The battle ended very quickly.

Even though Hyuga Ran had used her one-time [Rinnegan], she was still beaten by Linghua.

First, although Linghua's [Rinnegan] was still in the gestation period, it had reached the final stage, and she could use a lot more power from it.

Second, the essential difference between the two was there.

Linghua followed Orochimaru after all. Although she did not receive much instruction, the learning environment was different, and the growth rate was also different.

A truly free-range ninja like Hyuga Ran is naturally not as good as Linghua.

What's more, with Linghua's perception, she can fight without eyes.

She pinched Hyuga Ran's neck with one hand and lifted her in front of her.

He stared at her face to face with a pair of deep blue eyes.

She was also surprised that this guy got the [Rinnegan] from nowhere. Although it was a semi-finished product, it was terrifying enough.

This may be related to Hyuga Ran's disappearance, but she is not interested.

Because a bold idea flashed through her mind.

She couldn't help but let out an evil and crazy smile.

He stretched his neck and leaned close to her ear, saying in a disdainful tone: "My stupid tribesman, why are you so weak?"

"If you want to kill me, then hate me, hate me...

Then... live ugly!

When you have eyes like mine, come and face me again!"

"I have no interest in you now!"

After saying that, she stood up and looked at Hinata Ran, who was confused.

Her eyes were beautiful, big and round, with long eyelashes and double eyelids.

But there was no fighting spirit in her.

'With this kind of intelligence, the people of the main family are hopeless! '

In order to let her complete her thoughts, she decided to add fuel to the fire.

So with three parts of sarcasm, three parts of ridicule, and four parts of teasing on his face, he said: "Look at what you look like now, what's the difference between you and a rat in the gutter.

I am so disappointed in you. With a kind of stuff like you, he will never fall in love with you even if he doesn't have me in the future!"

As he said, he threw her onto the lake, and then went back to the village without looking back.

Hinata Ran was floating quietly on the lake.

After an unknown amount of time, her eyes moved and she finally said the first sentence.

"How... is this... possible!?"

Her thoughts finally came back.

And the first thing she felt when she came back was a strong sense of disbelief.

Because it hadn't been three minutes since she started.

She had played all her cards, even using the one-time [Reincarnation Eye], but she didn't get any benefit from that person.

Although her attack was sharp, in those blue eyes, it seemed that all her actions were predicted.

She just dodged all her attacks and was able to pull herself away from her acupuncture points from time to time.

As a result, the power of her one-time [Reincarnation Eye] was completely dissipated.

What disappeared at that time was not only her [Reincarnation Eye], but also her spirit and everything she had.

When she thought of those eyes, she felt powerless. Could she really defeat that monster! ?

But deeper in her heart was an indescribable anger, frustration, hatred, disgust, jealousy...


Why did she have the [Reincarnation Eye]!!!

Why could she defeat herself? She was a branch family whose fate was determined at birth, and she was the main family, the main family that controlled her fate.

Why could she mock herself? It was just because she had a pair of powerful eyes. If she didn't use those eyes, she would never be able to defeat herself.

Why can she point fingers at me, saying that Uchiha Mirai will never look down on me...

Why is she a girl...


For a moment, she felt a lot of resentment in her heart.

Yes, why!

She wants revenge!

She wants revenge at all costs!

She wants to trample that bitch under her feet and let her taste the humiliation she suffered today.

She likes Uchiha Mirai, then she will sit in his arms and let her watch how she pleases that heroic, handsome and charming man.

In an instant, she sat up suddenly and stared at the direction where Linghua left.

She growled with gritted teeth: "You don't bother to kill me today, I will make you regret it in the future!"


Linghua, walking in the woods, 'saw' the other party's lip language, and her mouth curled up slightly.

‘Very good, I have to keep this hatred in my heart. Next, I have to integrate a lot of [White Eyes]Let her know the matter of synthesizing the [Rinnegan] reasonably, then the next step...'

'The branch family's eyes cannot be taken away, so she can only start from the main family...'


For a moment, the smile on her face became even more intense.

However, she 'looked' at the palm of her hand, thought for a while, and then squeezed it hard.

It was like crushing something.

The White Zetsu's body, which was far away in the underground of the Rain Country, was stunned for a moment.

He looked in the direction of the Valley of the End in surprise.

Uzumaki White Zetsu, who had already experienced the feeling of defecation, asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"The spores I placed on Hyuga Soyoshi cut off contact with me in an instant!"

As soon as these words came out, Senile Spot, who was sitting on the stone chair, raised his eyes slightly.

Revealing his blood-red eyes.

Three of the magatama were slowly rotating.

"Oh?" He made an interested sound, and then asked: "What's going on?"

Hearing that it was Madara's question, the White Zetsu body hurriedly replied: "More than an hour ago, Uchiha Mirai was suddenly called by Orochimaru. I was curious and focused all my attention there.

But I don't know if Uchiha Mirai noticed the existence of the spores, or if he was just being vigilant.

When he entered the laboratory, he immediately changed his clothes and took a shower.

My spores were on his original clothes, so he couldn't get into the laboratory at all."

As he said this, he noticed that Madara's eyes were a little unhappy, and he finished speaking quickly.

"Just now, the spores I used to monitor Hyuga Ran suddenly disappeared for some reason, just like three years ago when Uchiha Mirai and the others were on the moon!"

After listening, Madara fell into deep thought.

Also in deep thought was the Black Zetsu in the ruins.

He was now possessed by a White Zetsu clone.

He heard the information from the White Zetsu body.

He frowned for a moment.

"Didn't your original body receive any news?"

The clone shook his head and said, "No, the original body said that he was focusing on the No. 3 laboratory in Konoha Village at that time.

He didn't notice anything strange about Hyuga Ran at all!"

"Who has Hyuga Ran been in contact with these days?"

The clone thought for a while, and after asking the original body in his heart, he said, "Since she returned to the village, she found that Uchiha Mirai and the others were on a mission, and she was angry.

After seeing them come back yesterday, she wrote a letter to Hyuga Reika that night to challenge them.

But the latter didn't go, causing the idiot to freeze in the Death Forest for a night and caught a cold.

Today, he stayed at home all day and was taken care of by the man named Hyuga Hizashi!"

"The spores did not pass on what happened afterwards to the original body, so the original body didn't know what the idiot did!"

After saying that, he found that Black Zetsu didn't speak for a long time, so he mentioned it out of curiosity.

"Do you think that idiot burned his clothes?"

This thought made Black Zetsu stunned for a moment.

You know what, it's really possible!

But it's not right. Even if the spores were burned, they would at least send a message back.

It shouldn't be so silent.

"Let's go, let's go see that idiot!"


After the clone responded, it slowly merged into the ground.

Quickly rushed to the Land of Fire.

In the underground cave.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Madara speculated: "Team 8, Senju Rope Tree, Jiraiya, the vixen of the Uzumaki clan, and Ichiraku Chef are all on missions in the outside world.

The most likely people to find the spores in Konoha Village are Uchiha Mirai and the little girl named Hyuga Reika.

Combined with their experience on the moon and the three years that Uchiha Mirai fought for this little girl.

It is obvious that the eyes of this little girl have evolved in some way..."

As he spoke, he denied himself.

"No, the Samsara Eye is at the same level as the Rinnegan.

Even if she really absorbed a lot of the Samsara Eye power, it is absolutely impossible for her eyes to evolve easily!"

For reference, he transplanted Hashirama's power to trigger the power of the Six Paths, which took countless years to open the Samsara Eye.

A little girl, no matter how talented she is, can't get the Samsara Eye in just three years.

This is not scientific at all!

Otherwise, if it can evolve so easily, why has the Samsara Eye never appeared in the past thousand years?

So he came to a conclusion.

"Is it because of the use of the one-time Samsara Eye that the existence of the White Zetsu spores was detected!"

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