"Bastards, you Hyuga clan are looking for death!" "

Hinata Jishinobi, who had just finished out the ninja in front of him, was about to continue killing, when he suddenly heard an angry voice resounding throughout the battlefield, not only Hinata Jishinobi, but even Madara Uchiha looked at the Thousand Hands Field.

As the seventh elder of the Thousand Hands Clan, the strength of the Thousand Hands Field is naturally not weak, and his strength has reached the shadow level, and the combat experience is also quite sufficient, which can be said to be quite difficult.

Madara looked at the old man in front of him in green armor with an angry face, and various thoughts kept flashing through his heart, but in the end, Madara didn't think of any way to kill him quickly.

"It seems that the identity of the Uchiha is probably going to be revealed.

Madara looked at the furious Thousand Hands Field and thought to himself.

"Hmph, I'm Hinata Shinobi, who are you?"

Thinking of Madara's request, Hinata Shinobu immediately blew up his identity in front of everyone, and for a while the entire battlefield heard his voice.

"Hmph, little ghost, the old man is the seventh elder of the Thousand Hands Clan, you and I originally coexisted peacefully, why do you Hyuga want to invade my Thousand Hands Clan's territory!" Although the Thousand Hands

Field was furious in his heart, he was not a brainless and reckless man, so he didn't rush forward at the first time, after all, the identity of Hyuga Shinobi is not simple, once he is killed, then there will be a lot of trouble.

As for why the Thousand Hands Field didn't know the news that Hinata Jishinobu had died, it was naturally thanks to the previous news blockade of the Hyuga clan.

"Hmph! The world is bustling, all for profit, the world is bustling for profit, your Thousand Hands Clan is at the moment of weakness, my Hyuga Clan naturally wants to fight for profit, you won't know this

!" "Besides, my Hyuga Clan has also signed an alliance with the Uchiha Clan, and your Thousand Hands Clan is already doomed!"

Hyuga Jinin's words were not only shocked by the Thousand Hands Clan, but even the Hyuga Clan captives who were fighting were also shocked, and they all had some doubts in their hearts at the moment.

When Hinata and Uchiha signed the covenant, why didn't they know?

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, no one said anything, after all, this was what their leader said.

"What! Damn, Hyuga actually signed an alliance with the Uchiha, no wonder, this makes sense, no wonder you Hyuga clan will suddenly attack us, and you still have the elite of the Uchiha clan in your ranks!"

"Hmph! Since that's the case, there's nothing to say, everyone kill all these enemies for me!" After

the Thousand Hands Field finished speaking, he immediately rushed towards the Hyuga Shinobi, as a shadow-level ninja, the explosive power of the Thousand Hands Field was naturally not weak, and with the blessing of the instantaneous body technique, the Thousand Hands Field actually disappeared directly in front of the eyes of the Hyuga Shinobi.


Seeing that the Thousand Hands Field suddenly disappeared from his sight, Hinata Shinobu didn't have time to think about it and immediately used the ninjutsu of the Hyuga clan.

"Baguazhang!Return to the sky!"

With the sight of the Hyuga clan's secret technique, the acupoints in the Hyuga Jinin's body immediately emitted a large amount of chakra, and his whole person also rotated at high speed like a spinning top, forming a blue sphere to protect him inside, this is the Hyuga clan's Hyuga Clan's Hyuga Secret Technique Returning to the Sky, which is known as the absolute defense

! "Ding! Ding! Ding!".

As the protective field unfolded, there were several collision sounds all of a sudden, and then I saw Hyuga Jinin bounce off several kunai, in addition to resisting a blow from

the Thousand Hands Field, "Damn! This damn secret technique of the Hyuga clan!"

Looking at the Hinata Shinobi who gradually stopped, the Thousand Hands Field secretly cursed, although he is a shadow-level powerhouse, but after all, he is not a super shadow, and there is no blood inheritance limit, the only thing that may be strong is the physique and the amount of chakra.

Seeing that Hinata Jishinobi successfully blocked a round of attack in the Thousand Hands Field, Madara also nodded secretly, but after all, the Thousand Hands Field is a shadow-level ninja, and I am afraid that the Hyuga Jinin will be defeated sooner or later, thinking of this, Madara immediately gave the two guards a look and asked them to go and help Hinata Jinin together.

The two guards received Madara's instructions and immediately fell around the Senju Field, and Hinata Jishinobi faintly formed a triangle to surround the Senju Field in the middle.

"Hehe! There are two more deaths. Seeing

that he was surrounded, there was no panic in the Thousand Hands Field, and he was still a light and breezy look, looking at the arrogant appearance of the Thousand Hands Field, Uchiha Night and Uchiha Akira were naturally extremely unhappy.

Although the two of them did not reach the shadow level, they were also the top among the ninjas, and now the Thousand Hands Field didn't take himself to heart at all, which made the two of them super unhappy.

"Hmph, don't talk big, watch the two of us take your life!" When

Uchiha Ye completely attracted the attention of the Thousand Hands Field, Uchiha Akira's ninjutsu was also completely released.

"Fire escape, the art of dragon fire!" As

the Uchiha Akira seal was completed, a dragon head condensed by flames also spit out directly from Uchiha Akira's mouth, heading straight for the Thousand Hands Field, because of the reason that the Uchiha Night attracted attention, the Thousand Hands Field didn't notice Uchiha Akira's movements for a while, and when he found out, the huge fire dragon had already rushed towards him.

Senju Field could even feel the terrifying heat wave coming from the fire dragon, and feeling the danger approaching, Senju Field did not dare to be careless and immediately retreated, but it was obvious that Uchiha Night would not let him get his way.

Because Uchiha Ye also used the Mighty Dragon Fire Technique, all of them were sealed by the attack before and after for a while, and he couldn't dodge it at all.

"Damn! There's no way, it looks like I have to take it hard.

After gritting his teeth, Thousand Hands Field immediately began to seal, and then saw a stream of water spit out of his mouth, slowly forming a water ball that surrounded him.

"Water Escape! Water Prison Technique!"


Just when the water balloon had just completely wrapped the Thousand Hands Field, the two fire dragons also directly hit the water prison, and the terrifying flames instantly evaporated the water.

And the destructive power of the two fire dragons is far more than that, the moment they hit the water prison, the two fire dragons immediately broke the water prison technique, and the Thousand Hands Field took this opportunity to quickly retreat.

But just when he just dodged, he suddenly felt that he was locked by a fierce killing machine, and after feeling this killing force, the Thousand Hands Field suddenly felt a chill behind his back.

At this time, two sounds of breaking the air sounded, as a ninja who had been in a hundred battles, the Thousand Hands Field naturally knew what this sound of breaking the air represented.

And he couldn't make any effective defense at the moment.

"No, this is too passive, we can't go on like this!" made

up his mind in his heart, and the Thousand Hands Field simply stopped avoiding the attack, but turned to avoid the vital point, but he had a fast seal on his hand.

"Poof!" The

sharp shuriken instantly stabbed into the back of the Senju field as if it had pierced the window paper, and when the shuriken hit the Senju field, his ninjutsu was also ...... ready

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