After leaving Linghua's house through the secret passage.

Mirai did not go home directly.

Although he was very tired, he decided to sneak into the Hyuga clan shrine tonight to see the man named Hyuga Souyoshi.

If possible...

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the river behind him, and whispered softly: "Hyuga Souyoshi, maybe I have to use you again!"

Four years ago, he knew that Hyuga Souyoshi hated the Hyuga clan leader.

If he could put the blame on him for killing the clan and let him take the blame, would he be able to make Linghua give up defecting?

But when the time comes, she has to participate in the plan to kill the Hyuga clan and let her complete her revenge...

After all, this is the deepest obsession in her heart.

Linghua's change from destroying the Hyuga clan to destroying the clan was the result of Linghua's step back after their argument two and a half years ago.

Thinking of this, he changed his clothes, which was Linghua's casual clothes.

Instead, he put on an Anbu costume.

It would be very troublesome if he was discovered sneaking into the territory of another clan without permission.

So he needed to put on a vest.

And in Konoha, there was no one more suitable to take the blame than the Root.

What's more, this Anbu costume was taken from a Root ninja before.

The mask was also specially made, and even the [Baiyan] could not see through it.

He solemnly swallowed Linghua's clothes into his stomach and sent a message to his family, saying that he would rest at Minato's house tonight.

After telling his parents not to worry, he then found a hidden place and began to close his eyes and rest.

Four o'clock in the evening is the best time to sneak in.

Many people sleep the most at this time.

In the clan ancestral hall.

A hermaphrodite slowly poked his head out from the ground.

They came to the bed quietly.

There was only one person lying here, not Hyuga Souji, but Hyuga Shikato.

The person who is responsible for monitoring Hyuga Muneyoshi and guarding the safety of the ancestral hall.

However, in addition to the ancestral hall outside the village, the Hyuga clan also has one in the Hyuga clan land.

The latter is in the heart of the Hyuga clan, so there is no need to worry about being broken into.

Besides, if someone breaks in, then Hyuga would have been attacked long ago.

So the security work here is not that serious.

Just make sure there are no natural accidents.

But how can there be so many natural accidents?

So Hyuga Shikato is equivalent to taking a sinecure.

Black Zetsu slowly stretched out his hand and touched Hyuga Shikato's forehead.

The next moment, countless memories flowed into the minds of Black and White Zetsu along with his hand.

Most of them were boring memories about the ancestral hall.

After quickly skipping these memories, Black Zetsu deliberately set the time and looked at the memories of more than three years ago.

After reading, Black Zetsu and White Zetsu were silent.

Because Lu Ren didn't know how Hyuga Souji became like this.

However, from his memory, it can be seen that Hyuga Souji changed slowly.

From a boy, he slowly became a girl.

And Hyuga Souji could change so thoroughly, and this person called Hyuga Lu Ren played a lot of roles.

Because after he found that Hyuga Souji began to have feminine characteristics and behaviors, he had a bold idea that he wanted to train Hyuga Souji, a member of the main family, into his plaything.

Satisfy his perverted psychology.

So all the female things of Hyuga Souji were bought by him secretly.

"It seems that the key to the problem is not in the ancestral hall, but when he was in the outside world, he was attacked by someone!" Black Zetsu's unique hoarse voice suddenly appeared.

White Zetsu nodded, "Yes, we have tested it. The estrogen content in Hyuga Souji's body is very high.

And there are drugs that have been suppressing the production of androgens.

This level of technology is rarely possessed in the ninja world!"

After two days of searching, White Zetsu and Black Zetsu both gained different things.

He continued, "Hehe... I found a snake at the door of one of Orochimaru's laboratories.

It witnessed Uchiha Mirai taking a syringe from the laboratory!"

"It contains high-concentration estrogen. With the amount in that syringe, it can't be used up in three years!"

Black Zetsu's tone began to get a little excited!


"God really helps me. I didn't expect Uchiha Mirai to have done something to Hyuga Souji. As long as Hyuga Souji knows about this, and then use it a little to transfer this hatred to Hyuga Reika.

Then there is no need to worry about Uchiha Mirai not falling into darkness!""What do you need me to do?" White Zetsu asked happily.

He was bored to death in the past three years.

Even though he could freely go out of the ninja world, which was a privilege that Uzumaki White Zetsu envied, he felt that he was not happy at all, and there was nothing worth bragging about.

"We just need to..." Black Zetsu was about to tell his plan.

He suddenly froze for a moment, his eyes were full of brilliance, and even the corners of his mouth were crazily raised.

"Do you think if Hyuga Souji falls in love with Uchiha Mirai, will this work?"

White Zetsu was stunned, and his face couldn't help but become strange.

"No, they are all men!"

"But Hyuga Souji is not. Didn't you see that he hates his male characteristics now?

The whole body and mind are feminine from the inside out.

What if he falls in love with Uchiha Mirai, and Uchiha Mirai likes Hyuga Reika.

When he can't get what he wants, will he do something to Hyuga Reika?"

"Two people are fate, three people are sin, and human love is the easiest to control!"

The White Zetsu was stunned.

He couldn't say a word for a long time, because he suddenly felt that what Black Zetsu said made sense.

And the feasibility of this method is very high, and they don't need to intervene too much, which will naturally reduce the risk of exposure.

He looked at half of the black body with strange eyes, "Black Zetsu, you are so coquettish! You can actually think of such an idea!"

"Heh..." Black Zetsu ignored the words of the White Zetsu, he just thought that the other party was complimenting him.

After thinking about this.

He turned to look at Hyuga Shikato, "Let's save this man's life first, and let's go to Hyuga Souyoshi!"

Black Zetsu wanted to see what he was thinking.

Then he would take advantage of the situation and achieve his goal.


White Zetsu's original body roared in response and left Shikato's bedroom.

Soon, the room returned to silence.

As if no one had ever been there.

And the owner of the room, Hyuga Shikato, didn't know about this at all, and he was still sleeping soundly.

Even though Black Zetsu and White Zetsu spoke in his ear just now, they didn't wake him up.

Behind the ancestral hall.

In the only room.

Black Zetsu followed the same method and put his hand on Hyuga Souyoshi's forehead, searching his mind and memory.

Soon he saw that he had been unconscious for a while in the public toilet.

Since then, his temperament has changed drastically, not only irritable, but also a little irritable.

So much so that he cursed the Hyuga clan leader in broad daylight and was put in solitary confinement.

As time went by, his personality gradually stabilized.

Although his personality was not so irritable, his behavior began to become feminine, and he even enjoyed it.

However, the faces of both of them were very strange, because they saw Hyuga Muneyoshi's dream.

This guy was actually dreaming about eroticism.

He also imagined himself as a complete woman.

He was lying on the bed, being caressed by a man whose face he could not see clearly.


Black Zetsu was so scared that he quickly pulled his hand back.

"I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen such an outrageous dream!" He said with fear.

White Zetsu was so scared that he hurriedly pressed his hand on Hyuga Muneyoshi's forehead again.

"Oh my god, Black Zetsu, if this kid knows about our existence, it will be easy to get into trouble!"

The reason why they didn't wake up Hyuga Shikato just now was because their hands were on Shikato's forehead, controlling his mind and making him unable to hear.

So Hyuga Shikato was not woken up.

Black Zetsu heard this and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Sorry, I was shocked!"

"Forget it, don't talk about you, I, a newbie, was shocked to death!"

Black Zetsu glanced at the pretty and lovely person lying on the bed, and then said: "We don't have to do anything.

This guy thinks he is a woman from the bottom of his heart. If he sees the handsomeness of Uchiha Mirai, she will definitely be crazy about him."

There is no ugly man in Uchiha.

Besides, Mirai is so handsome, many women will be moved when they see him.

"This guy is a man. With Uchiha Mirai's perception ability, he must be able to sense this, so he will definitely not be tempted by this guy!"

"In this way, a love triangle is formed. We just need to strengthen his strength, let him attack Hyuga Reika, and kill her completely, then Uchiha Mirai will fall into darkness!"

White Zetsu praised: "You are so insidious!"

"Hehe... All for the resurrection of mother!"

Black Zetsu said, he pinched a seal, "Be safe, he is not dreaming, I will let him see, remember that the man in the dream is Uchiha Mirai!"Bai Jue was slightly stunned, "Dream man?"

"That's right, plant a seed in his heart first, and then we can wait for it to blossom and bear fruit!"


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