Kushina and Minato were on the balcony with Mito, watching the area below.

Because the barrier did not surround the balcony, people inside could not sense the outside world.

They could only see the unchanging scene.

But people outside could see the scene inside. Kushina looked at Mito with some confusion and asked, "Grandma, who are those two toads? Why do they feel older than you!"

Mito couldn't help laughing when she heard that. She slowly squatted down and stroked Kushina's soft red hair. "That's one of the representative tribes of summoned beasts in this ninja world!"

"One of them!?" Kushina blinked, a little puzzled, "Could it be that there are many more?"

Some regrets that I didn't listen to the teacher's lectures when I was a child. I regretted not having enough knowledge when I needed it!

"Yeah!" Mito responded, but did not elaborate. Instead, he looked at Minato and asked softly, "Minato, do you know?"

She often heard that Namikaze Minato was the most studious person of this generation. Seeing him this time made her want to test him.

Perhaps, as long as they are older, they will have the habit of testing the younger generation.

Minato took two steps forward and said a little stiffly, "I know, there is a record in the school library.

Since the time of the Ninja Clan, there have been three major groups of summoning beasts in this world. They are the Myoboku Mountain Holy Land of the Toad Clan, the Ryuchi Cave Holy Land of the Snake Clan, and the Wet Bone Forest Holy Land, the habitat of the slugs whose bodies are said to be unimaginably large.

Lord Mito, I wonder if I am right?"

Although Minato was extremely sure that what he said was what he saw in the library at the beginning, after all, he did not see it with his own eyes, and there was always an indescribable sense of unreality.

So much so that he was somewhat unconfident in front of Mito, who was far superior to everyone else in terms of strength and status.

Just like when you were six or seven years old, your ancestors suddenly asked you, what is one plus one equal to.

You know it is equal to two, but even your parents, grandparents are extremely respectful to this person.

Then do you still dare to say it is equal to two?

Even if you say it, there will be a hint of uncertainty in your tone.

Because you only know that one plus one equals two, but you don’t know why one plus one equals two.

This requires practice in life in the future, and you will slowly understand why one plus one equals two.

Uzumaki Mito raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn’t help but feel satisfied.

It seems that this kid is really talented and learned, not just boasted by others.

"You are right, I didn’t expect that you are so young, but you know more than many people!" As she said, she looked in the direction of the ninja school and couldn’t help sighing.

Her eyes gradually blurred, as if she thought of something and fell into memories.

"When Konoha Village was just established, Tobirama took the lead and united various families to establish the first ninja school in Konoha for the future of Konoha.

To ensure that the children of Konoha have a good education since childhood.

But at that time, each family was forced to gather together because of the reputation of Senju and Uchiha, and the benefits of joining them would be greater.

They did not trust each other.

It was like digging up their ancestral graves to ask them to hand over knowledge of ninjutsu, and they would not agree to anything!

So far, in addition to teaching you the basic [Chakra Refining Technique], Three Body Technique, and some low-level techniques that are not up to standard, the only thing that can be taught to you in the ninja school is mathematics, physics and chemistry!" As she said, she sighed again.

Although mathematics, physics and chemistry are not bad, they are still inferior to ninjutsu.

In the ninja world, strength still speaks.

"Grandma~" Kushina looked at her regretful expression and couldn't help but call her softly.

"I'm fine!"

Minato also stepped forward and comforted: "I think it's good now. Konoha has three generations of wise governance, and everyone is working hard for the prosperity of Konoha.

With the development of the times, the world you expect will always come!"

Uzumaki Mito glanced at him, his eyes full of surprise.

This kid is much better than he thought.

The words just now seemed to be comforting her, but they were supported by real evidence.

At the beginning, Konoha's ninja school had nothing, no teaching staff, teaching philosophy, school place, and even no library, but now.

Everything is there, this is the best proof.

With the development of the times, as long as someone works in this direction...

Bread and milk will be there.

She looked at Minato, slightly widened her eyes, and asked: "Do you know our dream?"

Minato scratched his head and smiled shyly.

"I saw it in the library!"

As he spoke, he took out a somewhat old notebook from his bosom.

This notebook was bound with thread, the edges of the title page were worn a lot, and the corners of the book were bald.

But the pages were still brand new, and there was no dirt stuck on them.

The notebook only showed signs of yellowing.

From this point, it can be seen that this book is often read by people, and they also take good care of this notebook.

On the cover, there are a few big words.

"The Autobiography of a Ninja Who Does Not Want to Reveal His Name"

Uzumaki Mito's face gradually became strange after seeing this book.

"This... is really... fate!"

Minato was stunned. He held the book in his hands, then looked at Uzumaki Mito, and asked with expectation in his eyes: "Mito-sama, do you know the author of this book? "

This book has no author, just like the title. The content inside has never revealed the author's true identity.

But he knows that the author of this book must be a great man.

Otherwise, he would not, let alone dare to call the first generation of wood as a "big pillar" and call Uchiha Madara as "shameless".

At first he thought that this book was written by the second generation, but after careful consideration, he found that it was not.

The second generation is more accustomed to speaking with data. He has also read his notebook. In a line of eighteen words, at least four or five words are numbers.

And this notebook has been placed in the corner of the library. I don’t know how long it has been covered with dust. If I hadn’t found it by accident, it would probably have been eaten by insects by now.

Uzumaki Mito shook his head and said, "I don’t know, but since you have read this notebook, it’s not surprising that you know the dreams of our generation! "

Hearing Mito's rejection, Minato's eyes, which were originally full of expectations, dimmed for a moment.

He took out the book just now, thinking that he could get useful information from this living fossil ancestor. Even if the author of this book died, he could find his grave and burn some incense.

But he didn't expect that even Lord Mito didn't know him.

Alas, senior, the title of your book is really good. You said you don't want to reveal the name, but you really didn't reveal it at all.

I give up!

"Grandma, they are going to fight!" At this moment, Kushina's exclamation came over.

"Oh! Really!" Mito stood up and came to Kushina's side. Minato behind her also put the handbook into his arms carefully, moved to the balcony, and looked down.

"Are these three the beloved disciples of the third generation? "Minato's eyes were full of little stars.

Just like a fan seeing his idol.

"Well, the three of them will be the pillars of Konoha. You should watch carefully and learn well. This battle will be very helpful for your future growth!"



The two little ones hurried to the side, widened their eyes, and looked down curiously.

After looking down for a few times, Uzumaki Mito turned his head to look at Minato, his eyes full of kindness.

'Minato... maybe... you are the 'son of prophecy'!'



Jiraiya clapped his hands, and the two old toads jumped onto Jiraiya's shoulders, one on the left and one on the right.

The three of them shouted together, "【Senjutsu·Dual Life Technique】! "

The next moment, everyone in the barrier could feel that the two toads and Jiraiya seemed to merge together.

The chakras in their bodies were all connected together, just like a key inserted into the right lock.

The natural energy that was originally absorbed and temporarily stored in the body began to flow under the shouts of the three people.

Jiraiya controlled his spiritual energy, Shima Sage controlled Jiraiya's physical energy, and Fukasaku Sage controlled the natural energy in the body.

The three energies began to gather together, and the three people jointly controlled the ratio.

Gradually, a group of special chakra gradually appeared from the focus of convergence.

It was like a drop of extremely black ink dripping on the calm lake surface. The next moment, the originally transparent lake surface was gradually rendered and assimilated by this drop of ink.

Until all the natural energy in Jiraiya's body was used up.

This change ended.

The shadow clone saw this scene and narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that you can't continue to absorb natural energy while being distracted in the state of 'moving'! "

This is far from the big pillar.

At this time, Jiraiya's appearance also changed greatly.

The pupils in his eyes turned into a line, like a toad.

The nose became bigger, and it was covered with tiny particles, like the skin of a toad.

The palms and soles of the feet have different degrees of frogification, also like a toad.

Senjin Fukasaku sighed: "Yes, only by absorbing the natural energy into the body can little Jiraiya control it.Stop!"

Uzumaki Mito carefully sensed the amount of chakra in Jiraiya's body, and said firmly: "In that case, little Jiraiya, your [Sage Mode] can only last for about five minutes at most!"

"Yes!" Jiraiya replied, and did not want to hide anything. After all, the other party could see it. As he said, he walked forward slowly, "So Grandma Mito, I want to make a quick decision this time!"

"Come on, use whatever tricks you have on me, your grandma! "The shadow clone finally got serious this time. She clapped her hands on her chest and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, with the boiling of chakra, the number of chains behind her increased instantly.

From three to nine.

It was also thicker and stronger.

The momentum revealed was like a meteorite falling from Mount Tai.

Facing it, I was like a lamb that had just been weaned.

Jiraiya and the other two looked gloomy. Although they knew that Grandma Mito had let it go, the water was too deep.

Can I control it?

"Tsunade, Orochimaru, let's use the number three formation!"

"Number three... I know..." Orochimaru agreed after thinking for a moment, and at the same time opened his mouth and spit out a good quality ninja sword, which was stained with sticky saliva.

He didn't mind the dirt and directly grasped the handle of the knife.

Tsunade jumped and came to a position far behind the two of them, and said loudly: "Okay, be careful!"

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