Weeding again today.

However, this time, Mirai has adapted a lot. Although he still can't catch up with Minato, the beast, his speed is almost the same as Linghua's.

Seeing that there are still more than ten acres left to weed, Minato suggested: "Why don't we use the technique, otherwise we won't be able to weed today!"

Mirai looked around. They only worked on eight acres of land yesterday.

Even if he is skilled today, he may not be able to pull out all the remaining weeds in the rice field before the sun sets.

And according to yesterday's workload, there will be at least two acres left today.

These two acres will only take one morning.

They don't want to come tomorrow. Linghua looked at Mirai and expressed her opinion.

"I think it's okay!"

She wants to do the next task earlier!

Strive to do advanced tasks.

Then the time outside will be much longer.

Then you don't have to stay in that cold tribe every day, and you can also see the prosperity of the world with Mirai.

The most important thing is that the reward is quite high.

"Well, let's use the technique. Each person can create a shadow clone. Although it will be a little tiring, it can save half the time!"

If there are twice as many people, it is estimated that everything can be done by 6 pm.

"I think it's better to have two people each!" Minato thought about the strength of the future and proposed again.

If he did it alone, he would definitely create three or even four shadow clones.

After all, the reward for D-level tasks is so much, and his time is extremely precious and can't afford to be delayed.

Hearing this, the future subconsciously looked at Linghua.

And Linghua nodded at him, indicating that she could handle it!

"Well, two!"

After saying that, the three of them formed a seal together and performed the [Shadow Clone Technique].

In an instant, two more teams of people appeared in the rice field. The shadow clones didn't need the future to say anything, and they started working consciously.

On the ridge, Orochimaru was holding a book and reading it slowly.

He was a shadow clone, and his original body had gone to the laboratory to do a clone cultivation experiment.

That's right, he added Jiraiya's genetic factors, his own cells, used chakra, and some precious medicines to start cultivating a new body.

So he didn't have time to waste on such tasks.

"Heh... these three little guys can't stand the loneliness!"

The shadow clone thought for a while and didn't stop them.

Because he was smart, he quickly thought of the reason why Minato and the others did this.

After all, Minato still had to pay the mortgage.

And in the past three years, he paid about 3.6 million just for the mortgage.

It almost reached one-tenth of the full payment for buying a house.

If Minato wanted to live there for a long time, then the most cost-effective thing would be to buy it.

Otherwise, as long as he wanted to live there, he had to pay rent.

So, Minato was short of money and had time.

‘It seems that after the main body experiment is completed, he will have to take on some difficult tasks! ’

Otherwise, Minato will be too tired.

Thinking of this.

He looked at the book in his hand again.

With the help of the Future and the others, they soon pulled out all the weeds in the 23-acre rice field.

The employer grandfather was very satisfied with their serious attitude.

He happily gave the remaining balance of the reward to the Future and the others.

So far, the second task was successfully completed before five o'clock in the afternoon.

The Future and the other three divided the money according to their contribution.

The task reward mechanism of Konoha is like this.

If you want to issue a task, the employer must first pay 10% of the task reward.

This 10% is the share drawn by the village, and it does not need to be given to the person who performs the task.

Unless no one accepts the task, then this 10% of the money will be returned to the task publisher.

The remaining 90% can be directly given by the employer to the ninja who is doing the task, and the instructor can take 40%. After all, once a task above B level is performed, there will be danger.

This requires the instructor to take action.

Moreover, no one can be sure how dangerous these dangers are.

The three genin burdens will naturally become a burden to the jonin.

Therefore, many jonins have no complaints about the jonin taking so much.

Moreover, the instructors of the jonin are all quite capable and can work alone. Why should they teach the three genin burdens?

Moreover, the money received in the early stage is not much.

The remaining 50% is distributed among the three people.

Whether it is divided equally or distributed according to contribution, the ninjas only need to consider it themselves.

Therefore, the employer only needs to give the 90% task reward to the task team in person, and sign his name on the task information at the same time.Put on the hand seal.

After the ninja sent them to the mission hall, the mission was completed.

The future and the others returned to the village entrance a little tired. Seeing how hard they worked, Orochimaru announced the disbandment after arriving at the village entrance. He took the mission order and went to the mission hall to submit the mission.

After the future sent Linghua back.

He went straight back home. On the way, he was still the same, helping several old ladies.

His tired body was also healed a lot by his happy heart.

"I'm back!" He sat at the entrance and shouted towards the house.

But no one in the house answered.

This made the future subconsciously use the perception technique to see if his parents were at home.

Although [Chakra Perception Technique] can be used as a passive skill.

This is equivalent to that as long as the future is in the crowd, it will continuously receive information within a range of 20 meters around the body.

If it goes on for a long time, his brain will be overloaded and there will be problems.

So after knowing this side effect in the future, he rarely activates this ability.

After all, ears can also be used as a sensory ability.

Although not as clear and sharp as perception and eyes.

There was no one in the room.

There were lines of food on the dining table, and the tabletop seemed to be covered with a dust cover, and there was a sticky note next to it.

Weilai got up curiously and came to the paper. The handwriting on it was very beautiful, with a kind of scholarly atmosphere of a lady from a noble family.

"Son, there are meals left by your parents on the table. If you come back, just heat it up and eat it yourself!"

Seeing this, Weilai shrugged helplessly.

"Alas, it seems that they went to fool around somewhere else." Weilai muttered.

Yes, since he also went on a mission, when to go home for dinner, or whether to go home for dinner, is no longer fixed.

Dazhuang and his wife no longer need to wait for Weilai to eat like before.

So, they finished their meal early and started their date.

Looking at the lobster-shaped and tempura meals on the table, Weilai suddenly lost her appetite.


But his stomach protested, urging him not to disdain the food on the table. Filling his stomach was the most important thing now.


He couldn't help but look at the tempura on the table, and his eyes were dazed for a moment.

"Do you want to eat?"

But I can't eat it!

Although I'm very hungry.

Thinking of this, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He immediately found a food box and put all the dishes on the table into the food box.

Then he carried them out of the house again.

He was afraid of his mother's cooking, but Linghua was obviously not. She liked her mother's cooking, especially lobster tempura.

As long as she came home, Mieko would not miss any meal.

Since he was a child, his teacher taught him that food should not be wasted, so he wanted to send it to Linghua's house.

As soon as Linghua entered the Hyuga mansion, he saw the familiar brothers.

It was obvious that the two brothers were waiting for her. Even if they pretended to pass by here by coincidence, she could see it at a glance.

A cold color appeared on her face involuntarily, and she became a cold girl.

She walked to the side of the road and bowed her head respectfully.

Like a sculpture of a servant.

Hinata Hiashi did deliberately create an encounter, but when he pretended to be "what a coincidence, I actually met you here", the beautiful girl had already silently expressed everything with her actions.

I just want to keep a distance from you!

Hiashi's face was quite complicated.

He had seen the conflict between the branch family and the main family a long time ago.

He also knew this. Every member of their main family was very clear that the people of the branch family all hated their main family. They didn't care before, but since they met this beautiful girl, he couldn't help thinking.

If there was no [Bird in a Cage], would they have a chance!

Realizing that Hiashi walked in front of him and stopped, he seemed to be about to say something.

Linghua spoke immediately and stopped the other party from speaking.

"Hello, Master Hiashi!"

"Goodbye, Master Hiashi!"

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Hiashi stretched out his hand, trying to grab the man, but the distance between them was not close.

He couldn't reach him at all!

For a long time!

He sighed faintly, "Hiashi, do you think the system of our Hyuga clan should be reformed?"

Hearing this, Hiashi was stunned, and then his eyes were full of brilliance.

"It must be changed!"

He didn't want his descendants to be reduced to the same fate as himself, forever just a separate family, unable to resist fate.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly came back to his senses, his face was not very goodSaid: "But this resistance is definitely far beyond what you and I can resist."

"Let's wait until we grow up!"

"Grow up!" Rizu couldn't help but sigh.

How long will it take?

But he also knew that his idea was somewhat brainless.

The clan division system, how could he change it just because he wanted to.

Even if he became the clan leader, he could only slightly resist that extremely heavy mountain!

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