55 Unfortunately, this world is not fair

"Well, okay, now I will teach you how to control the switch in your mind!"

Uchiha Hong looked at the future, and after she finished speaking, her big eyes suddenly glared.

The next moment, a strange wave emanated from her sight and sank directly into the future's sight.

The future's expression changed slightly. This time was different from the past. When his sister cast illusions before, he had no way of noticing it.

He could only judge by himself whether he was in an illusion.

But now, he could feel that there was a hidden and special chakra, flowing into his eyes through his sister's sight.

'Is this the illusion cast by my sister? '

And he was still a little restless in his heart, especially his eyes, always wanting to open the [Sharingan] to resist the invasion of illusions.

It was like his bed, which was slept in by others, and not only did they sleep, but they also drooled.

But fortunately, he had strong self-control, so he could control his thoughts.

Soon, he felt that the surroundings had changed.

The originally gloomy forest was now filled with birdsong and fragrance, and birds flew around from time to time.

There were some little squirrels on the ground playing and frolicking with hazelnuts.

There were white clouds floating in the sky, and the sky was very blue, but there was no sun to illuminate it.

Although there was no sun, it was the entire sky that provided brightness.

He turned his head and looked at the small animals on the ground. Whenever he focused his attention, these small animals would become transparent, and a few strange images would flash across their bodies from time to time, like distorted images.

Or it could be understood as a colorful mosaic.

From reality to illusion.

When the future withdraws its attention, these mosaics will return to their real appearance.

Uchiha Hong appeared beside him. Seeing her brother's surprised eyes, she explained: "Illusion is one of the three major techniques of our ninja. It can disrupt the opponent's neural network by applying chakra.

And in the world of illusion, the speed of time is controlled by the practitioner.

Here, we have enough time for you to master and control that switch!"

Future nodded in understanding. He also knew something about illusion.

Especially [Tsukuyomi], that eye-calling technique can torture people to death in an instant.

Only Kakashi has a [Sharingan] and can barely resist.

However, Future guessed that it might be related to Itachi's age and body at the time, so Kakashi could hold on.

It might also be that Itachi did it on purpose.

However, the time speed of the illusion world cast by my sister is not so exaggerated, at most reaching a ratio of one to two.

One minute passes in the outside world, and two minutes can pass in the illusion world.

It is equivalent to twice his time.

However, he felt that as long as he used the Sharingan, the world would be damaged.

Because it was like a beautiful painting, beautiful but useless, and it could be torn into pieces with just a little force.

Uchiha Hong naturally noticed this, and she smiled and shook her head and said, "Brother, don't open the Sharingan. Now you also have two magatama. It is still very difficult for my illusion to continue to operate without hurting you!"

She cast this illusion so that her brother could more easily control the switch in his mind.

After hearing this, he nodded and said, "Well, I know!"

Since his sister said so, he immediately suppressed the idea in his heart.

Really, since he opened his eyes, he has been thinking about opening the Sharingan every moment.

Just like a child who gets a favorite toy car, he can't wait to play with it and show it off.

This is not good. How can he be affected by the Sharingan?

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and suppressed all the distracting thoughts in his mind, "Sister, let's start!"

"Well, okay!" Honghong looked at the future and saw that her eyes had regained clarity. Her chakra flow was also much smoother, and she couldn't help but show an admiring look.

It should be said that my brother is always so outstanding!

The future of Uchiha may fall on him.

If that's the case, then the name of brother is really appropriate.

Thinking of this, she moved her mind and sketched a slightly realistic picture of human head organs in front of the two of them.

"You already know most of the secrets of [Sharingan], so let's take a look at your chakra control now!"

The future said confidently: "Don't worry, sister, my control is very good!"

The tree climbing has been completed, and now it's just a matter of stepping on water and climbing soft mud walls.

And like Minato, he can climb a tree steadily in less than a day.

ThisThe control power should be enough to control the switch of the brain!

Uchiha Hong shook her head, and she said seriously: "This matter cannot be sloppy. After all, the brain is the most delicate organ of the human body. If there is a slight mistake, the chakra will directly damage the brain!"

Although the newly extracted chakra has not changed in nature and has extremely low damage, it is still energy. Just flowing will cause damage to the fragile brain nerves.

After hearing this, the future became serious. What her sister said made sense.

He immediately restrained the arrogance in his heart.

Speaking of arrogance, he always felt that his mentality had changed unconsciously after opening his eyes.

Arrogance is one of them. He used to be arrogant, but he was self-aware and never did things beyond his ability.

But during the time he spent with his sister, he had this emotion several times.

These thoughts seemed to be directly out of his brain.

If it weren't for his sister's reminder, he probably wouldn't have noticed this.

‘[Sharingan]…has it affected…me! ’

Uchiha Hong looked at the serious future and said, “There are many meridians and acupuncture points in our human body, among which eight acupuncture points are important parts of the human body.

The eight acupuncture points of Kai, Xiu, Sheng, Shang, Du, Jing, Jing, Si are important acupuncture points that restrict and protect our human body.

Among them, Kai and Xiu are located on the left and right sides of the head, and the source of our [Sharingan] needs to flow through these two acupuncture points. Now what you have to do is to control the opening and closing of these two acupuncture points!”

After hearing this, the future was stunned.

Eight acupuncture points! ? Kai, Xiu! ? Eight gates!!

Isn’t this the [Eight Gates] practiced by Emperor Kai and his son!

He looked at his sister strangely and couldn't help asking, "Sister, have you heard of the Eight Gates?"

Uchiha Hong looked at him strangely, thought about it, and shook his head and said, "No, what's wrong?"

"Uh! Nothing, just listening to the eight acupuncture points you mentioned reminded me of the Eight Gates!"

"What is the Eight Gates?" Uchiha Hong asked curiously.

This is a world of illusion, and it is impossible for anyone to know their conversation, so he said, "Do you know Might Dai and his son?"

"Yes, I know!" Uchiha Hong nodded.

Might Dai and his son are very famous in Konoha, especially Might Dai, who is nicknamed "Million-year Genin".

He doesn't know ninjutsu, nor illusion, but only physical skills, and his brain is not very good, so he can't be on the stage at all.

Moreover, Might Dai signs up for the Chunin exam every year, but he is eliminated in the first round of the written exam.

It is said that he finally passed the written test this year, but was knocked down by a magic trick in the battle.

Thinking of the father and son, Uchiha Hong sighed: "The father and son have a strong character that ordinary people don't have. If they know a little ninjutsu..."

At the end, she couldn't help but shook her head with regret.

If they had the physical attributes of an ordinary ninja and could perform three-series techniques, they would definitely be famous throughout the ninja world with this will alone!

Of course, maybe that would not be Kai Huang and his son.

Or maybe, they would not reach that point.

Unfortunately, this world is not fair!

For hard-working people, it is harder than climbing to the sky to surpass geniuses.

Because this is the ninja world, she knows very well that this is an era of competing with fathers. The better the father's bloodline, the higher the achievement will be.

After saying that, she looked at the future in confusion, and asked in confusion: "What does the [Eight Gates] they told you have to do with it?"

Future was a little surprised that her sister didn't look down on Might Dai and his son like other people, but felt a little sorry.

"The [Eight Gates] I'm talking about is the only physical skill that Might Dai has been practicing. That is, through hard training, the eight gates are forced to open one by one, and the protection restrictions on the body are removed, in exchange for super strong power!"

Hearing this, Hong's face changed instantly, and she exclaimed in astonishment: "Are you crazy! These eight gates exist to protect our body balance. If they are forced to open, it will cause unpredictable consequences, and the body may collapse!"

She only dared to let her brother try to control the opening and closing of the two major acupuncture points in his mind, Kai and Xiu, to limit the flow of chakra.

She had seen this method in the second generation's handwritten notes in the library of the ninja school.

Because there was a trace to follow, she dared to let her brother try.

But from what my brother said, the [Eight Gates of Dunjia] that Might Guy practiced actually forced through these acupuncture points.

This is simply asking for death!

Future sighed, "What can we do? They want to becomeNinja, there is only one way to practice physical skills! "

Uchiha Hong: ...

She was silent, the complexity in her heart was beyond words!


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