The Sanda's face became quite ugly.

He looked at Orochimaru and asked with a sullen face: "Give me an explanation!"

Hearing this, Orochimaru looked out the window.

He spoke out his thoughts in a faint tone.

"Teacher, don't you notice that Konoha has changed!"

"It's already a little rotten!"

He was most touched after not being in the village for a year.

Hearing this, the Sanda couldn't help but feel a trace of anger in his heart.

What does Orochimaru mean by this...

Is he saying that the village he led is on the decline?

"We are all people of the old era. Konoha now urgently needs young and energetic people to lead it and make it rejuvenated!" Orochimaru ignored the teacher's anger and continued to speak.

"And because of your stupid decision, the Uchiha once again had the idea of ​​a coup.

If I become Hokage, they will agree, but with the relationship between me and the future master and apprentice, there is no way they can completely let go of their prejudices!"

As he said this, he looked at the third generation, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

Such a good opportunity was beaten to pieces by the third generation.

Let the root monitor the Uchiha.

The Uchiha, who had finally calmed down, was stimulated by them and became like before again. In order to protect themselves, they began to oppose the village.

That's why he said Konoha was rotten.

Hearing this, the third generation's face froze.

It would be a lie to say that he didn't regret it in his heart.

At the beginning, he was also frightened by the four Uchiha who opened the Mangekyō.

In fact, think about these four [Mangekyo Sharingan] owners, three of them are close to Konoha.

Moreover, their son, brother Uchiha Mirai, is his disciple, and there is a master-disciple relationship between them.

Even if Uchiha really wants to rebel, they still have Minato, Nawaki, Ichiraku, and Kushina.

He doesn't need to say anything, as long as Uchiha rebels, they will stand up to stop it.

But in the end, he didn't see this simple truth at the time, but acquiesced to Danzo's actions, which led to the current situation. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't regret it.

"Alas!" He couldn't help but sigh, and his anger disappeared a lot unconsciously.

Through the window, he looked at Konoha.

Today's Konoha is thriving and thriving.


'Is Konoha really rotten! '

He couldn't help asking in his heart.

Orochimaru glanced at him and then said, "Minato is different. His talent is not inferior to mine, and his relationship with Uchiha is much better than mine.

In the eyes of outsiders, and even in the eyes of Uchiha, Minato is half Uchiha.

And Minato has an extremely good relationship with Mirai.

If he becomes Hokage, Uchiha will be more accepting.

It can effectively prevent Uchiha from falling out with the village!"

After saying that, he glanced outside the door and finished the last sentence.

"This is also the best candidate to clean up the mess you left behind!"

With that, he turned and left the Hokage's office.

This made the Third Generation speechless for a long time.

It must be said that what Orochimaru said makes sense, and he is also the best candidate to break the deadlock at present.

If Namikaze Minato becomes Hokage, he will be the person with the highest acceptance among other people in Konoha Village and Uchiha.

And they had already decided that the Fifth Generation would be Minato.

Now it's just that he has become the fourth generation ahead of time.

"Alas, teacher, am I getting old!"

Just as he was muttering to himself, a person walked in through the door.

"Third generation, I found that the Uchiha had a secret meeting. They must be discussing how to deal with our top leaders!"

When he saw Shimura Danzo walking in excitedly, a trace of anger immediately emerged in the heart of the third generation.

He couldn't help but curse.

"Get out of here!"

Danzo: [・_・?]

Family members, who knows, I was scolded by the third generation as soon as I entered the door.

This guy ate the detonating talisman, and he was still greasy...

Why did he become so furious?

Is it the uncle who came?

Looking at Danzo who was standing there stupidly, the anger on the third generation's face increased a little more.

"What do you mean, as a Hokage, I can't even order you!"

Hearing this, Danzo changed his face immediately.

Even a clay man still has some temper.

He had never been scolded like this by the Third Generation, and he immediately felt wronged and anxious.

Without saying a word, he slammed the door and left.

I kindly reported the recent situation of the Uchiha to him, but he gave me a cold face...


"You will regret it, Hiruzen!"

Third Generation: (•́へ•́╬)


Orochimaru went to Jiraiya and Tsunade to learn about the situation in the village, and then followed them to Minato's house.

Ichiraku has withdrawn from the ninja system, and now he is concentrating on studying food in Konoha.

Not to mention, he has become the boss of Konoha's catering industry, and many chefs and bosses of restaurants want to learn from him.

Ichiraku didn't mind, and was very happy to teach his experience and recipes.

He was not afraid of the recipe being leaked at all, because even if they knew the recipe and the heat, the food they made was far less delicious than his own.

After learning that Lord Orochimaru had returned, he specially handed the store over to two apprentices to take care of it.

He happily carried the ingredients and walked to Minato's house.

Without Ichiraku, the eighth team was short of one person, so Honghong was added.

As for her original team, it had been disbanded.

Lezi has his own family, and the other one also chooses to quit the fighting life of ninjas and concentrate on being a full-time wife.

Minato became the team leader, taking Kakashi, Obito, and Nohara Rin to do missions.

Kushina stayed in the village to improve and develop various sealing techniques.

And took time to study new drugs with the teacher.

As for Reika, she ran around the world.

She wanted to find a way to open the different space.

Unfortunately, the results were minimal.

A year has passed, and Reika looks more mature, more beautiful, and taller than before.

She is also more aloof.

She is like an iceberg that cannot be melted.

Her whole body reveals a coldness that keeps people away.

Kushina felt a little distressed when she saw the little sisters like this.

'How long have I not seen her smile...' In her heart, Kushina couldn't help but think of this.

Future's death was a huge blow to the seven of them.

Especially Linghua, the little sister loves him so much.

Even before the Third World War, she once whispered to herself that she wanted to marry Mirai after the war was over.


A pleasant smile appeared on her face, and she reached out to hold Linghua.

"Huahua, you're back too!"

Seeing her best friend, the indifference on Linghua's face dissipated a lot.

She twitched her lips and squeezed out a smile.

"Kushina, how are you lately!"

She hadn't smiled for a long time, and her smile was a little unnatural.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm too bored alone. Minato takes Obito and the others to do missions every day, and I stay in the village alone. There are not many people to talk to!"

As she said that, she took Linghua's arm affectionately and took her into Minato's house.

Minato also looked at Linghua with a surprised look on his face.

"Linghua, you're back!" Minato greeted in surprise. If you calculate the time carefully, they haven't seen each other for a year.

Reika nodded, and she looked around, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see, so she couldn't help asking.

"Where's Obito? Isn't he at your house?"

In the room, there were only Minato, Ichiraku, and Kushina.

Kushina knew why Reika asked this, and she said, "Obito is now a three-magatama!"

Hearing this, Reika understood, meaning that Obito hasn't opened his eyes yet.

She couldn't help but look a little disappointed.

"Is that so!"

But she forced herself to be energetic and squeezed out a smile to everyone.

She began to tell Kushina about her experiences in the ninja world.


Another place.

It's bare here.

There are strange rock cliffs everywhere.

This environment doesn't seem to be naturally produced at all, but man-made.

The core area.

There is a huge stone gate.

Behind the gate is a huge sharp mountain towering into the clouds.

There is a staircase with thousands of steps, which is the only way to go up the mountain.

On the top of the mountain is a palace.

Inside the palace, there are five crosses.

On each cross, there is a half-dead person tied.

Looking closely, you can find that these are all well-known people in the ninja world.

"With the right time - the golden sun ring eclipse, the right place - Mount Xumi, and the right people - the four [Blood Limit] ninjas, my technique will be completed in seven days!"


In the palace on the top of the mountain, there was a crazy laugh from Beiluhu.

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