The Hyuga clan was naturally very fast, and in just a moment, all the ninjas in the camp gathered.

"The patriarchs are all together!"

Hinata said excitedly after hearing this.

"Everyone, shame on the snow, revenge is today, follow me to kill

the Thousand Hands Clan!" Hyuga Tiannin raised his arms, and the Hyuga ninjas below immediately gathered in response, they have been suppressed by the Thousand Hands Clan for too long, from the original two thousand people, to now there are only more than a thousand people, you can imagine how heavy the loss is during this time.


As the order of the Hyuga Heavenly Ninja was issued, thousands of Hyuga ninjas rushed straight to the camp of the Thousand Hands Clan, and the Uchiha ninja saw this scene with a flash of light in his eyes, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Tonight is destined to be another night full of killing!

Because of the leakage of the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan has taken out all the strength to eat milk, and in just one night, they have completely beaten the thousand hands and others and have to retreat for hundreds of miles.

The number of people has also been reduced from more than 1,000 to more than 500 people, and half of them have been lost in just one night.

Dawn once again dispelled the darkness, and the entire land full of slaughter finally woke up to the first rays of the morning sun.

The news of the defeat of the Thousand Hands Tongma and others again also came back to the hands of the Thousand Hands Buddha, and the defeat of the two-front battle gave this former strong man a headache, but there was good news that the troops transferred from the front line had returned.

And the matter of contacting other families for help has also been settled, and the most important thing is that the Kaguya clan has also begun to send troops, presumably it won't be long before they can fight with the Uchiha clan, so as to relieve their pressure.

However, although the idea in the heart of the Thousand Hands Buddha is good, Madara is not a fool, and his thoughts Madara has already guessed, so early this morning, Madara appeared early outside the land of the Thousand Hands Clan with the ninjas of the Uchiha clan, and put on a posture of preparing to attack.

Naturally, the Thousand Hands Buddha got the news for the first time, so he hurriedly gathered the ninjas to prepare to meet the enemy.

"Patriarch of the Thousand Hands, it's been a long time!" The

front of the two armies greeted the disabled Thousand-Handed Buddha with a smile on their faces, and those who didn't know thought that the two were friends who had been friends for many years.


The Thousand Hands Buddha gritted his teeth and pronounced Madara's name with murderous intent on his face, his hatred for Madara was quite great, if it weren't for Madara, he would never have been turned into what he is now.

"Hehe, don't be so excited, the reason why I came so early is to make the Thousand-Hand Patriarch happy!" A

funny smile hung on the corner of Madara's mouth.

"Madara Uchiha, what kind of trick are you going to play again!" "

Since being yin, the whole person of the Thousand Hands Buddha has been much more cautious, so after Madara said this sentence this time, the Thousand Hands Buddha immediately became vigilant in his heart, thinking that Madara had some conspiracy.

Seeing the cautious appearance of the Thousand Hands Buddha, Madara secretly shook his head with disdain, as the head of the top powerhouse, now he is so timid and cautious, he has completely lost his courage and faith, and now he is like an ape flying in his later years.

"Hehe! I don't know how to play ghost tricks, I'm not afraid that the Thousand-Handed Patriarch will miss his son if he hasn't seen him for so long, so I'll bring the pillar over in person so that you father and son can meet!"

Madara clapped his hands after speaking, and the pillar behind him was brought up, and the moment the Thousand-Handed Buddha appeared in the pillar, he secretly said bad in his heart.

Sure enough, Madara spoke next.

"Patriarch of the Thousand Hands, don't thank me, you can catch up with the Pillar first!" After

Madara finished speaking, he looked at the Thousand Hands Buddha with a smile, not saying anything, as if he was preparing to watch a good show.

Although the Thousand Hands Buddha was faintly uneasy in his heart, when he saw the somewhat haggard face of the Thousand Hands Pillar, his heart was still as if he had been tightly grasped by a big hand, and there was some pain.

"Hasi's hot mother!'re you alright!" "

The Thousand-Armed Buddha is still a father after all, so he asked Tsuruma with some concern.

"Father, I'm fine! They want to use me to blackmail you, but you must not agree!"

Pillar was still happier when he saw that his father was worried about him, but when he thought of Madara's plan, he hurriedly reminded the Thousand Armed Buddha Room, but he was not moved by Pillar Ama's reminder Madara, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

However, although Madara didn't react at all, all the ninjas on the side of the Thousand Hands Clan had their faces sank, and they had heard what Pillar had just said, and they were all a little worried about whether the Thousand Hands Buddha would compromise because of his son.

When the Thousand-Armed Buddha felt the gaze of the clansmen behind him, his heart suddenly chuckled.

"It's not good! It's not good, this little ghost didn't use Madara to blackmail me at all, he wanted to make my Thousand Hands Clan fight among themselves!" When

he felt the gaze coming from behind, the Thousand Hands Buddha all understood that Madara was deliberately saying these words through Madara's mouth to drive a wedge between him, the patriarch and the clan, so as to attack the Thousand Hands Clan, this move is not poisonous.

Seeing the silence among the Thousand-Armed Buddhas, Madara prepares to add a fire to them.

"Hehe! Patriarch of the Thousand Hands, now that the people have shown you that it is indeed intact, then should you also fulfill your agreement last night!" Sure

enough, Madara's words were like pouring a bucket of oil on the fire, and instantly magnified the suspicion of the ninjas of the Thousand Hands Clan, not only ordinary ninjas, but even the Thousand Hands Tongma who rushed back to support all frowned and looked at the Thousand Hands Buddha Room.

"Patriarch......" Senju looked at him with some questioning, "What did you promise the Uchiha clan!"

Senju's words were like a signal, and for a while, the other ninjas also raised questions.

"Yes, Patriarch, what conditions did you promise the Uchiha clan!" "Yes, why didn't you tell us the patriarch

!" "That's right, Patriarch, you made it clear what you said to the Uchiha clan!"


Because of the recent defeats in the war, the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the Thousand Hands clan was also vented with this sentence.

Seeing that the scene was already a little out of control, the Thousand Hands Buddha knew that he had to explain, otherwise I was afraid that before the Uchiha clan made a move, their ninjas of the Thousand Hands clan would have to fight him first.

"It's all quiet!Last night, the Uchiha clan came to me and put forward some conditions for me to exchange for returning to the pillars, but I didn't agree!" The

Thousand Hands Buddha looked at the people behind him with a sincere face, and those Thousand Hands Ninja who originally questioned and doubted the Thousand Hands Buddha also believed in the Thousand Hands Buddha, after all, the Thousand Hands Buddha had been the patriarch for so many years, and he still had some credibility overall.

Seeing that things were getting better, Madara spoke again.

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