When Orochimaru saw Mirai's expression of 'not knowing what to do', he stopped talking.

When talking to smart people, it's best not to say too much.

It's enough to say halfway so that the other party knows what you want to express.

Turning his head, he looked in the direction of Tsunade.

'Tsunade, I can only help you two siblings up to this point! '

In persuading Mirai, there are his own ideas and Tsunade's requests.

That's why he said a few more words.

As he said that, he looked at the big trees in the yard that were no longer growing.

These big trees are full of the breath of life.

This made his desire to study increase by several points.

He reached out to touch the big tree and felt everything about it carefully. At the same time, his mind emerged with the description of [Wood Release] in the classics.

There was also the research report of the second generation on the first generation Hokage in the notebook.

But he was very careful because the tree was very dangerous.

It is said that the trees created by this [Wood Release] will use the chakra of the bound person as a source, absorb his power, speed up their growth, and increase the hardness of the trunk.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the tailed beasts can be restrained.

The Nine-Tails can be easily controlled, which is said to be the result of this ability.

Anyone who touches the tree will have their chakra absorbed.

But when he gently touched the tree, his expression changed from vigilance to confusion.

"No suction?!" He could feel that there was no sign of chakra being absorbed in his body.

Very stable.

Different from what was recorded in the classics.

Thinking of this, he immediately pressed his whole hand on it.

Close your eyes and open your perception to the maximum.

Gradually, his face became solemn.


There is no suction in this tree, it is just like an ordinary tree.

Seeing this, Orochimaru immediately reached for other trees.

One... two... three or four...



Still no!!!

"Is it possible that Rope Tree's [Wood Release] is not perfect yet?"

[Wood Release] is one of the only three techniques in Konoha that can restrain the tailed beasts.

The first is [Sharingan], whose illusion ability has a strong restraining effect on creatures that do not have much IQ or are prone to anger.

For example, the tailed beasts, at ordinary times, their IQ is the same as that of humans, or even higher than that of humans.

But their chakra will overwhelm their IQ.

Make them easily angry and irritable.

[Sharingan] controls them for this reason.

The second is [Wood Release], the big trees it creates have the ability to absorb chakra. As long as they are bound by it, they can quickly absorb all the chakra in the body of the organism.

Therefore, facing the tailed beasts that are a collection of chakra, [Wood Release] has a strong restraining power.

The third is the sealing technique.

There is no need to elaborate on this. Anyway, the sealing technique is another technique independent of the three major techniques, and its power is also ridiculously strong.

If Rope Tree's [Wood Release] does not have the ability to absorb chakra, then it will be half useless!

The horror of [Wood Release] lies in its ability to absorb chakra and countless trees waving.

Thus causing terrible damage.

Rope Tree's [Wood Release] does not have this ability at all.

This is an abnormal point.

This aroused his strong curiosity.

'Let's take Rope Tree to the laboratory later to see what the difference is between his cells and those of the first generation of Wood Master.

Rope Tree's side.

Under Tsunade's detailed examination, she immediately smiled.

"It's a wound, but it's not serious. With your current recovery ability, even if you are stabbed in the stomach, you can recover in about a day!"

Hearing this, Rope Tree breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that he suddenly exploded just now because he inadvertently squeezed the potential of his body.

He was so scared that he comforted Honghong and asked her to calm down quickly, and then asked his sister to help him.

He didn't want to get a blood disease like the future.

That would be too bad.

After a few more words, Rope Tree looked at the future.

This time, he still couldn't beat him.

But there was progress, right? He firmly believed that those who have the will can achieve their goals. He has touched the [Wood Release], and if he follows the path left by his grandfather, he will soon be able to overtake the future in a straight line.

"Future, you still won this time, but next time..."

"Next time, I will definitely win!"

The future was originally studying the big tree made by Rope Tree with Teacher Orochimaru.

He was also surprised that Rope Tree's [Wood Release] tree had no suction.

Even if it wasn't as scary as [Wood Dragon Technique],But to be honest, the [Tree World Advent] series of techniques have the ability to absorb chakra to a certain extent.

I still remember that when Madara-sama used [Tree World Advent], he directly absorbed most of the coalition's chakra.

Even Shikamaru almost went to see Lao Ma.

It doesn't make sense that Rope Tree, who also mastered the technique, doesn't have the characteristics of the technique!

Even if he used the low-profile version of [Tree World Advent].

Just when he was thinking about the abnormal point, he heard Rope Tree shouting.

He replied without turning his head: "This time it's a draw!"

After that, he no longer paid attention to Rope Tree, but discussed their views on the technique in detail with Teacher Orochimaru.

Rope Tree was stunned for a moment, he stared at the future in a daze, he didn't expect him to shout the word draw.

Isn't this a battle between Senju and Uchiha's glory, is it because he guessed wrong before the battle? !

It shouldn't be!

Otherwise, the guy in the future wouldn't have changed into the Uchiha red armor.

Why did he say that?

And most importantly, through the battle just now, he could feel that the guy in the future seemed to have a hand.

But he didn't use it!

Did he want to keep it as a backup to guard against certain people?

Thinking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

There were only a few people that the future would guard against, and one of them was the most dangerous.

Thinking of this, he turned around and reached out to hold his sister's hand, injecting the [Wood Release] chakra into his sister's body.

The latter looked puzzled, but she didn't ask, her brother couldn't hurt her.

And this chakra seemed to be mainly used to explore and stimulate something, and did not cause any harm to her.

After a while, Nawaki retracted the chakra, and his brows frowned slightly.

Then he followed the same method and touched Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and the remaining friends.


The spores that parasitized on their bodies were not moving at all, as if he had overthought.

‘Since there are no spores, then the future is not to guard against others! ’

When this thought flashed through his mind, he was startled.

He forgot to breathe, and even opened his eyes wide.

“Could it be…”

He looked at the future in a hurry, and his face became very exciting.

“This guy in the future…”

He must have recognized his brother-in-law in his heart!

This moment, he was so moved that he cried!

He immediately rushed to the future with snot and tears, and hugged him tightly.

"Good brother-in-law...you..."

Mirai: o(▼皿▼メ;)o

When he heard the word brother-in-law, his face turned black. He broke free from his arms and interrupted him fiercely: "Who is your brother-in-law? I tell you, I don't have a brother-in-law like you!"

But although this was the first time he said it, it was not as firm as Mirai thought.

Rope Tree didn't care, but burst into tears and laughed.

He thought that Mirai couldn't bear to recognize him.

After all, the Uchiha clan is a very arrogant clan. They are the kind of people who know they are wrong, but as long as it involves face issues, they will definitely know their mistakes and not change them. They will make mistakes to the end.

Commonly known as tsundere!

He understood all these.

He smiled and stopped talking.

Although the brother-in-law said that he disagreed, in fact, through the battle just now, he said that he understood the brother-in-law's thoughts.

'Hehe... The brother-in-law's hypocrisy is really cute! ’


Mirai looked at the smiling Rope Tree in silence, then looked at Teacher Orochimaru, and asked in a puzzled voice: "Did I break his brain?"

Seeing this, Orochimaru spread his hands and said that he didn't know either!

But soon he sent another eye report to Mirai.

'You said that as if he had a brain!

Mirai: "..."

That's right, how can someone who doesn't even have a brain be broken!

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