Shisui... no... she is still Nohara Rin now.

She stared blankly at the person in front of her. That big face was actually quite cute if you looked closely.

'You know what, Master is right. There are no ugly men in our Uchiha! '

But he was soon shocked by his own thoughts.

His face changed from extremely rosy to extremely dark, and then from extremely dark to extremely white.

Red... black... white... white... red... black...

Obito had never discovered that a person's face could change so many colors.

'No wonder Jiraiya-sama often says that a woman's face is like the weather in June, it changes at any time! '


He asked in a daze: "Rin, don't you not eat leek dumplings!?"

Although the two were still talking mouth to mouth, it did not affect Obito's speech at all.

As soon as these words came out, 'Nohara Rin's' face froze in red, and she looked at Obito with shame and anger.

She quickly turned over and rolled to the other side.

She didn't dare to ride on Obito to get up like before. If it happened again, she would definitely die.

Obito realized something belatedly at this moment.

His face began to heat up rapidly with a temperature visible to the naked eye.

But his breathing froze in an instant.

'Nohara Rin' saw very clearly that Obito's forehead was emitting steam.

Like a steamer.

Obito sat up quickly and was about to explain.

Say that he didn't mean it!

But at this moment, the summoned beast rushed over again.

Crashed into the mountain.

After three consecutive collisions, this hard rock wall began to show signs of collapse.

'Nohara Rin' narrowed her eyes and activated the explosives hidden in advance without saying a word.

She didn't dare to stay any longer. God knows what terrible things will happen next.

Don't make your chastity...ah...innocence!

Uh...not right!

Anyway, don't give up your virginity.

You know, the [Transformation Technique] he performed was passed down from his master, and the feeling after the transformation is quite real.

It can change the body structure of the caster.

It makes him completely become another person.

At the beginning, Lord Rope Tree was made to cry for his parents by this trick, and his master used this incident to ridicule him many times.

So she can naturally feel what Nohara Rin can feel.

For example, now, she feels that something is wrong with her, and her mind is full of bitterness.

Obito noticed that the cave was about to collapse, and he didn't care about his excited heart. He immediately stood up and pulled Nohara Rin to run out of the cave.

The latter didn't struggle because this was not the best place.

When they were about to rush out of the cave, Obito suddenly felt someone pushing him from behind.

The force was strong, but gentle, and he was not injured, but he was ejected uncontrollably.

But behind him... wasn't there only Rin?

He turned his head and saw that it was indeed only Rin.

Seeing Obito's astonished expression, 'Nohara Rin' began her most attentive acting ever.

She stood in the cave, with three parts of shyness, three parts of loss, and four parts of relief in her eyes, looking at Obito.

At the same time, she said in an unprecedented gentle tone: "Oh Mido!"

"You have to live... live with my share...!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire mountain collapsed.

Countless rubble and boulders all rolled down, and soon blocked the cave tightly.

It also covered Nohara Rin's last expression, leaving Obito with only Nohara Rin's last complex expression.



Instantly, the whole Mount Xumi was filled with Obito's heart-wrenching roar.

They had kissed before, but how come Lin was buried by the mountain the next second?

A moment later, the entire mountain collapsed completely and turned into a gravel plain.

If Obito still had some brains, he should have noticed that the mountain collapsed a little too fast and was a little broken.

Normally, it takes time for a mountain to collapse naturally. There are many rocks in the mountain, which can provide good support.

It won't collapse as completely as this mountain.

But he watched his beloved woman being buried by the mountain.

Obito's few IQs were all washed away by the extreme pain.

With red eyes, he rushed towards the collapsed mountain as soon as he landed on the ground.

When he rushed to the place where Nohara Lin disappeared last, he began to dig vigorously.

He threw stones the size of a human head one after another, andThe rocks were pushed away by his hands and feet.

Some of the rocks were so sharp that they scratched Obito's arms and palms.

But the latter didn't notice it at all and continued to move the rocks.


"Don't be afraid, I'll get you out right away!"

He shouted madly while digging.

At this time, not only his hands, but also his eyes, were filled with blood and tears.


Soon his clothes were soaked.

On the top of the mountain.

Orochimaru glanced down and twitched his mouth.

'Young people nowadays are really good at playing! '

That's right, he could 'see' Obito's battle from beginning to end, and naturally he also saw Shisui.

And the acting skills that were full of flaws in his eyes.

And 'Nohara Rin' was obviously fine, but she deliberately pushed Obito.

Let Obito mistakenly think that a rock fell and he couldn't get out even if he pulled her.

Combined with Shisui's disappearing figure, he immediately guessed that this Nohara Rin was Shisui's disguise.

Through the curse seal placed on Obito's shoulder, he could clearly see everything, as well as everything that happened to Obito and the others in the cave.

He couldn't help but look expectantly.

'Obito, can you open your eyes...'


Just as Orochimaru looked down at the foot of the mountain, Obito's somewhat angry voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"You dare to look around when fighting with me. You don't take me seriously!"

Orochimaru's eyes condensed slightly.

'You used [Swift Release], so you quickly rushed behind me. '

But although he was surprised, he was not panicked at all.

Anyway, it's difficult to kill him.

"[Storm Release·Light Fang]!"

This is a laser attack formed by rapidly compressing the power of lightning.

Its power even exceeds the damage that all ninja tools can inflict.

Moreover, it is a collection of high-quality lightning power, plus high-speed water shaping.

So it also has superb cutting power.

The most important thing is that the launch speed of this move is quite fast. Almost as soon as Beiliu finished speaking, a laser appeared in his mouth.

Then it swept towards Orochimaru's waist.

This sneak attack can be said to have a very good grasp of the timing and angle.

Orochimaru's body was cut into two pieces in an instant.

Beiliu dispersed the laser on his mouth, and the corners of his mouth and eyes rose wildly.


"Orochimaru, you arrogant guy, finally died in my hands!"


"Ninja world, welcome your new king!"

But he laughed and laughed, and his laughter stopped abruptly.


He looked at the cut on Orochimaru's body in astonishment. Instead of blood, there were countless snake heads.

The upper and lower parts were the same.

The snake heads grew rapidly and soon merged with the snake heads on the other half of the body.

A magical scene happened.

These snake heads were like liquids, and soon they entangled with each other and then merged.

In the end, the snake heads disappeared, and there was only the body of the snake.

Then, as the snake body squirmed and contracted, the body that was broken into two sections quickly merged together.

When Biruhu saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

"This is also possible?!"

"This is cheating..."

"This is definitely cheating!"

Because this is not scientific at all!

Orochimaru: (︶︿︶)=

"This is very scientific!"

He wanted to explain, but found that the huge summoning beast had circled and found Obito on the ruins, and swooped down towards him.

At this moment, Obito no longer dug stones. He stared blankly at the bloody man below.

At this moment, her eyes narrowed slightly, and in addition to the blood on her face, there was a smile without regret.

From a distance, Orochimaru felt Obito's chakra through the curse seal, which was rapidly becoming dark.

He had experienced the eye opening, so he naturally knew what was happening.

It seems that Shisui's plan is going to succeed!

Obito stared blankly at the bottom, his eyes were bloody and empty.

In his perspective, the world not only became dark, but also red.

"Is this... hell...!?"

Master is dead, and Rin is dead too!

They all died alive in front of me.

But I can't do anything...

If I can have a space to protect them, will they not die...

If I can escape from this world, can I also take them with me...

In an instant, his mind was filled with thisThese thoughts occupied him.

These thoughts appeared after he saw his master carrying the blue giant and crashing into the alien space.

In the past year or so, this thought would emerge every time he rested.

He didn't realize that as he thought about it, the three magatama in his eyes turned six times.

Soon, a special pattern appeared in his eyes.

It was like a pattern of three sickles of the god of death, converging together.

'Lin... wait for me... I want to create... a world with you...! '

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