They couldn't figure out the skeleton, and they didn't dare to take out the weird skeleton in the future.

Because the ordinary skeleton, in their eyes, was full of weirdness at the moment.

They were all afraid that they would be tricked.

And the surroundings were not safe, so even if they had doubts, they had to endure it.

So they discussed the first thing again.

Why didn't anyone lock the door in this house.

That look was like tempting a thief to steal.

"Let's go to other rooms!" Minato suggested.

If there are no more valuable items in other rooms than this chess and card room, then it proves that this house is indeed very strange.

But Rope Tree didn't care.

"What's so strange about this? I often don't lock the door when I'm at home!"

He didn't lock it before, even though he has reached puberty, has ideas, and has secrets, but he still didn't lock the door, just hid the secrets in his body.

Future rolled his eyes at him.

He thought everyone was like them, and could put valuable things and secrets in their bodies.

Many people, even those who live in the clan, will lock the door when they go out.

Soon, everyone went around all the rooms.

They gathered again in the chess and card room.

"Nothing unusual, the things placed in those rooms are also very valuable!" Ichiraku asked doubtfully.

There were no locks in those rooms either, and they could all be opened with a push.

It seemed that they didn't worry about thieves coming in or not.

It was as if they were all emptied and the owner of the room didn't care.

"Strange, am I thinking too much?"

Could it be that the people of Otsutsuki are all of good character and don't pick up things on the road?

No, it's impossible. If that were the case, it would be impossible for Toneri to be the only one left after the three wars.

Mirai walked to the window and pondered something. He felt that this house was very strange.

But the strange points he could think of seemed not strange at all from other directions.

Sheng Shu looked at Wei Lai as if he was possessed by a demon, and shook his head speechlessly.

He ignored his brother-in-law's madness, but took over Hong Hong's work and took on the consumption of the barrier talisman for her.

Hong Hong then moved her wrist and walked towards Wei Lai.

She comforted him softly, "Brother, maybe you think too much!"

Her words pulled Wei Lai back from his contemplation. When he saw his sister, he frowned slightly and said with a confused look on his face, "I just think this house is strange!"

Looking at her brother's sad face, Hong Hong couldn't help but stretched out her hand to pinch his cheek and said with a smile, "I see that you haven't fully sobered up yet!"

In the latter's confused eyes, Hong Hong smiled again and said, "Don't you have the perception technique? Use this technique to see and you will know!"

Hearing this, Wei Lai was petrified on the spot.



Such a simple method, why didn't I think of it? !

Could it be that his brain was also taken away by Bai Zetsu? Otherwise, how could he not think of this method when he is so smart!

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but hug his sister and said ecstatically: "Sister, you are really my lucky star!"

If the situation did not allow it, he would have wanted to kiss her twice to express his excitement.

He hurriedly reached out and touched the ground, closed his eyes and felt it.

With this perception, he discovered something incredible.

Although there are many places in this house with anti-peeping barriers, materials, etc.

But he doesn't need to look so far, just look at this house.

Linghua and the others looked at the future curiously, wanting to see what abnormalities he could find.

Three seconds later...

The future opened his eyes.

There was a flash of light in it!

"Sure enough, there is a problem!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally indifferent Rope Tree also became curious.

He asked, "What did you sense?"

Future shook his head in front of everyone and said, "I didn't sense anything!"

Everyone was confused when they heard Future's words, but Sheng Shu was unhappy.

He said angrily, "You said there was a problem even though you didn't sense it!"


"I found that you feel different since you woke up. Did the White Zetsu suck your brain out?"

As he said that, he glanced at the three White Zetsu lying in the corner.

Their eyes were full of confusion. In addition to the seal patterns on their bodies, each of them had two big snakes tied to their bodies.

One of them was added by Future later.

It's hard for these big snakes. After so many days, they are still coiled around the three White Zetsu. It's hard to believe.for them.

Future ignored him, he looked at his sister and continued: "Although other rooms are shielded, I can at least sense a little bit, but in this house, I can only sense the objects in the room, and I can't sense anything outside the room.

Even the room under our feet, and even the next room, they seem to have disappeared in my perception!"

Everyone who heard this immediately understood why Future said that he couldn't sense anything.

Feelings are like this 'cannot be sensed'.

Minato pondered and said, "In other words, this looks like a high-end chess and card room, but there is actually another secret in the dark!?"

Mirai nodded, "Well, the decorations here are very expensive, but the door is not locked, obviously to hide some secrets!"

Shengshu jumped out to object again, "Your words are illogical!"

As he said, he noticed that Minato and the others were looking at him, so he continued, "Since the door is not locked to confuse thieves, why not just lock the door?

This can also prevent thieves from succeeding easily.

Thieves will naturally move to other homes to steal.

If the thief pried open the lock and stole everything in the room, after obtaining such precious treasures, it is unlikely that he will find other secrets!"

Mirai: "Well, then tell me, why didn't the owner of the house lock it?"

Really, this guy Shengshu is a good person, it's okay if he doesn't have a brain, but why does he have a mouth?

One day, we have to join forces with Linghua to poison him and mute him, and see how he can still nag.

When Shengshu becomes a mute teammate, he thinks he will be much more relaxed.

Shengshu scratched his head a little embarrassed when asked by the future.

"If I knew, I would have to ask!"

Future: 彡(-_-;)彡

Damn it, Shengshu is not cute at all.

He is nothing like his sister, who is so kind, gentle, virtuous, and very beautiful.

I just don't know who will get the chance in the future!

Thinking of his sister, he subconsciously looked around.

He realized at this time that he didn't hear his sister's words when they were talking.

She was clearly beside him just now.

But when he turned his head to look for his sister, he found that his sister was standing in front of a wall cabinet.

She was still holding the crystal ship ornament in her hand.

She was looking at the cabinet with a tangled face.

This aroused his curiosity, so he walked closer and asked, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Then Shengshu and the others realized that Honghong was not beside them, and they all looked at her.

Honghong was still tangled, and she heard her brother's words. She explained: "This ornament was placed on the coffee table just now, and it is easy to fall to the ground.

It is also a glass product. I am afraid it is fragile, so I plan to take it somewhere else!"

As she said, she saw that her brother had walked to her side, so he pointed to the wall cabinet and said, "But I found something strange. There is an empty space on this wall cabinet.

Obviously, all kinds of exquisite ornaments are placed in other grids, why is this one empty?"

The friends heard this and all came up.

After seeing this, they were immediately surprised.

"Really? Why is this compartment the only one that is empty?"

"How strange!" Sheng Shu said, he glanced at the two people on his left and right, and then asked: "Could it be that the secret in this room is related to this anomaly?"

Future looked at the crystal boat in his sister's hand, he asked curiously: "Sister, do you want to put this up?"

Honghong nodded and said: "Well, but when I found the anomaly, I didn't dare to put it up, for fear that something abnormal would happen!"

That's why she stood in front of the wall cabinet, looking so hesitant!

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