Time flies, and a year has passed.

Mirai and Linghua have lived a life of teaching people.

They have opened a training ground behind the city wall alone, where anyone with ideas can learn from him.

Among them, Mirai teaches his insights on swordsmanship and ninjutsu.

And Linghua teaches those who have become medical ninjas or want to learn medical ninjutsu.

Many people, including most of the senior ninjas, will come to listen.

In this regard, the future does not care.

They do not have the stubborn ideas of traditional ninjas, who are afraid of teaching apprentices and starving their masters.

It depends on them how much they want to learn.

And after doing this, the future found that his experience was rising.

Soon unlocked two ten percent.

From this day on, he had two more ninja swords in his hand.

One is a wild sword, and the other is named Blood Drink again.

The chakra ninja sword that his sister gave him is still with his mother.

This is a fine weapon he found in his collection.

The blade is ten centimeters shorter than the Berserker, but the width is the same.

Single-edged, with a very sharp tip.

The whole blade is pitch black, with cloud patterns on the blade.

Konoha is stable, but the four major countries are different.

They are almost unable to hold on.

Especially the Rock Village.

Their supply consumption is too high.

Every day on the Kikyo Bridge, you can see vehicles coming and going.

So the Rock Ninja Ohnoki secretly convened a video conference of the four shadows to discuss what to do.

After receiving this secret intelligence, the shadows of the other three major countries also brought the video communication equipment from their villages to the battlefield.

This video communication equipment was invented by the Sand Village a few years ago, when the Third Kazekage was still there and Raimori had not died yet.

Later, the Third Kazekage sold the technology to the four major countries in exchange for a large amount of supplies.

This barely supported the village's consumption for three years


The four of them were silent for a while, and then the Shadows of Thunder, Wind, and Earth all looked at the Mizukage.

They had all been frustrated by Konoha, and knew that the Konoha ninjas they were facing were not easy to deal with.

So they all chose to wait and see in desperation.

But what about the Mist Ninja?

They had not suffered a major blow from Konoha, so why did they follow them to stop fighting and choose to wait and see?

So they all looked at the Mizukage, hoping that this person would give them an explanation.

The Third Tsuchikage said: "Mizukage, why did you stop fighting?"

Hearing this, the Thunder and Wind countries looked straight at the Mizukage through the monitor.

The latter held an iron hook-shaped cane in his hand.

Although he looked young, his face was filled with indifference and indifference that did not match his age.

"Then why did you choose to stop fighting and wait and see!"

"..." The Third Tsuchikage choked.

How could he say this? Was he afraid that the tailed beasts of Konoha would go berserk and kill tens of thousands of Rock Ninjas in a few bites?

If he said this in front of everyone, they would have no chance of survival.

The Third Raikage glanced at Ohnoki, and then explained calmly: "The resistance we face is unprecedentedly great. Each of these seven monsters is terribly strong."

"For example, the battlefield of the Wind Country, the man named Senju Rope Tree, mastered the secret technique of [Wood Release], and can also create huge wooden men.

There are also a large number of huge forests that can absorb chakra and vitality.

As a Mizukage, you should know this technique. This is the signature ninjutsu of the first generation of Senju Hashirama. He relied on this technique to end the Warring States Period and create the Konoha Village.

Your predecessor, and the predecessors of the three of us, which one did not follow his path and create the four major countries of thunder, water, wind, and earth!"

The implication is that the resistance they face is too great, and it is normal to stop the war and wait and see.

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa on the side folded his arms across his chest. He glanced at the Third Raikage and cursed this old fox in his heart.

He was clearly beaten away by Uchiha Mirai, and he was the first person to choose to wait and see. Instead of talking about himself, he used them as an analogy.

This is bullying him because he is the fourth generation, not the third generation.

So he also spoke up, saying with a sarcastic tone: "Yes, we are facing an enemy with strong strength, and he has the brilliant Uchiha Hong to assist in command, and Kato Dan, who became famous in World War II and mastered the ultimate assassination technique that cannot be defended."

This is the truth, and exaggerating the enemy can make him look less useless.

So he began to really say with a sarcastic tone: "There are also enemies faced by the Raikage and others.

According to our Sand Ninja intelligence,, Uchiha Mirai is the collateral bloodline of Uchiha Madara, and is the descendant of Uchiha Madara's cousin.

He has mastered super swordsmanship and ninjutsu at a young age. There is also the person named Hyuga Reika, who became a disciple of Tsunade in the early years and became the successor of the Wet Bone Forest. Every time she fights, she can summon slugs to help their people recover from injuries.

The combination of these two people complements each other. Look, the Raikage was beaten back a hundred kilometers away!"

The latter sentence made the Raikage frown.

He soon figured it out. This was the revenge of the Kazekage Rasa for what he had just used as an analogy for them.

He couldn't help but curl his lips, 'What a stingy man!'

Seeing that the topic was about to deviate, Ohnoki hurriedly interrupted: "Okay, let's not talk about the past now!"

He was also afraid that this person would expose the scars of their Rock Ninja.

So he continued: "Our secret meeting this time is to discuss what to do next! ”

“I, the Rock Ninja, will make a statement first. We can ask for less from Konoha, but Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki must die. Konoha has surpassed our four major countries in economic development. If they have two more Hokage-level strongmen, our four major countries will no longer have a place in this ninja world!”

Hearing this, the Raikage also said: “My attitude is the same as the Tsuchikage. Uchiha Mirai and Hyuga Reika must die. If they don’t die, our four major countries will never feel at ease!”

Rosa glanced at them and then said: “Me too!”

After saying that, he looked at the silent Mizukage and immediately had an idea in his mind.

“In this way, the resistance faced by us, the Wind, Thunder, and Earth, is very great, and we have all been severely damaged by the opponent. There is only the battlefield on the Mizukage’s side, and there is no large-scale battle.

I suggest that the Mizukage attack Konoha first.

Konoha’s defense against the coastline is not strong. Although there is Orochimaru, the man called Ichiraku seems to only know how to cook.

I admit that his [Five Essences] are very difficult to deal with, but the Mist Ninja has the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The seven of them joined forces to destroy a small country.

If they come forward, they will definitely be able to break into Konoha!"

"By then, Konoha will be in chaos. If the three countries join forces to attack, the resistance they face will be much smaller. By then, it will be just around the corner to divide Konoha!"

The Sand Village is really about to give up.

The food of the River Country has almost been bought up by them.

So this meeting must come up with a charter.

Onoki and the Third Raikage looked at each other and immediately agreed: "We agree!"

They also want to get it done at this meeting at once.

Yakura looked at them, and a barely noticeable scarlet flashed in his eyes.

"You want me, the Mist Village, to take action first..."

"Okay, but I need to occupy 30% of Konoha's wealth! "

Hearing this, the Raikage rejected it without thinking: "No, 30% is too much, at most 25%!"

Yakura sneered directly, he looked at the Raikage, his eyes full of ridicule.

"You want the horse to run, but you don't want the horse to be full, the third generation Raikage, why are you so shameless!"

The third generation Raikage was about to get angry, and Ohnoki hurriedly said: "Okay, 30% is 30%, as long as you can enter Konoha first, everything is fine!"

Yakura smiled, he glanced at the Raikage and laughed.

"Look at the pattern of the Tsuchikage, and then look at you, Raikage, you are still far behind in terms of being a person. "

After saying that, he hung up the call directly.

This made the Raikage's face darken, and he was angry but had no place to vent.

However, after the Mizukage disappeared, he still suppressed his anger.

And he directly disconnected the connection with the Land of Water, so he was not afraid of saying bad things about others behind their backs and being caught.

He frowned and asked, "This seems to be too smooth!"

It was just their first meeting, and the Mizukage agreed to send troops first.

How could someone who could become a Kage be so easy to talk to.

"It is indeed too smooth, but as long as he agrees to attack Konoha first, we will not lose anything!" Ohnoki touched his chin and said while thinking.

Even Rasa was a little confused.

"It's better to be careful of the Mizukage. Although he asked for 30% of the wealth, he can actually ask for more. I always feel that he is planning something! "

Raikage and Tsuchikage stopped talking. They were lost in thought and disconnected.

At the same time.

In a bedroom far away in the Land of Demons.

A young woman suddenly opened her eyes and saw a monster that exuded a terrifying aura.

She sat up in horror and looked towards the direction of the Swamp Country with horrified eyes, "The seal is broken! ? "

The question is how it was broken! ?

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