Madara Uchiha had just entered the room when he noticed a gaze looking at him.

Madara Uchiha looked up, only to see a man with white temples and extraordinary eyes sitting in front of him, this person was none other than the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tajima!

Uchiha Tajima said this, and suddenly his tone paused, "However, there is bad news for you......"

Hearing Tajima's words, a bad premonition arose in Madara Uchiha's heart.

"Except for Izuna, your other brothers, killed in battle......"

Tajima's words fell Uchiha Madara's body trembled instinctively, this is the body's natural reaction, and his soul has completely merged with the original Madara's soul.

At this moment, Madara Uchiha also inherited the attributes of the original Madara Uchiha's brother, so after Tajima told the news that several other younger brothers were killed in battle, Madara Uchiha instinctively felt a sense of sadness.

"I know, father!"

Madara Uchiha, although sad in his heart, quickly recovered his expression, and Tajima nodded secretly when he saw this.

After all, being able to skillfully control and regulate their emotions is something that a strong person must be able to do, and obviously Madara Uchiha has done a good job in this regard.

"Father, I have something to tell you!" Madara Uchiha looked at Tajima with a serious face, and finally said this solemnly.


"Tajima saw that the Uchiha was so serious, it must not be an ordinary thing, so he also became interested.

"Father, I've opened my eyes!"

Madara Uchiha's words fell on Tajima's ears, and it suddenly sounded like thunder.

"Madara! this kind of thing is not a joke!" Tajima

looked at Madara Uchiha with a solemn face, this couldn't help but be careless, after all, Madara Uchiha was only 10 years old at the moment! And the Uchiha clan had never recorded such an early opening of the eyes of the clan.

Madara Uchiha looked at Tajima's solemn appearance, and he didn't explain but closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his normal eyes had completely turned blood-red, and there were two small tadpoles in the middle of his eyes.

This is the Uchiha clan's blood inheritance limit writing wheel eye!

Tajima looked at Madara Uchiha's eyes in shock, and then his heart immediately swelled with infinite excitement, and his face was full of joy that could not be concealed.

"Haha! Okay! Madara, you deserve to be the strongest genius of my Uchiha clan

!" "At a young age, you have successfully awakened the Blood Inheritance Limit!" "

The more Uchiha Tajima looked at Madara Uchiha, the more satisfied he became, and suddenly, Uchiha Tajima seemed to think of something.

"No!Madara, your awakening of the Sharingan is a great joy for

my Uchiha clan, and you are also the hope of my Uchiha clan in the future!" "But the other clans will definitely try their best to deal with you after knowing your news, so from today onwards, the manpower around you needs to be increased!"

Uchiha Madara frowned at Tajima's order, although Tajima was out of kindness and could indeed protect him, but adding guards would also make him very inconvenient.

"Father, you don't need to add guards, it doesn't seem to be needed with my strength"

Before Madara Uchiha could finish speaking, Tajima immediately interrupted him.

As the strongest genius of my Uchiha clan, it can be seen from the last sneak attack of the Thousand Hands Clan that your safety is of paramount importance. "

But!" Uchiha Tajima's voice changed suddenly, "I'm not letting you completely become a flower in a greenhouse! You also need to participate in the front-line battle

!" "After all, the future patriarch of my Uchiha clan will never be a waste who is protected by everyone!"

Tajima's words shocked Madara Uchiha's heart.

After sighing, Madara Uchiha also agreed to Tajima's request, and then Tajima personally ordered that Madara Uchiha be allowed to enter and leave the ancestral hall at will to check all the ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan.

With Tajima's instructions, Madara Uchiha was quite surprised, which was also an unexpected joy.

Saying goodbye to Tajima and Izuna, Madara returned to his residence alone.

"Whew, it seems that his cheap father didn't notice anything unusual, so the next thing is simple......"

Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed.

Time always passes inadvertently, and half a month slips away in the blink of an eye.

And Madara Uchiha has not been idle in the past half a month, but goes to the ancestral hall every day to learn Xi ninjutsu, and with the help of the system, learning Xi ninjutsu is like eating.

Similarly, when facing the assessment of Tajima and others, he was also shocked by Madara Uchiha's Xi learning speed, and finally Uchiha Tajima and others attributed it to Madara Uchiha's strong talent and a rare genius in a century.

In the territory of the Uchiha clan, all the high-level members of the Uchiha clan gathered here at this moment, and the atmosphere in the house was extremely warm.

Finally, after waiting for a while, Uchiha Tajima arrived late with Madara Uchiha.

"Patriarch!" "Patriarch


As Uchiha Tajima entered the house, the Uchiha people below nodded their heads for a while, but when they saw Uchiha Madara behind Uchiha Tajima, they all smiled and nodded.

After sitting down with Uchiha Tajima, it was quiet for a while.

"Everyone, there are two important announcements that have brought you to the meeting this time!" Uchiha

Tajima's calm voice immediately echoed throughout the hall, and the people below immediately looked at Uchiha Tajima as soon as they heard this.

"First thing!From today onwards, Madara will be the young patriarch of my Uchiha clan!" After Uchiha

Tajima finished speaking, no one below spoke against it, on the contrary, they all agreed with Tajima's proposal.

Madara Uchiha's genius name has already spread throughout the Uchiha clan in the past few days, so this is also the reason why none of them objected.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Tajima nodded secretly and continued to speak.

"As for the second thing, it's our old adversary

, the Senju clan!" Uchiha Tajima mentioned the Senju clan, and the smile on his face immediately disappeared without a trace, and the other clansmen below did the same, and even more at the mention of the Senju clan, they gritted their teeth, eager to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

"Patriarch, what's wrong with the Thousand Hands Clan?" asked

the Uchiha as the Great Elder of the Uchiha Clan, with a frown.

"According to the news from the border, it seems that the Thousand Hands Clan has discovered a new mine on the border between our two clans, and they have sent a large number of ninjas to guard

the border!" "Hmph! The Thousand Hands Clan is really shameless! It is shameless to find something on the border between our two clans to possess

the Uchiha Clan without informing me!" "That's right! Patriarch, I propose that we must give the Thousand Hands Clan some color this time! Let them know that I know how powerful my Uchiha Clan is!"

Hearing that the Thousand Hands Clan was preparing to monopolize the ore veins, the crowd below was excited for a while, and they all asked for battle to prepare to teach the Thousand Hands Clan a lesson.

And this is exactly what Uchiha Tajima had in mind.

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