Baizu looked at the future with great fear.

His body was recovering rapidly, and turned into a termite-like shape again.

Based on his many years of experience, the man in front of him must have a big move that has not been exposed.

Damn it, why is it so difficult for me to be an ambitious villain!

After finally activating the dragon vein, he traveled through time and space to the past, and used countless conspiracies and tricks to finally get some of the power of the dragon vein.

I thought he had shaken off Konoha's pursuers, but unexpectedly, the yellow-haired boy also chased after him.

That's fine.

Although it's a bit tricky, he doesn't care.

But what are the three Anbu dressed in front of him! ?

They look young, but their strength is abnormal.

And the elusive yellow-haired masked man.

He didn't even sense how he moved just now.

His speed is so fast.

He can still feel the pain in his waist.

Oh my God, my start is too difficult!


Mirai didn't want to guess how intense his inner thoughts were.

He raised his hand and swung out several more [Sword Qi].

The sharp appearance directly pierced Baizu's face and changed wildly.

You can't take it head-on, otherwise you will be split!

Immediately, he quickly swam along the wall, and for a moment, he actually avoided Mirai's slash.


"Your body has become smaller, but your sensitivity has increased a lot!"

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed towards him with the mad knife.

Only Minato, Reika and Naruto were left there.

The latter was holding a ball the size of a human head and was about to walk towards the dragon vein port.

Naruto on the side asked in confusion: "Aren't we going to help?"

Just watching here, I always feel uncomfortable.

In every battle, he was the first to fight.

Linghua smiled and comforted him, "No, just let him play!"

As for the strength of the future, even if they are the closest, they can't sense it specifically.

It always feels like he has a hand or two hidden.

Naruto heard this and glanced at the wall behind him.

At this time, it was the future holding the domineering machete, chasing the centipede.

For a moment, the former looked very embarrassed.

It really looked like he didn't need help, so he couldn't help but look at Linghua. Curiously asked, "What are you going to do?"

"The mission is confidential, no comment!" Linghua shrugged and blocked his mouth with the word confidential.

Naruto heard this and shrugged helplessly.

He is also a ninja, so he naturally knows the secrets of the mission. He was just curious and asked just now.

At this time, Minato had quickly formed seals with both hands.

The speed of the hand seals dazzled Naruto.

Based on the short time they got along, Minato had already noticed that Naruto had a bit of a natural personality.

Without waiting for him to ask, he explained: "Bai Zu has a deep understanding of [Substitute Technique]. I want to use [Contract Unlocking] to destroy all his substitute materials!"



Inside Konoha Village.

At this time, there was also a silent activity going on.

Relying on the identity of a masked man and the remaining [Reincarnation Eye] power, Hyuga Ran quietly assassinated several members of the Hyuga clan.

At this moment, she was holding a still warm [Baiyan] of the clan.

The clan did not have the [Caged Bird Curse Seal] on them, so even if the [Baiyan] was dug out, there was no need to worry about it being destroyed by the [Caged Bird].

"I have collected 38 pairs of [Baiyan], I wonder if they can be fused into the [Reincarnation Eye]!"

She murmured, and then turned her head to look at the mansion of the Hyuga clan leader.

At present, she has not taken action against the clan leader's family.

By the way, there are three old immortals from the main family, who seem to have accompanied Hiashi to the capital of the Land of Fire.

They haven't come back yet.

"Patriarch, can you lend me your [Baiyan]?"

She whispered softly, and quietly moved towards the patriarch's courtyard.

And all her actions were clearly seen by Madara, who was far away in the underground of the Land of Rain.

He looked at Hyuga Ran in the live broadcast, and his mouth became more and more contemptuous.

"Hyuga clan... hehe..."

When Uzumaki White Zetsu heard Madara's sneer, he hurriedly asked: "Madara, didn't you tell us not to care about Hyuga Ran? Why did you let White Zetsu help her cover up her breath!"

If it weren't for White Zetsu's real body secretly cleaning up the rear, I'm afraid that Hyuga Ran would have been discovered when she assassinated the third person.

"Because she is too stupid!"

So stupid that he couldn't bear to watch it.

That’s why Bai Jue secretly helped her, to prevent this chess piece from being destroyed before it could play its role.

“And I also want to see if she can integrate"Oh!" Uzumaki Hakuzetsu nodded in understanding, and then hung it on the wall as a decoration.


Reika thought that even if the ball contained space, it should not be able to store much, but unexpectedly, three minutes had passed, and there was no sign of full absorption.

At this moment, the centipede had been cut by the future to only the part above the neck.

The termite-like body had been beaten into powder by the future, and the power of the dragon vein was intercepted by the chakra storage.

So the centipede could not regenerate at super speed, and only a head was left, staring with dead fish eyes.

He wanted to use the [Puppet Substitute Technique] to escape, but every time he activated it, a sealing chain would hinder his actions.

"Kill me! "Bai Zu wanted to cry but had no tears. It was too difficult for him to be a villain.

The game started with hell-level difficulty.


If I had known, I would have grown up in a lowly way for a few more years. Now, I have gone too far.

If I could do it again, I would...

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and a little hope immediately appeared in his dead heart.

At the beginning, he rushed to this world through the huge power of the dragon vein.

If he let the dragon vein run wild again, could he travel through time and space and go to another timeline?

Just when he was secretly thinking about what to do, the half-smiled voice of the future came over.

"Don't think about how to escape!"

"All your thoughts are in my eyes, nothing can escape!"

At this moment, the red light on the ball, which had been flashing, immediately turned green after a ding.

"Full! ?" Minato asked hurriedly.

Reika had been guarding the chakra storage device. Hearing this, she nodded and said, "Yes, it's full! "

The mission was finally completed.

Future looked at Naruto with a smile and suddenly asked: "Do you want to go around this parallel world?"

Hearing this, Naruto was stunned, and then his eyes lit up.

But he soon shook his head.

"No, I have my own world, and my companions should be waiting for me to go back! "

Hearing this, Mirai nodded.

Then he swung his sword and chopped off the puppet head of the centipede.

In an instant, he was deader than dead!

After the centipede died, Naruto suddenly discovered that he was glowing.

At the same time, a repulsive force gradually spread throughout his body.

It was as if the world was rejecting him.

Although it was not as sharp as when he faced Pain Tendou.

But it seemed very grand, as if he was facing the world, and he couldn't think of resisting at all.

For a moment, he had an epiphany in his heart.

Is he going back to his original world...

He hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Minato, and tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

He had a lot of words in his heart at this moment, and he didn't know how to say them.

In the end, thousands of words converged into one word.

"Take care!"

"Be careful of the masked man, he is the culprit who manipulated the Nine-Tails Rebellion! "

After saying that, he disappeared directly into Minato's arms.

He felt the empty embrace, and his eyebrows were full of pride.

Because he could clearly feel that his son was very good!

"It's a pity that Kushina was not brought here!"

At this time, Linghua had already walked over with the ball, and she frowned slightly.

"Don't you need to seal the memory? It would be bad if it caused a time and space paradox!"

She wanted to say this just now, but Naruto came from the future, so it was not very important whether his memory was sealed or not.

What was important was the memory of the three of them.

Once he knew something in the future, even if he pretended not to know, his personal behavior would be affected in his daily life.

Thus affecting the future.

Future shook his head, he took back the mad sword, and said: "If Naruto came from our world to the past, it would indeed require the three of us to seal the memory.

But it is obvious that Naruto came from another world.

So our future is still unknown, and there is no need to worry about things that are set in the future not happening.

There is no need to worry about the occurrence of time and space paradoxes. ”

At this time, the queen finally arrived.

She panted and looked around.

"Where is An Lushan? Where did he go?"

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