In the future, they started from the border of the Wind Country battlefield, and then Orochimaru followed Minato back.

At this moment, the two rushed to the northeast.

"Oh, if I had known earlier, I would have gotten a flying ninja beast!" At this moment, the future was a little envious of Minato's giant bird.

But unfortunately, Minato needed to go to the direction of Iwagakure.

The two were on different roads.

If they followed back to the village and then ran from the village to the border of the Thunder Country, it would take a detour and waste a lot of time for them.

Linghua looked at the future with a smile, "You want everything!"

"Don't worry, with our speed, we can definitely reach the border before the Thunder Country attacks Konoha."

If the information is correct.

Hearing this, the future smiled bitterly.

"I'm afraid that the Raikage and his son will reach the border first. The speed of the father and son is very fast! Just a little slower than Minato."

Linghua had heard about the secret ninjutsu of the Raikage, [Lightning Chakra Mode].

But she had never seen it. After hearing Mirai's serious words, she also felt heavy-hearted.

After that, the two of them said nothing more, but hurried on their way.

Soon, time passed unknowingly, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

They had been traveling for a whole morning.

Just when they were eating.

A slug suddenly appeared beside them.

Mirai knew this slug, it was the communication slug of the Wet Bone Forest.

And using the latest technology of Myoboku Mountain, the communication slug can be directly transmitted to another summoner.

There is no need to return to the holy land first, then contact through the contract, and then let the magician summon the communication slug.

"Reika-chan, Kushina-chan asked me to ask you if you need Xiaoshui's help?"

Xiaoshui is the name of the giant bird, which was given by Kushina.

Hearing this, Mirai's eyes lit up.

"Have Minato and the others arrived at the Rock Ninja battlefield?"

The communication slug looked at the future and replied softly, "Yes, they just arrived. They are currently coordinating the defense line and sending spies to find out which small country the Rock Ninja has entered."

Hearing this, the future's face lit up.

"Yes, of course we want it!"

Now they are still two days away from the Land of Fields.

After all, they were just at the border of the River Country, which is equivalent to crossing the entire Fire Country, and it will take a long time.

The communication slug hurriedly spit out a one-time summoning scroll, "This is the scroll to summon Xiao Shui!"

The future naturally knows this scroll.

During World War II, they were given one each by their teacher.

It allows them to borrow the chakra in the scroll to summon large summoned beasts to fight.

This scroll is a modified version of that scroll, which allows them to summon other people's exclusive summoned beasts.

After the future and the two finished their meal, they immediately started summoning.

"【Summoning Technique】!"

"Come out, Xiao Shui!"

The next moment, a huge cloud of smoke rose into the sky.

Instantly, a huge eagle appeared.

After the future and the others landed on the back of the giant eagle, it immediately flapped its wings and took off directly.

Flew rapidly towards the direction of the Land of Lightning.


On the border of the battlefield of the Land of Earth.

Kushina was accompanying Minato, and Minato's face was very pale at this moment.

He ran back and forth twice and almost fainted.

Fortunately, he had more chakra, otherwise, I'm afraid he would have fainted long ago.

On the way here, he rested on the back of the bird, so now he was just pale, but it didn't matter.

Kushina looked a little dazed, and then said to Minato: "The future and the others have already boarded Xiao Shui, and are now heading north rapidly."

Hearing this, Minato smiled.

"It's good to be able to help them!"

As he said this, he relaxed a lot.

"Actually, I really want to compete with the [Lightning Chakra Mode] of the Land of Lightning to see who is faster, but here we need you and me more!"

Kushina heard this, she supported Minato, smiled slightly, and said: "Then let's end the battle as soon as possible, faster than them in the future, and then go to help!"

Hearing this, Minato couldn't help but scratch her nose affectionately.

He joked: "War is just playing house, how can it be so easy to defeat the opponent!"

And what they are about to face is the largest number of Rock Ninja.

In addition to Ohnoki, the flying unit, the blasting unit, and the two tailed beasts.

To be honest, he felt extremely difficult.

I just hope that the people in the village can send more useful people over.

It's a bit difficult for them to deal with the Rock Village with only two high-end combat forces.

Kushina was treated like this by him, and she blushed and dodged.

WaterAfter Men finished speaking, he couldn't help but look towards the northeast with worry.

"I heard that the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki is a perfect Jinchūriki. I wonder if they can handle it in the future!"

He heard from the future that a perfect Jinchūriki can avoid many illusions and can call on the chakra of the tailed beasts without losing their minds, which is very tricky.

Kushina didn't say anything else, but closed her eyes and sank into her heart.

In the sealed space.

The big fox rested its paws on the huge fireball, like a lazy big orange, sleeping soundly.

And there were no nails on it.

But there were a lot more chains.

"Kuroma, maybe I need your help later!" Kushina stood in front of the Nine-Tails and shouted loudly.

The Nine-Tails was originally sleeping soundly, but it frowned immediately after being disturbed by Kushina.

The next second, all its ears were folded down, as if it didn't want to listen to her.

Seeing this, Kushina shrugged. She knew that Kurama had heard it, so she stopped arguing with it and left the place in her mind.

She looked at the outside world again, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Hehe... Perfect Jinchūriki... It's hard!

'I hope Minato won't be scared by me when the time comes! '


With the giant eagle Xiaoshui as a means of transportation, the future and the others quickly arrived at the border.

The guards on the city wall quickly let them in.

However, the captain of the guards still felt that they should check it carefully, because they had just received the information sent by Konoha Village a few hours ago.

The future and the others arrived right after, which was a bit too fast.

After the future and Linghua showed the [Sharingan] and [Baiyan], two [Blood Limits] that could not be faked, the captain finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So he smiled and arranged for them to rest.

A border defense captain originally thought that the village would send strong ninjas to support, but he didn't expect that it would be two teenagers, and his brows frowned immediately.

"Captain Jiumu, why would the village send two of them to support, will they..." Although he didn't finish his words, the meaning was very clear.

He didn't trust these two people.

Because next, they will face a big ninja village, and it is the second-ranked ninja village attack.

Could it be that the village can no longer send other strong people to support? !

Hearing this, Captain Jiumu smiled and patted his shoulder. He noticed that the other captains had the same expression.

This is no wonder.

Who made these two people look so young? No one would think that they can be strong enough to fight against the masters of a village.

So he smiled and comforted, "Don't worry, these two people are not ordinary people, they are the direct disciples of Orochimaru and Tsunade.

You don't think that these two big men's disciples are here to gild themselves!"

As he said, he looked in the direction of the village, and his eyes relaxed a lot.

Although Uchiha Mirai and his friends were very low-key in the village, he was fortunate to have seen their training.

That was one afternoon two and a half years ago.

He had witnessed the battle between Uchiha Mirai and Namikaze Minato with his own eyes.

He was shocked at the time.

That kind of strength, let alone weak, even if he faced one of them, he would only end up defeated.

He still remembered that the third generation had told him that the future of Konoha would depend on them.

The reason why Mirai didn't know him was mainly because he was in the office at that time, watching through the crystal ball of the third generation.

He was the absolute confidant of the third generation, so the third generation did not avoid him at all.

Otherwise, he would not be in charge of an important border defense task.

"Just wait and see, their strength will definitely make you all shut up!"

As he said this, he retracted his emotional thoughts, and then said to the captains seriously: "Next, everyone should actively prepare for the battle.

Afterwards, there will be family ninjas sent by the village to support, so don't worry, we will still be the winners in this battle!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, the captains all nodded seriously and responded.

Captain Jiumu naturally saw that several people still looked unhappy, so he warned: "There is one more thing, Uchiha Mirai and others are our high-end combat support, I don't allow anyone to provoke them without authorization, otherwise they will be punished by military law!"

He didn't want to have disagreements in the team he was guarding.

What if these narrow-minded people were defeated by Uchiha Mirai and had resentment in their hearts, which led to his bloody behavior of selling out his country, then he would really vomit blood and die!

"Uh... yes!" Several captains looked at each other, and they alsoI really want to test the strength of these two people in private.

As a result, they were discovered by Captain Jiumu.

They couldn't help but put away their little thoughts!

For Jiumu, they respect and recognize it from the bottom of their hearts!

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