Mirai looked at the white cloth strip on Linghua's eyes.

This was what he used to seal his eyes.

But Linghua asked for it last night.

She said she didn't want people to know that her eyes were evolving, so she wanted to cover up the fluctuations.

Mirai's cloth strip was the product of countless upgrades by Tsunade and her friends over the past three years. In addition to being able to seal, it also has the ability to cover up fluctuations.

Mirai gave the cloth strip to Linghua without hesitation.

And Linghua didn't have the perception technique, so she was now reduced to the original appearance of Mirai and needed someone to take care of her.

This made Mirai very excited.

So he took the initiative to take on this responsibility.

"Mirai, it turns out that being blind is so troublesome!" Linghua's hand was held by Mirai, and she walked slowly on the street with her.

At this moment, she couldn't see anything, which made her ears and nose and other senses abnormally sharp.

She was always distracted by other sounds and smells.

Finally, she felt what Mirai felt at the beginning.

Mirai is an experienced person, he knows this feeling, being in this environment for a long time will make people feel depressed and panic.

Especially those who have seen the bright world.

If it weren't for the [Shadow Clone Technique] that allowed him to "see" the world, and the company of Minato, Reika and others, he might have taken off his eye patch long ago, even if his eyes were broken, he didn't want to be in the dark anymore!

At that moment, he realized how afraid the Uchiha who opened the Mangekyo was of blindness.

"Well, it's really uncomfortable at the beginning, but it will be much better in two or three days!"

As Mirai said, he looked at Reika, hesitated for a while, and then he opened his mouth to test: "How about I come to your house to take care of you these days!"

"Just like you came to my house to take care of me!"

No one knows better than him how terrible the days of being blind are.

After thinking for a while, Linghua nodded and smiled at Weili: "Okay!"

Now she has figured out one thing, that is, enjoy life while you can.

People living in this world have no idea which will come first, accidents or tomorrow.

Especially for ninjas like them, this is even more true.

Besides, she has made up her mind in her heart that she will not marry anyone other than Weili in this life, so she doesn't bother to care about the opinions of the main family.

What's more, her current status and position are no longer someone that the main family can manipulate at will.

What's more, the main family will not be able to jump around for long.

According to her prediction, at most a week, her pupil power will be fully evolved, and then she can do whatever she wants!

At that time, she will destroy the main family and put the blame on Hyuga Soyoshi.

Then she will be sisters with Weili during the day and husband and wife with him at night.


Thinking about this life, it's beautiful!



"Well, what's wrong? Are your eyes uncomfortable?"

"No!" Linghua shook her head, but her face was full of smiles.

I just wanted to call you!


Mirai said he would take care of Linghua, but he had to go home.

When he went back last night, his father and others had already gone to bed. When he got up this morning, the two siblings hurried out again.

So he still had a few things on him that he didn't give to his parents.

After watching Linghua split out a shadow clone and take her back, Mirai left the Hyuga Gate.

This made the Hyuga Hiashi brothers, who had been wandering around the gate and 'ran into' Linghua, frown slightly.

"What's wrong with Linghua?" They all saw Hyuga Linghua with her eyes covered.

Listening to his brother's question, Hiashi shook his head, "I don't know!"

"Let's go to her house!"

This is a great opportunity, he can't miss it.

Maybe if he really takes care of Hyuga Reika, the latter will know how good he is and become his girlfriend.

Then get married and have children.

It would be best to have two daughters, he likes daughters the most.

Moreover, he can use the status of his daughters to delay the division of the clan system on the grounds of examining who is better to inherit the main family. Maybe he can use this as a springboard to reform the Hyuga clan's system.

Eliminate the hatred between the clans.

At that time, their Hyuga clan can also unite like the Uchiha clan!

But before they arrived at Reika's house, they met her shadow clone.

It seems that this shadow clone was waiting for them at the door on purpose.

The shadow clone bowed politely to them and said calmly, "Excuse me, young masters, is there anything I can do for you?"

Although Hiashi is a member of the branch family, his father is the patriarch of the clan, and his status is half a level higher than that of ordinary people in the main family.

He is the candidate for the deputy patriarch who will take over the branch family in the future.

Ever sinceAfter becoming a disciple of the three ninjas, Linghua knew that she couldn't keep a low profile.

So she simply put on a cool attitude.

It would make things easier for her.

Now, her cool attitude could dispel many people's thoughts.

It would discourage more people.

Hiashi asked with concern: "What happened to your original body? Why do you have to cover your eyes?"

The shadow clone said calmly: "When the original body was doing the mission, it overused the [Baiyan], which caused damage to the optic nerve. So under the treatment of Master Tsunade, the original body wore a white cloth to let the optic nerve recover slowly!"

The two young masters of Hyuga changed their faces slightly when they heard this.

Hyuga Linghua actually overused the [Baiyan] during the mission? !

Does it mean that their mission this time is very difficult? !

No, isn't there that pervert, Uchiha Mirai, in their team?

Although I don't want to admit it, that guy's strength is really terrifying.

It's that kind of outrageous strength.

It's even more outrageous than cheating.

And that man, who is said to have never been defeated by Uchiha Mirai.

Minato Namikaze.

With these two powerful people around, Reika actually overused the [Baiyan] during the mission.

What kind of mission is so awesome? !

Could it be that they were carrying out an S-level mission?

Or were they being hunted by the ninja army! ?

For a moment, they were more confused, confused and puzzled.

"If you two young masters are okay, please go back. The main body is very tired now and wants to rest quietly!"

After hearing the words of the shadow clone, Hiashi was about to say that he would send eye drops later.

But the shadow clone had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Hiashi and Hizashi were both silent.

It was clear that they didn't want to accept any help from them!


It was already evening when Mirai returned home.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled the smell of tempura.

He couldn't help licking his lips.

It's strange, why did he think that the food cooked by his mother was so unpalatable at the beginning, but now he smelled this smell, he felt a little greedy.

"I'm back!"

He sat in front of the entrance and changed his shoes.

Then he came to the kitchen door and shouted to Mieko inside: "Mom, make another portion of tempura, I will take it to Linghua later!"

Hearing this, Mieko, who was busy in the kitchen, turned her head in confusion and looked at Weilai.

"Bring it to her?! Why don't you take her home to eat?"

Speaking of Linghua, Dazhuang, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but put down the newspaper and looked at his son with a surprised face.

He was also confused.

Weilai walked into the kitchen, saw that the dishes had been prepared, and couldn't help but reach out and pinch a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.

This made Mieko, who saw this scene, pull out her chopsticks and hit Weilai on the back of her hand in annoyance.

She glared at him and said, "Why are you so untidy? You don't know how to use chopsticks!"

Weilai was hit and felt a little pain.

He laughed twice and didn't dare to reach out again.

"Hehe... Isn't this because you are greedy for the delicious food made by your mother!"

Mieko didn't believe it. She rolled her eyes at her son and then looked into the pot, "Don't come on, you only praise the food made by Yile and Honghong. The food made by your mother is not as good as the food on the street. It's not good-looking and not delicious!"

"No way!" This made Weilai very embarrassed.

He really thought so before, thinking that the food made by his mother was not as good as the food on the street.

But he hadn't eaten his mother's food for almost a week, and he suddenly felt that the food made by his mother was actually quite delicious.

Why didn't he notice it before!

"You haven't told me why you didn't bring her home to eat!" Mieko asked as she carried the pot to serve the dishes.

"She has some eye problems, just like me before, she can't let her eyes be exposed!"

Weilai explained casually and walked out of the kitchen with the dishes.

This made Mieko, who was eating hot pot, stunned.

Even Dazhuang put down the newspaper and asked in confusion: "She has eye problems?"

"Yeah!" Weilai nodded, and seeing that his mother was about to ask again, he hurriedly said: "Some things are hard to say, so I won't say it, but don't worry, this is a good thing!"

As soon as these words came out, Dazhuang and his wife looked at each other in surprise.

Is it inconvenient to say...

It seems that the matter is quite serious.

But it should be a good thing!

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