In the Hyuga mansion.

In the main family compound, it was all white.

The hall was filled with coffins, which looked a bit creepy at first glance.

Hiashi was kneeling in front of the first coffin, and next to him was his younger brother.

The remaining three elders of the main family were busy with other things.

One was in the Hokage's office, and the other was in the Yamanaka clan, asking them to extract the deceased's memory before death.

But the effect was not great.

Otherwise, the murderer would not have been found after so many days.

Fortunately, the Hyuga family was large and powerful, and they could spare a room to place all the coffins, and there were people to keep vigil.

In addition to the two brothers Hyuga and Hiashi, there were also people from the branch family.

Although people born as the second son of the main family would be sent to the branch family, no matter how much the people of the branch family hated the main family.

Facing the tragic death of their parents, they would also feel heartbroken.

Therefore, almost everyone who could come to keep vigil in the branch family came.

This made the hall look less shabby.

Hyuga Hiashi didn't know how long he knelt, but his face was unusually haggard.

Obviously, he hadn't slept well these days.

If we talk about the saddest person in the Hyuga clan, he is the first one.

"Hizashi..." He suddenly said.

His voice was very hoarse, as if part of his throat was swollen, and he could hardly speak clearly.

"Brother!" Behind him, Hiashi hurried forward to respond.

Hiashi swallowed his saliva to moisten his dry throat, and his words became clearer.

"Who do you think did it?!"

Hiashi was stunned. He didn't expect that his brother didn't speak these days, but asked this question as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Konoha is still investigating!"

Hearing his brother's words, Hiashi turned his head and looked at Hiashi. His originally pure and flawless eyes were now full of blood.

"You have been at home all the time. I don't believe you didn't notice it!" Hiashi said, approaching his brother directly, so that their heads were touching each other.

They could smell each other's breath, and even the tip of their noses was squeezed and deformed.

He immediately pressed his head when he noticed that his brother wanted to dodge.

After being treated like this by Hyuga Hiashi, Hizashi's eyes subconsciously dodged.

He actually had a vague guess in his heart, but he had no evidence, and how could she, a weak woman, do this alone.

So he often told himself these days that this was not her doing, and she might have been kidnapped.

But that night he saw the look in her eyes when she looked at him, full of madness.

He wanted to take it for himself.

Then the next day he found the scene of the destruction of the main family.

These days, the crazy and eager eyes of the girl would flash in his mind from time to time.

He was tortured to exhaustion.

To be honest, he could hardly convince himself.

Especially when he couldn't find her, his suspicion of her was growing day by day.

Hiashi was staring at his brother's eyes, and he naturally noticed his panicked dodge just now.

This made his voice a little louder.

"Who is it!"

For a moment, all the people in the mourning hall who were guarding the spirit looked at the Hiashi brothers.

Their eyes were full of complex colors.

Some people wondered why four people from the clan were left behind.

If all the people in the clan died, would they and their descendants be free...

But some were also sad about the tragic death of their biological parents.

Although they should not have done it, at least they brought them to this world.

Hiashi pursed his lips, thought for a long time, and finally uttered a name.

"Hinata Ran!" His voice was very low, and only Hiashi heard it.

Hearing this, Hiashi closed his eyes.

He turned around and continued to kneel in front of the mourning hall.

The bits and pieces of the past years began to emerge in his mind, among which the most confusing thing was why Hinata Ran was not planted with the [Caged Bird Curse].

In the past, even if he thought about it, he didn't care about these things.

For him at that time, the affairs of the clan were all taken care of by his father, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

But this time, he regretted it very much.

Regret why he didn't ask at the beginning.

But no matter what, the hatred of killing his father is irreconcilable.

He must find this person. If she is innocent, it's okay. If there is a little suspicion of murdering the main family, he will never let her have an easy time.

Even if he had some thoughts about her at the beginning.


In the No. 3 laboratory.

Mirai, wearing a white coat, is operating something in front of the instrument.

In this laboratory, there are only the two of them, the master and the apprentice. Linghua was arranged by the elders of the main family to find the murderer, and Minato went toI went to help in the Raku Ramen Shop.

Because Kushina was there.

Perhaps the experiment was a bit boring, and while doing the work in his hands, Mirai asked: "Teacher, didn't the Third Generation ask you to go and assist the Anbu to search for the whereabouts of the murderer?

You are hiding in the laboratory to do experiments now. If the Third Generation knows, he will not beat you up!"

Behind him, Orochimaru looked at the cell distribution structure under the microscope without blinking.

He said without turning his head: "I proposed my method to him, but he was not happy with it. Instead of wasting time there, I might as well do something meaningful!"

Hearing this, Mirai was stunned. He stopped the instrument in his hand and turned his head to look at Teacher Orochimaru.

Curiously asked: "What is the method?"

Orochimaru moved his eyes away from the microscope, he looked at Mirai, raised the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Simple, just ask the dead directly!"

"Ask the dead!?" Mirai was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted.

"Teacher, do you want to use the [Immortal Reincarnation] technique on the remains of the Hyuga clan leader?!"

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly looked straight at the future.

The corners of his mouth curved up a few times.

"Look, even you know the method, but they are concerned about people's opinions and don't use it. They directly choose the most difficult and stupid method."

The future ignored the teacher's praise, and he had only one thought in his mind.

"Teacher, have you learned [Immortal Reincarnation]!?"

Orochimaru nodded, "Well, just in case, I informed the third generation in advance, and I can use it now. Although it has no combat power, it is still very convenient to ask anything!"

It is much more convenient than the secret technique of the Yamanaka clan.

And there is no need to worry about the Impure World Personnel hiding anything.

After hearing the explanation of Teacher Orochimaru, the future quickly figured it out.

It is estimated that the teacher was afraid that Hiruko didn't tell the whole story, and that he was hiding something to harm Orochimaru, so he learned this technique in advance.

He couldn't help but look strange.

The teacher originally learned this trick when he defected.

As a result, because of his existence, the teacher didn't have to defect and could learn this technique to summon the dead.

Could it be that this technique was born with Orochimaru!

Orochimaru glanced at the time, turned his head again and looked at the microscope, and said at the same time: "Let's not talk about that. The task today is a bit heavy. We have to speed up the progress!"


After responding, Mirai began to play with the instrument beside him.

And what they are doing is a human embryo culture experiment.

It is to use the genes of Orochimaru teacher and the genes of Mirai to cultivate a new human body.


Under the base of the Rain Country.

Madara's attention to Hinata Ran far exceeds that of Uchiha Mirai.

It's not that he has fallen in love with someone else, nor is it that he is ready to give up Uchiha Mirai.

But he has some interest in the [Rinnegan].

"Are you sure that the documents recorded in that ruins can allow her to create the [Rinnegan]?!" He suddenly asked the White Zetsu body with half of its body stuck on the wall.

He didn't know that the method of integrating the [Baiyan] was told to Hinata Ran by White Zetsu.

White Zetsu glanced at the live broadcast screen, then looked at Madara, and couldn't help but spread his hands.

"I don't know!"

But he recalled some of what Black Zetsu had told him.

So he said uncertainly: "Maybe it can be integrated!"

Madara was silent for a while. He was really stupid. He actually asked these two brainless guys.

Alas, if Hashirama was here, he wouldn't be so bored.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reach out and touch his chest.

It has clear contours and feels pretty good.

"Hashirama...wait a little longer...real peace..."

"It's almost here!"

When the time comes, he will be able to bring lasting peace to the ninja world.

Let Hashirama look at him with new eyes!

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