I saw that a thousand-armed Buddha with a height of 100 meters immediately appeared on the flat ground, and the pillar stood on the head of the Buddha, looking at Huiye Chengde condescendingly.

Looking at the thousand-armed Buddha hundreds of meters high, everyone present was shocked and couldn't speak for a long time, and as the main target between the pillars, the Kaguya clan felt the overwhelming momentum like a mountain from the Buddha.

"Since you insist on doing so, then I have no choice but to personally defeat you back!" After

the pillars clasped their hands together and whispered, they immediately controlled the countless arms of the Great Buddha to smash downward.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Countless arms covered the sky and poured down like a torrential rain, and the time was like the end of the world, destroying everything around it, and the earth was shattered, even if the ninjas of the Radiant Night Clan struggled to resist with blood, but in the face of this earth-destroying power, it was still useless.

More Kaguya ninjas gave up their resistance after seeing the ninja in the pillars and sat on the ground in a daze.

"This ...... Is it really the power that a human being can use!", "

Can't beat it! Can't beat ...... at all",

"He's not a human being...... right?"


Countless Kaguya people let out a desperate sound, but the pillars heard the words of these people, and the attack between the pillars lasted for several minutes, and this terrifying power greatly changed the terrain of this place, and the originally flat land turned into a dilapidated and barren land.

Countless Kaguya people were smashed into minced meat and scattered on the ground, making people can't help but vomit at a glance.

Pillar looked at the damage he had caused, and he was a little surprised that it was so serious, but he was more excited, after all, the strength that Madara showed before made him depressed for a long time, and now his newly developed ninjutsu is even stronger than what Madara saw for him last time.

Pillar is even more hopeful about the next fight against Madara.

Kaguya Chengde looked at the devastated land in front of him, the backward river and the remaining ninjas around him, and felt a little sad in his heart, he shot twice in a row, but he was abused by blood, and the defeat was simply too miserable, and the strength of the family was also lost by half, and for a while Kaguya Chengde was quite desolate in his heart.

As the victor, Pillar slowly came to the front of Kaguya Chengde.

"I didn't expect it! You actually have this kind of strength, the Uchiha clan and the Thousand Hands clan are worthy of being great clans in the ninja world, and this time I am not unjust!"

Seeing the figure on the ground, Kaguya Chengde raised his head and said with a wry smile, the winner is the king, and the loser is Kou He lost in front of absolute strength, and Kaguya Chengde had nothing to say.

"From today on, my Kaguya clan has completely left the Fire Country, as for our territory......" Kaguya

Chengde silently glanced at the pillars and said something slightly meaningful.

"Whoever wants it, take it!" After

Kaguya Chengde said this, it seemed that he had aged countless years in an instant, and he felt a little sad in his heart, the land where he had lived for decades was actually beaten out like this, can he not be sad.

Senju Honma and the others naturally heard this, so they didn't say anything, after all, Kaguya Chengde's words had already told them that they would exchange all the territory of the Kaguya clan for their Kaguya clan's way of living.

Senju Honma is not stupid, he can naturally understand that there is no point in fighting with the Kaguya clan, even if he agrees, he will still have to pay the price, compared to this kind of easy thing to get the land, he is obviously more happy.

Kaguya Chengde gathered the remaining hundreds of ninjas and returned to the family lonely, and Tsuruma only watched this scene silently, not saying a word from beginning to end.

"Let's go, Hasi's hot mother! Thanks to you this time, I will definitely show you credit to the patriarch when I go back." After

Kaguya Chengde and the others completely disappeared, Senju Honma looked at the pillar with a smile on his face, after seeing the strength of the pillar with his own eyes, Senju Honma was naturally extremely happy in his heart, and at this moment he was full of confidence in the future of the Senju clan.

Zhujian looked at the clansmen around him with an excited look, he felt that his face was a little heavier

, as if there was something more, after a while, he realized that it was a responsibility! Since he became a young patriarch, he must shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the thousand-handed clan, as the so-called desire to wear a crown must bear its weight, the confusion in Zhujian's eyes was all dispelled, and the momentum on his body became more vigorous.

"Carrying everyone's hopes, I must not lose! I will definitely lead all the people who trust me and follow me to create a new future!" At

this moment, the ideal in the heart of the pillar is completely firm, different from the ideal of Madara to unify the ninja world and deter the ninja world with absolute force, the pillar hopes to use love to establish a bond and completely achieve peace, of course, if there is a head iron pillar must be to subdue the other party.


The time of the day slipped away inadvertently.

After Kaguya Chengde returned to the family, he immediately issued an order to prepare to move the clan, and the Kaguya clan was naturally extremely shocked by his order, and some bold clansmen even faintly had some ideas of coup d'état, Kaguya Chengde looked at these opponents in the clan, and sighed in his heart.

How could he want to leave the clan land, if it weren't for the strength of Madara and Zhuma, he wouldn't want to move the clan, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he thought of Madara and Zhujian.

He can foresee that in the future, the Fire Country will definitely become a stage for the two to fight, and other families can only be destined to become foils, so in order to avoid the fate of his own family becoming vassals in the future, Kaguya Chengde will propose to move to other countries, only in this way will the Kaguya clan not become vassals.

Kaguya Chengde is the patriarch in the end, and the majesty of being in power for many years is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so the Kaguya clan still honestly packs up their luggage and moves the clan land.

Kaguya Chengde stood by the sea, took a deep look at the former clan land, and showed a look of reluctance in his eyes, but he was soon replaced by firmness, and there was only one way to die if he stayed in the country of fire, but if he escaped, then it was possible to fight back in the future, and I have to say that his plan was very good.

"Senju Pillars!Madara Uchiha!I, Kaguya, will always remember this shame, since both the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan are hungry wolves, then it depends on which of you is more capable!"

Kaguya Chengde muttered a sentence in his mouth, and then showed a smile, although he led the Kaguya clan to move the clan, but he would not easily cede this land to the Senju clan.

He wanted to cause chaos in the Fire Nation, and the territory of the Kaguya clan was his bait, and before he left, he had sent someone to tell the other families about it, and promised them to give them the territory.

This is his plan, to make the entire Fire Nation completely chaotic, and all of them will go into the water.

At this moment, the ninjas of the Kaguya clan have successfully seen Madara ......

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