Madara tasted the pill carefully.

After a moment, he answered Mirai's question.

"Then will you poison me?"

Mirai was stunned. He didn't expect Madara to ask this question.

So he shook his head honestly: "No!"

"That's it!"

If he dared to poison, it would be even better. He could also cut off this emotion and directly and ruthlessly train him into a useful chess piece.

Besides, he has White Zetsu by his side. The most important thing is that although he only knows how to fight and kill,

but he has lived for so long and has seen all kinds of assassination methods.

Especially poison.

It can be said that he has eaten more poison than the ingredients on the table.

About 70% of them were poisoned by that bitch Tobirama.

So he is really not afraid of ordinary poison.

If it is really poison, it doesn't matter. He has a golem and can suppress it.

Besides, if it weren't for the golem to maintain him, he should be dead.

So why is he afraid of poison?

Mirai looked at Madara's conceited expression and shook his head with a smile.

That's right, he is such a cunning person, if he really wants to poison him, how can he not see it.

So he didn't care about it.

Then he put the grilled meat into Madara's bowl with a serving chopstick.

Under their feet.

There is a thin line on the sole of the foot of the White Zetsu body, which is connected to a depth of 100 meters underground.

Then it is connected to a dark figure.

The latter looked at the picture sent by the White Zetsu body and was speechless.

Originally thought that Uchiha Mirai was going to find Madara to show his cards.

Or wanted to ask him not to deal with himself and others.

But he never expected it.

He actually called him to eat!!!

It's so outrageous!

The most puzzling thing is that Madara actually ate it!

Together with the White Zetsu body, they also ate it with a hissing sound.

No, there is one who didn't eat, that is Uzumaki White Zetsu.

I remembered what it felt like for this guy to have no digestive system and to be constantly craving for a bowel movement.

Black Zetsu: ~~o(>_<)o ~~

He felt the happiness that White Zetsu's body felt from eating delicious food, which was continuously transmitted to him through the line, and he felt uncomfortable.

'I'm not greedy at all! '

'Really! '

'Woo woo...'

But why did tears of envy flow from the corners of his mouth?


Mirai looked at Uzumaki White Zetsu who was just playing with the barbecue and didn't eat it, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Why don't you eat it!?"

Hearing this, Uzumaki White Zetsu shrugged helplessly, "I want to eat it too, but I don't have a digestive system!"

However, he could still accept the taste buds coming from Madara.

No, he was satisfied and quiet.

Hearing this, Mirai was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect this.

So he looked at White Zetsu's body curiously.

The latter naturally knew what he was looking at, and he glanced at Madara's expression.

The latter ignored them, but sipped his wine with a look of nostalgia on his face.

'It is very likely that Madara wants to use him as the project supervisor, so I'd better build a good relationship with him first! '

So he explained: "All the organs in my body can be simulated."

As he said that, he opened the huge mouthparts like a pitcher plant on his stomach.

Revealing the squirming intestines inside.

But it is different from ordinary people.

These internal organs are colorful white!

Mirai is the first time to see the inside of White Zetsu's body.

After giving the White Zetsu original body brought back from the moon to Teacher Orochimaru, they have never taken a good look at it.

Uzumaki White Zetsu looked at the White Zetsu original body with envy.

He couldn't help but mutter sourly: "We are all White Zetsu, why can you simulate organs, but I can't!"

White Zetsu rolled his eyes at him when he heard it.

"Blame me!"

It's not me who designed him to be like this, if you want to blame someone, blame Big Sister Kaguya.

She is the source of the White Zetsu army.

Future thought about it, these two White Zetsu are all people around Madara.

This is the relationship between the emperor and the eunuch in ancient times.

So you have to gain some favor, so that as long as Black Zetsu doesn't want you to die, he won't have any malice at other times.

After thinking about it, he suddenly asked: "I have an idea, do you think it's feasible!"

"What method?" The two White Zetsu looked at Future curiously.

Does this guy want to install a digestive system for Uzumaki White Zetsu? !

This is a good idea!

This is also the method they can think of at present.

"I use Shadow Clone, and then you wrap him up. In this way, do you have a digestive system?"

Although Shadow Clone isAlthough the body is constructed by the technique, it is still a physical clone after all.

It can feel the ups and downs of normal people.

The most important thing is that the shadow clone is completely controlled by the user. If Uzumaki White Zetsu has any ideas.

He can completely make the shadow clone dissipate with a thought.

And he can also use the little tricks taught to him by the third generation to completely isolate the feedback of the shadow clone.

This way, there is no need to worry that the shadow clone will be tampered with by others.

The most important thing is to use the shadow clone to attract the goodwill of the two.

In short, this matter is completely beneficial to him.

"Huh..." Uzumaki White Zetsu was stunned, and then his few brains told him that this was a good idea!

He immediately said: "Hurry up!"

"I want it, I want it, I want it!"

In this way, he can feel the feeling of defecation.

Meh hahahaha...

In an instant, he looked at the future and found that this person was so handsome.

Beauty is a feast for the eyes, cruelty is inhumane, and there is a way...


Mirai conjured up a shadow clone on the spot.

The latter looked at the original body speechlessly.

When there is something going on, it is his shadow clone who does it, and when there is nothing going on, it is the original body that enjoys it.

How can he be repaired!

He looked at Mirai and walked silently to Uzumaki Hakuzetsu.

He pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

"Be gentle, I'm afraid of pain!"

Uzumaki Hakuzetsu looked at him, his heart full of excitement.

What Mirai said just now was obviously asking him to take over the authority of this physical clone, that is, he can eat whatever he wants and drink whatever he wants.

He can do it completely on his own!

This, this, this...

What a good person!

I wish him to get married and have children soon, one hundred and eight in one birth!

But he also knows the characteristics of the shadow clone, which is crispy.

Quite crispy.

So he has to be gentle.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be gentle!"

Thinking of this, he immediately opened all his mouthparts and turned himself into a terrifying carnivorous plant that eats people.

Then he couldn't wait to wrap up the future shadow clone.

With the combination of his body and mouthparts.

Soon, he regained the appearance of Uzumaki White Zetsu.

He clenched his fists and shook his waist.

The face was finally no longer in a whirlpool shape, but turned into a face similar to White Zetsu.

The voice suddenly became excited.


"I finally have a body of my own!"


Future shook his head and looked at Uzumaki White Zetsu who was shouting wildly to the sky, and couldn't help shaking his head with a smile.

Look at the child, he is laughing like a 50-kilogram child.

But laugh, the happier he is, the more he can prove that he likes himself more.

He retracted his gaze and put the roasted potatoes, mushrooms, and chicken feet into Madara's bowl.

After raising the wine jug and filling it for him.

He said happily, "Mr. Madara, listen to me hitting you gently..."

On the other side.

Nawaki was tied up on the experimental table.

His wrists, neck, waist, knees, ankles, chest, etc., only the parts that could move were tied to the experimental table with special restraints.

The laboratory was very dim, and the lights flickered, making a hissing sound of poor contact.

This sound could not cover up Nawaki's frightened expression at all.

In the laboratory, two people in white coats were discussing something fiercely.

"Are you sure this will really work?"

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I'm a professional!"


"Don't say but, you've seen the experimental report of this matter, it's very feasible! Believe me, I'm a professional!"

"I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? You have to believe me, I'm unrivaled in this regard!"

"But there were so many failed cases before..."

"That's because I took the wrong path at the beginning, so I failed. This time is different.

With three sets of gene controls, I have made great progress.

Believe me, I'm really a professional!"

"Why don't you wait a little longer!"

"Don't wait, what's more, with the combined strength of you and me, why are you afraid that something will go wrong with Rope Tree! I'm really a professional!"

"I always feel a little hasty, why not wait a little longer, or practice it with cloning technology first!"

"I'm a professional..."

Rope Tree: "..."

Wow... Has no one ever considered my feelings?

I want to go home!


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