The next day.

At dawn in the morning, Orochimaru was waiting for Obito at the gate.

The latter ran to the village entrance panting, looking at Orochimaru a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, sir, I was blocked by a cat on the way here!"

If an ordinary person heard Obito's words, he would probably think it was just an excuse.

But Orochimaru was different.

He raised his eyebrows and laughed a little.

"You, you were so active in looking for cats at the beginning, these cats are very vengeful!"

His smile eased a lot.

He didn't look so cold anymore.

Hearing this, Obito scratched his head and smiled bitterly, "Who said it wasn't, alas!"

He regretted it!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have listened to my master's words, saying that looking for cats is the most profitable.

In the end, the money was easy to make, but the cats hated him.

"When you come back, go find the cat lady who provides blades for your clan. I heard from Mirai that she has a very good relationship with cats, and maybe she can speak for you!"

Hearing this, Obito's eyes lit up.

"That's great!"

As they spoke, the two had already left the gate of Konoha.

"By the way, sir, where are we going this time?" Obito realized at this moment that he didn't even know where his destination was.

Orochimaru looked in one direction with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

"Sumeru Mountain!"

If nothing unexpected happens, the Golden Sun Eclipse will occur in six days.

In addition to the recent disappearance of the [Blood Limit] ninjas in various villages, he can infer that the right time, right place, and right people have been gathered by Beiruhu.

After they set off, Linghua in Konoha Village was also ready to go.

Kushina looked at her and said with some distress: "You, you just came back, why are you leaving again!"

At this time, Linghua had just come out of Uchiha.

She didn't go home last night, but stayed with Honghong for one night.

Dazhuang and his wife felt guilty and touched about this future daughter-in-law.

Last night, they talked to her a lot, most of which were interesting things in the future childhood.

For example, he wet the bed, he peed in his mouth, and he peed three feet high...

Linghua smiled gently at the little sister and said, "I want to go to the Rain Country this time!"

"Rain Country!?" Kushina was stunned, and then she quickly reacted.

"Are you going to find Nagato?!"

Reika nodded, "Yes, he is the owner of the [Rinnegan], I want to see his eyes, can I revive the future!"

Hearing this, Kushina stopped talking, she shook Reika's hand, smiled bitterly and said: "Then be careful on the road!"

"Okay!" Reika thought about it, and walked out of the Konoha gate.

Soon left here.

Kushina, who had been watching her leave, couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas, everyone has changed!"

Reika has become less fond of smiling, although Obito's face is full of smiles, but everyone can see the fatigue in his eyes.

Minato can dream about the future every night, talking in his sleep, and mentions the future at least five times a day.

And Rope Tree.

Although they used to fight every three or five times, among the seven of them, only Minato can compare with him in terms of his good relationship with the future.

And Sister Honghong, her chakra is colder than before, no longer as gentle as before.

And Lord Orochimaru, uncle and aunt...

Even Uchiha and the village.

Changed... Everything has changed...

After she sighed, she wanted to go home.

But as soon as she turned around, she saw a little boy, carrying a knife, walking out of Konoha.

"Is that... Shisui!?"

"Why is he leaving the village? Is there a mission?"

But he had already walked away, so she didn't ask anything.

Instead, he went home to find Minato.


Underground of the Land of Rain.

A girl in white with a tiger mask sat on the stone chair where Madara used to be, quietly watching the picture projected by the White Zetsu body.

It showed a conversation between the two organizations.

The eyes of the tiger mask were staring straight at a red-haired man in the picture.

He was not very conspicuous in the crowd, and his hair covered one eye, so the remaining eye looked a little weird.

Because it was a purple circle eye.

The most conspicuous person was the orange-haired man in front of him, who was talking about something with a high-spirited look on his face.

The general meaning was to negotiate peacefully and resolve disputes.

There was a hermaphrodite standing next to her.

One was black and the other was white, which looked very weird.

"Is this the [Reincarnation Eye]?" She narrowed her eyes slightly.

The dark half-body said: "That's right!"

After hearing the answer, the tiger-skinned manThe girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

After thinking for a while, she stood up and walked out.

"Lord Ran, where are you going?!" Black Zetsu asked.

"I want to see if the [Rinnegan] really has the ability to revive the dead!"

Hearing this, Black Zetsu became anxious.

The person he wanted to revive was Madara, not Uchiha Mirai.

"Lord Ran, I advise you to think twice!"

Hearing the threatening words from Black Zetsu, Hyuga Ran's face couldn't help but turn cold.

She tilted her head slightly and looked behind her, "Why, do you want to teach me how to do things?!"

Black Zetsu said coldly: "These eyes can only be used once per person. It is one of the plans left by Madara to revive himself. If you waste this opportunity on others..."

Hearing this, Hyuga Ran narrowed her eyes slightly.

She suddenly asked a question.

"Have we seen it somewhere!"

Hearing this, Black Zetsu was stunned for a moment, and then his heart skipped a beat.

She recognized me! ?

But that's not right, I should have erased her memory of me, she wouldn't have recognized me!

However, since Black Zetsu's face was black, Hyuga Ran couldn't see any emotional changes.

After staring at him for a few times, the latter stopped talking and turned around and walked out of the underground cave.

'I must have seen this black thing somewhere, but why can't I remember it...'

What she said just now was her means of changing the subject, and it was also her words to test Black Zetsu.

But in the end, she got nothing.

After Hyuga Ran walked away.

Half White Zetsu frowned and said, "This person is not easy to control!"

Black Zetsu's face turned a little ugly when he heard this.

"The restriction that Madara left on her was actually broken by her. We have underestimated her all this year!"

White Zetsu remained silent.

He never expected that the [Reincarnation Eye] could actually "revolt" his spores. All the news he received this year was false.

Isn't it infuriating?

But he still didn't notice anything.

It wasn't until the other party came back last night that they realized that the ban had disappeared.

The question is how she broke the ban.


On the way.

Orochimaru deliberately slowed down his speed. He took Obito and stopped along the way.

Although Obito was a little stupid, he would always realize something after a long time.

He looked at Orochimaru and asked, "Lord Orochimaru, what you are going to do is dangerous. Isn't it inappropriate for us to travel so slowly..."

Hearing Obito's words, Orochimaru smiled slightly and said, "The time is six days later. We are not in a hurry!"

"Oh!" Obito nodded in understanding. Since it is six days later.

There is indeed plenty of time, because it only takes four days to walk from here to Mount Xumi.

This is still calculated at their current speed.

So he exercised while walking.

He held a wooden sword in his hand and waved it while walking.

Watching Obito training again, Orochimaru sighed slightly.

The reason why he walked so slowly was that he wanted to take the opportunity to let the child have a good rest.

After all, they just came back from the mission yesterday.

As a result, the child not only did not rest, but instead took the time to practice.


"Obito, why don't you take a rest? When your master was your age, he didn't train as hard as you do!"

But his talent is really strong.

Hearing this, Obito smiled at Orochimaru and said, "I'm fine, it's not hard!"

Although no one said it, Obito knew that as he didn't open the Mangekyō for a day, everyone would be disappointed for a day.

When disappointment accumulates enough, it will turn into despair.

Just like Shisui said, a year has passed, and the master still has a physical body, can he be resurrected!

But he didn't dare to think deeply. Now he hasn't even taken the first step, and he is considering failure.

This is not his character!

"By the way, sir, can you tell me about my master's childhood?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru thought about it and simply walked to a stone nearby and sat down.

"If you want to listen, come and sit down. And you are not allowed to exercise!"

Obito was startled and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Teacher, I'm sitting anyway, so it's okay to exercise!"

Orochimaru sighed.

"You, you put too much pressure on yourself. If you exercise too much, you might get the blood disease in advance like your master!"

"Ah!?" Obito was stunned and asked in astonishment.

Master, he also had the blood disease! ?

Orochimaru suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, because he remembered what Mirai said when he teased Nawaki.

"BringObito, being alive is the most important thing!"

"You don't want someone to flirt with your sweetheart, marry your sweetheart, and let your sweetheart give birth to... no... eighteen big fat boys!"

Obito was shocked when he heard such horrible words.

"I definitely don't want it!"

Obito: ("゜ロ゜)"

Whoever dares to flirt with his Rin, he will kill them!

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