In front of the entrance to the cave.

The five people from the future squatted behind Ichiraku, lined up in a row. If they didn't hold their heads with their hands, they really looked like a gang of thieves caught by the police.

The one on the far left was Honghong, followed by Linghua, then Future, Nawaki, Kushina and Minato.

That's right, even when the future squatted, it was necessary to separate Nawaki from her sister.

But Nawaki just curled his lips at this. He had expected this scene, so he was not very angry.

And Ichiraku, on the other hand, methodically used water escape to summon water to wash vegetables, used skilled knife skills to cut vegetables, and used pure fire escape to cook in a pot.

He even had time to make the ingredients for the soup base.

Seeing this, the future people's scalps tingled.

Sheng Shu couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hand, whispered to Weilai's ear: "How do you think this guy practiced?"

"I cook step by step. Once a link goes wrong, I will be in a mess for a while."

He always determines what to eat first, then selects and washes the vegetables, and then cuts and prepares all the vegetables.

Then he starts to heat the oil and fry the vegetables.

But Yile is not like this. He handles all of these at once.

In other words, when washing the vegetables, he has already lit the fire and set up the pot.

When the oil in the pot is heated, he has also washed and cut the vegetables.

The whole set of movements is smooth and flowing.

It is pleasing to watch. Just watching his movements makes people hungry!

"It should be practice makes perfect, just like you have never seen a fart swallow, but every time you wipe it, it is accurate!"

Sheng Shu: "..."

This metaphor is really good, don't say it next time.

Minato was a little entangled. He wanted to reach out and pull Mirai several times, but he couldn't help but retract it every time he stretched out halfway.

Because he saw Mirai and Rope Tree whispering to each other, he didn't want to disturb them.

Finally, Mirai and Rope Tree stopped talking, and Minato reached out and went around Rope Tree and pulled Mirai.

After being pulled by him, Mirai looked at the place where he was pulled in confusion. Following his arm, he found that it was Minato who pulled him. He asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Noticing Mirai's actions, the friends all looked at Minato curiously.

Minato glanced at Ichiraku who was frying vegetables. His movements were very fluent, just like an artist carving art, so he couldn't help but lower his voice, fearing to disturb him.

"We are all at the entrance of the cave. Why don't we go in directly first, but prepare to eat here?"

After all, it has only been an hour or two since dinner tonight.

Not hungry.

Kushina was just as puzzled as Minato.

This meal was proposed by Mirai.

She couldn't help wondering in her heart if this guy was thinking that if they fought and died unexpectedly, at least he would be full before he died!

Mirai chuckled and then said seriously: "Don't underestimate the strength of the people living on the moon. We will have enough chakra only when we are full.

We can better deal with the next conflict!"

After hearing Mirai's explanation, several people looked at each other.

I didn't expect that Mirai would have this plan.

It seems that the strength of the people on the moon is not low, otherwise Mirai would not be so cautious in order to be fully prepared.

At this time, Rope Tree thought of another question.

He felt it was necessary to remind them, so he raised his hand weakly and asked a question.

"I have a question. I ate too much. What if I suddenly have diarrhea and need to poop while we are fighting?"

"Hold it in???"

Everyone: ( ̄ー ̄)

Mirai: (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノノ(º_ºノ)

Fuck, I didn't even think of this question!

After Minato and the others looked at Mirai for a few times, they all looked at Nawaki, which made the latter look puzzled.

"What's wrong?"

Mirai: "Good question, don't ask next time!"

Then he said to everyone: "After we finish eating, let's prepare ourselves, don't let Nawaki really hit the nail on the head!"

After that, they fell into silence again.

Fortunately, Ichiraku's hands and feet are very quick, and he only needs to cook all the dishes.

The cave was soon filled with waves of tempting fragrance.

All of a sudden, all the greedy thoughts of the few people disappeared.

However, no one dared to move, because when cooking, Ichiraku was the most dangerous.

If he noticed that someone was disrespectful to the ingredients, he would not say anything, but would stare at you to death.

It is hard to describe what kind of momentum it is, but it makes people feel numb in their hearts and feel guilty as if they have trampled on the dignity of others.

At the beginning, there was a senior ninja who was frightened by his terrifying appearance and apologized repeatedly.Even though he didn't know why he was apologizing.

So as bystanders, the people in the future knew this. When Ichiraku didn't say to eat, they would never dare to do it.

Even if they couldn't stand the fragrance, they would find a way to restrain themselves.

Because they were also afraid of Ichiraku in that state!

"Okay, let's eat!"

As Ichiraku said this, everyone smiled and couldn't wait to find a seat to sit down.

"I'm starting!"

This was the first scene that Uchiha Madara saw.

This made the three people present silent involuntarily.

Finally, Madara and Uzumaki White Zetsu looked at White Zetsu's body, with indescribable weirdness in their eyes.

Seeing this, White Zetsu's scalp numbed.

"This is none of my business. Just now, it was Madara-sama who asked me to release Uchiha Future and their business!"

As he said this, he couldn't help but look at Uchiha Madara with a wronged look.

Madara: (;¬_¬)

Okay, that's what he said!

He closed his eyes and waved his hand, saying, "No more!"

He was afraid that if he looked at it again, he would drool.

Because he knew how delicious they were just by looking at the color of the dishes and the satisfied expressions of Mirai and others.

The White Zetsu main body responded hurriedly, "Okay, okay!"

He was speechless. Why were they always eating every time the screen was projected? Nagato and the others were like this, and now Uchiha Mirai and the others were also like this.

I'm afraid they are all poisonous.

While talking, he immediately closed the projection.

He was afraid that if he was a step slower, Madara would directly ask him to go out to find food, and it had to be the kind that tasted and looked good.

How could this barren place in the Rain Country make so many delicious foods!

Salted fish and potatoes are their staple food.

Uzumaki White Zetsu watched the screen close, and he thought for a moment and said, "Master Madara, how about I go and capture this man called Shouda Ichiraku...

Let him cook delicious food for you every day?"

Hearing this, a hint of desire flashed across his face.


This idea seems quite good!

After the few people in the future had enough to eat and drink, and then took care of their personal physiology, they all gathered by the pool.

Ichiraku said, "I noticed just now that there is something wrong with the water here. It looks like water, but it is not actually water, but some unknown liquid.

It just looks like water and has the fluidity of water."

Shengshu reached out and scooped up a handful of water, and found that after they left the water, they quickly dissipated in the air.

And his sleeves all touched the water, and they also dried up quickly.

This made him marvel.

"It's amazing!"

As he said this, he bent down and opened his mouth to taste it.

He had two wet nurses, Linghua and Kushina, by his side, so he thought he could be a bit wild.

After licking it, he smacked his lips.

When he felt a fishy smell, he couldn't help but frown.

"Strange, why is it so fishy? It feels like urine, a little astringent!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly reacted, his face froze, and he hurriedly looked at his friends.

Sure enough, at this moment, they all looked at him with a weird look.

Even Honghong looked at him with a hint of astonishment and a little disgust.

He hurriedly explained: "I haven't tasted it, I saw it in the book!"

In Uncle Jiraiya's book, there are always some exciting places that need to be paid to watch.

It's that kind of hesitant scene, the male protagonist peed, and the female protagonist said what urine tastes like.

He only knew it from here.

Of course, he licked it too.

Just drip it on the index finger. He was curious and there was no one around, so he wanted to verify the correctness of Uncle Jiraiya's novel.

So he tasted it. It's true that Uncle Jiraiya's description was really good, but his taste was a little bitter.

Based on his shallow view of medical skills, this is why he was quite angry.

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