who knew something about it didn't want to touch this place.

It was for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings. Later, because this river was close to the Uchiha Nanga Shrine, it was taken over by Uchiha Dahai and turned into their own clan land.

It is currently considered a place for the Uchiha clan to practice.

However, few people come to this place to practice, and I don't know why!

Now it is the safest place that Uchiha Mirai can think of, at least there will be no idle people passing by here.

He endured the dull pain in his chest. The hurried running just now made him recover a little bit of his injuries, and some of them were cracked again.

But Mirai didn't care. At this moment, he was fully focused on the joy of Tessaiga's materialization.

This is the golden finger he has been relying on since he was born.

Now he can finally see Tessaiga in the unsealed state. With his love in the previous life, how can he not be excited?

He took a deep breath, opened the newly awakened [Sharingan], and scanned the surroundings.

His sharp eyes allowed him to see clearly even in the dark.

In his scarlet pupils, two magatama were spinning rapidly. Within hundreds of meters around him, any slight movement or chakra fluctuation could not escape the detection of his [Dual Magatama Sharingan].

Compared to exposing the [Sharingan], he still didn't want to expose Tessaiga too early.

There is no doubt that Tessaiga has strong power.

In the future, it is speculated that it can at least increase his combat power by three times.

He didn't know at this moment whether the so-called materialization was to take out Tessaiga from the sea of ​​consciousness, or just a projection of its power.

But what if!

What if it was the former, and someone happened to be nearby, what would an adult think if he suddenly saw a little kid holding a limited edition intimate paradise and dangling in front of him?

Besides, there was no one around. Would that make that person have bad intentions?

Even if they were both Uchiha, there was no guarantee that they would not have other ideas in the future.

If it was the latter, and someone snatched it away and found that it was just an ordinary ninja tool, would he be even more curious?

By then, maybe he would even want to dissect him.

So exposing the [Sharingan] was what he could accept at the moment.

Even if using the [Sharingan] now would cause a lot of burden to him at the moment, he accepted it.

"The sound of the wind blowing the leaves... the frolicking of insects and birds in the forest... the quiet sleeping of animals..."

After turning around three times, he looked up and down, left and right, front and back without leaving any blind spots, and didn't find any abnormalities, which made him feel relieved.


It seems that there is no one here!

That's good!

In this way, the [Sharingan] doesn't need to be exposed!

At this moment, he could no longer suppress his excitement.

He immediately raised his hand and whispered: "Come out, my Tessaiga~"

The next moment...

Nothing happened!

The surroundings remained unchanged. The wind was still blowing, and the things were still moving. Even the squirrel couple were busy making little squirrels, and nothing paid attention to him.

Future: "???"

He looked at his empty hands in confusion.

Didn't it say that one state of Tessaiga can be unlocked every 10%? Why is it only 10% now, and nothing happened!

"Is it because my summoning posture is wrong?" Thinking of this, he hurriedly recalled how Inuyasha summoned Tessaiga.

"I remember that he directly pulled out the rusted blade form of Tessaiga, and then injected demonic power into it, and Tessaiga would be unsealed and transformed into the Fang Blade form!"

Thinking of this, he was even more confused, "The problem is, Tessaiga is in my mind, how can I pull it out!"

He now wants to bring Tessaiga to reality. Tessaiga is in his mind, how can he materialize it!

It's impossible to open his head!

The next moment, his eyes lit up, "Why don't you try to inject chakra into it?!"

If Inuyasha's rusted blade Tessaiga wants to be unsealed, he needs to inject demonic power. If he wants to materialize Tessaiga, does he also need to inject chakra? !

Well... it makes sense!

Immediately, he mobilized the few chakras and rushed towards the rusted blade in his mind!

He was very skilled in this matter. He had thought about whether he could use chakra energy to speed up its unsealing.

But in the end, it was useless.

Later, he did not give up and tried many times, but still could not move the progress bar.

I didn't expect it to come in handy this time.

It's already 10%, there should be changes.

But with the influx of chakra, the originally happy voice of the future gradually stiffened.

He withdrew the chakra with a somewhat ugly face.

"How could this happen!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Tessaiga was still motionless. Just like before, the other party spit out as much chakra as he injected.

There was no energy loss.

In other words, his idea was wrong.

The method of materialization of Tessaiga is not achieved by injecting chakra at all.

"Is it because chakra is not a demon power!?" His palms clenched involuntarily.

But in the ninja world, where can he find demon power!

There is only chakra in this world, and only chakra is born in the body of the beast.

"No, I clearly remember that when I first saw Tessaiga, there was information showing that it was no longer demonic power that activated it, but chakra..."

"And 10% is the first stage of its unlocking limit!"

There was no way he could remember these two points wrong.

Otherwise, he would not have persisted in practicing for so many years.

Then there was only one problem, he looked up at the sky.

"Is it that my summoning posture is wrong... or do I need some kind of summoning formula!?"

Thinking of this, Future had a headache. How excited he was just now, how painful he was now.

"Look, you, you have unlocked it to 10%, why can't you give me an instruction manual!"

"I hate three-no products!"

The Tessaiga in the sea of ​​consciousness was still motionless, ignoring Future's complaints.

What can Future do? He can only try it bit by bit!

"Let's start with the posture first!"

There are too many formulas, such as Kinomoto Sakura's summoning formula, Zanpakuto's, and Armor Hero's... So the posture should be easier.

Do it as soon as you think of it. He immediately recalled Inuyasha's sword-drawing action carefully.

Recall... sword-drawing action...


Future's face was blank!

Draw the sword...


Sword... materialize...

A flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

With a bang, his brain exploded!

"Oh my god, how could I be so stupid!" He had just fallen into a dead end without realizing it.

He was so angry that he couldn't help but give himself three big fights.

Snap Snap Snap!

In an instant, his face was swollen.

Looking carefully, the left side scored a few points higher than the right side.

It's not symmetrical at all.

Regardless of the pain on his face and chest, he looked at the long sword in his hand.

"Why didn't I think of it!"

There are also differences between materialization and materialization.

Why didn't I think of whether it needs a carrier!

Thinking of this, he immediately gripped the handle of the sword.

At the same time, his thoughts and chakra rushed to the rusty knife in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He said in a low voice: "Tessaiga!"

The next moment, the rusty sword Tessaiga, which was originally motionless in the sea of ​​consciousness, underwent a huge change.

It no longer rejected the chakra and will of the future, and the chakra injected by the future gradually shifted to the handle of the rusty sword and absorbed it.

The next moment, a special chakra burst out from the tip of the sword, sank into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, and flowed into the sword held by the future along his arm.

With the injection of this energy, the originally cold and slender sword was instantly wrapped in a golden light.

Starting from the handle, it flowed towards the tip of the sword.

Where the golden light passed, the appearance of the sword changed completely.

Not only did the handle grow hair, but the blade also became thicker, bigger and stronger.

In the blink of an eye, a big sword about 1.5 meters long and 25 centimeters wide appeared in the hands of the future.

"Is this...Tessaiga...?"

The future looked at it infatuatedly, with fascination in his eyes.

What a beautiful, domineering, and mighty sword!

It is as white as a big sister's long legs, the curve, the texture, the blade...


In the future, I can smell a faint scent from the blade.

It smells good!

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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