Next to the war machine.

Many people saw the future and what he said, and several people's faces suddenly changed.

They were afraid that the future would swing a terrifying slash like before.

But they were also prepared for countermeasures.

Immediately, dozens of elite ninjas stood up, some of them holding huge fans, and some controlling three or four puppets.

Others held scrolls as tall as a person.

One of the commanders shouted coldly.

"Don't look down on me. I admit that you are very strong, but so what? We are the Sand Ninjas selected by the elite, and we are completely different from the previous Sand Ninjas!"

Of the Sand Ninjas who returned alive during World War II, 50% stayed, and 50% were directly selected and withdrew from the ninja identity.

Became civilians.

So the current Sand Ninjas are all quite strong.

At least if they hadn't come in the future, Konoha's border would have been breached.

The future didn't say anything, but dragged the mad sword and walked towards them step by step.

With every step, his speed doubled.

Until he finally started running.

The speed of the Tessaiga also increased, causing the sparks it produced to become larger and larger.

Seeing this, many of the elite Sand Ninjas began to roar, to encourage themselves and others.

For a moment, they seemed to be in high spirits.

"【Puppet Secret Technique·Critical Moment】!"

The puppeteers took the lead, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen puppets, all making crackling sounds of joint movement, approached the future.

At the same time, all their weapons were opened.

Seeing this, the future could not help but sneer, "Didn't the World War II tell you that puppets are the least threatening to Uchiha?"

The Uchiha's insight ability can completely avoid the attacks of all puppets.

And because of the ability to predict, these puppets are even slower in their eyes.

Inferior to ordinary people.

But the puppeteer needs to make the puppet move and change the moves through the chakra line, so there will be a delay.

In normal times, it doesn't matter if it's a little slow, because the opponent can't react at all.

Of course, some puppeteers can also predict and make the puppet's actions no different from ordinary people.

Unfortunately, facing Uchiha, this kind of prediction is not good at all.

Because they can't predict the Uchiha people at all.

Their so-called prediction is ridiculous in the eyes of Uchiha.

As the future swung the knife and chopped, the puppet rushing in front was immediately chopped away.

But the future couldn't help but be surprised!


Because those puppets were not broken by his knife.

He swung the knife again.

But this time it was not aimed at the puppet, but the chakra line behind the puppet.

As he swung the knife, the chakra line was directly cut off by him.

The puppet that lost control fell directly to the ground.

Weilai did not check it immediately, but swung Tessaiga and spun around, knocking away all the other puppets that surrounded him.

He found that the quality of these puppets was excellent.

They could withstand his attacks without being damaged.

After getting rid of the annoying things, Weilai looked at the puppets, and the [Sharingan] in his eyes spun rapidly, looking at the puppets carefully.

Soon he saw a scorpion symbol on the back of the puppet's neck.

This made him realize something.

"So that's it, this is the work of the Red Sand Scorpion!"

No wonder the quality is so good.

Just as he was about to get up.

He suddenly noticed a stream of air approaching him rapidly.

He instinctively blocked it with a knife.


A powerful impact force directly blew Weilai away.

This force was so strong that it directly knocked Weilai away sixty or seventy meters.

He fell to the ground.

She was about to slide backwards, but he used the Tessaiga to pierce the ground, forcibly stopping her retreat.

Then she looked at who launched the attack.

Next to the war machine, there were two girls who looked like twin sisters. They were holding huge fans in their hands and still waving them.

At this moment, a Sand Ninja puppeteer moved his fingers with an ugly expression.

A few chakra lines were connected to the puppet, and the puppet was operated to stand up again.

Mirai stood up straight, and he moved his left hand casually. Just now, he used his left hand to hold the knife and blocked the air bombardment.

The two sisters saw that their strongest combination skills only knocked the man away, and the man also moved his arm casually, as if his hand holding the knife was sore.

They were shocked and angry.

"Damn it!"

"Stop looking down on me!"

The two sisters immediately called out to the people holding fans around them and shouted: "Everyone!"

"Use the combined ninjutsu together!"



As people responded, the sound of countless fans opening resounded.

With a thought in his mind, the future could not help but put down his hands and formed a seal in a formal manner.

At this time, the group of Sand Ninjas had already waved their fans.

"【Wind Style: Group Large Hanging Net Technique】!"

In an instant, a group of wind blades crossed horizontally and vertically formed a large net and rushed straight towards the future.

Some branches that were blown up were easily cut off.

There were even a few unlucky birds in the air, which were split into two by this move. The bright red blood made the wind net look more murderous.

At this moment, the future had already formed a seal.

"【Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment】!"

As he opened his mouth and spit, a line of fire was sprayed out of his mouth.

When the line of fire fell to the ground, it expanded hundreds of times in an instant.

To deal with [Wind Style], you naturally have to use [Fire Style] that restrains the wind.

In an instant, a huge wall of fire about 40 meters long and 10 meters high burned directly towards the wind net.

The so-called fire overcomes wind because the fiercely burning flames can use the wind as fuel, burning it, and can also increase its own power.

Looking at the fire wall he created, Future smacked his lips.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's still not as shocking as the one created by Madara-sama!"

After all, Madara-sama's [Fire Style], but it took a whole class of [Water Style] to barely block it.

While he was talking, the flame had received a great boost, and without saying a word, it quickly burned towards the people next to the war machine.

And its area has expanded several times.

It reached a length of 50 meters in one fell swoop, almost as big as the wind net.

It looks extremely spectacular.

"Nani!" The twin sister's face changed drastically.

The white skin was burned red by the rapidly burning flames.

She never expected that the man in front of her would have such a strong [Fire Style] attainment.

This time it was a real mistake.

Fortunately, they were not fighting two sisters.

Immediately, several people stepped forward, formed seals with their hands, and then pressed them to the ground.

"[Earth Style·Earth Flow Wall]"

As the technique was activated, countless three-meter-wide earth walls rose from the ground, barely blocking the attack of the fire wall.

Seeing this, the group of Sand Ninjas were relieved.

The twin sisters smiled bitterly.

"Sorry, we originally planned to use the huge [Wind Style] technique to blow the flames back and let the other party suffer, but unexpectedly, it actually fueled the other party's fire."

Someone around immediately comforted them: "It's not your fault. Who would have thought that he would be so perverted!"

"Do you know his name? Such a person should not be an unknown person!" Someone asked.

If they knew the other party's name, they would have a general intelligence.

"A sword that can transform, and a Sharingan, and he is an Uchiha, and he is handsome. If I remember correctly, he should be one of Orochimaru's disciples, Uchiha Mirai.

In the fire and earth battlefields of World War II, he defeated the attack of the Rock Ninja with the help of the psychic snake."

Hearing this, several people present had an impression.

"It turned out to be him!"

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, he would become so strong!"

At this time, the fire became smaller, and they began to be alert.

Because if nothing unexpected happened, the next wave of attacks would come.

But at this time, they suddenly heard the signal to retreat.


A melodious and extremely penetrating voice resounded throughout the battlefield, which stunned many Sand Ninjas.

However, they did not linger in the battle, but forced the opponent to retreat, quickly became alert, and evacuated the battlefield in an orderly manner.

Mirai was also stunned.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look in the direction of the retreat horn.

I found an old woman and an old man standing there, and the horn came from her side.

The Konoha ninja who wanted to chase was stopped by Orochimaru.

He recognized the old man, Ebizo.

This is a shrewd man.

It is easy to be caught if you chase in an unclear situation.

At this time, Ye Cang also fought with Kato Dan.

After forcing Kato Dan back, she coldly said something cruel.

"Wait, my Sand Village will sooner or later break into your Konoha Village!"

Kato Dan smiled indifferently.

What he said was very annoying, "You have been beaten by Konoha!"

Ye Cang: (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○


"Hmph... Wait, sooner or later I will capture you alive and make you wish you were dead!"

After saying that, the people quickly evacuated!

Kato shrugged nonchalantly.

Such words are useless.No lethality at all!

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