"Antlers! this is not like you!" At

this moment, Akidocho Station directly used his body to carry this deadly attack for Nara Antlers.

"Ding Station!" Nara

Antlers, who heard the voice, hurriedly opened his eyes and saw that in front of him was the familiar huge figure, and he used his body to help him resist this deadly attack.

Nara's antlers' eyes were filled with emotion for a moment.

"Okay, don't show this expression, in my impression Nara Antlers has always been a wise and confident person!" said

Akidoding after smiling back, and said slowly to Nara Antlers.

"Hehe! I won't admit defeat! Help me out!"

Nara Antlers chuckled a little, and asked Akido Tak to get him out, and the gigantic Akido Ting Station stretched out his hand and easily pulled Nara Antlers out.

However, after the Nara antlers came out, Qiu Daoding immediately withdrew his arm, because of the reason for helping the Nara antlers resist the fire escape and the shuriken, his entire right hand was burned by the heat of the fire escape.

"It's okay!" Nara

Antlers asked with concern, apparently noticing Akido Ding's arm.


worry! It's just a broken skin!" he waved his hand casually to his best friend's concern, he didn't want others to worry too much about

him, "Senju Honma! I didn't expect you to do a sneak attack! What kind of face do you have to call yourself Aiyichi!" Nara

Antlers looked at Senju Honma opposite him with an iron face, his eyes were full of anger, and his best friend's injury made him, a always calm thinker, angry.

"Hmph! The name of my Thousand Hands clan is naturally indisputable, but now is a time of war, and I don't think you don't know the truth that soldiers don't get tired of cheating!"

"Hmph! What a soldier is not tired of cheating! Let me understand what the strength of the famous Senju clan is!" Nara

Antlers snorted coldly, and immediately controlled his shadow and quickly approached Senju Heima.

"Shadow Imitation!" Nara

Antlers did not use some high-level secret techniques, but instead chose the most common secret technique shadow imitation technique, which is a ninjutsu that ordinary ninjas of the Nara clan can do.

Under the control of the antlers of Nara, the slender black shadow immediately approached Senju Honma strangely.

However, the Senju Honma, who had been prepared for a long time, naturally managed to dodge, and the Shimura ninja behind him was not so lucky, because of the sudden dodging of Senju Heima, the Shimura ninja who was in the battle was immediately successfully controlled by the shadow of the antlers.

And the opponent of this Shimura ninja immediately seized the opportunity to use a partial multiplication technique to directly turn his right hand into a gigantic, and the giant hand that covered the sky directly pinched this Shimura ninja to death with an unstoppable force.

After Senju Honma dodged the attack of Nara's antlers again, he immediately quickly sealed.

"Wind escape! Great breakthrough!" After

the Thousand Hand Honma seal was completed, a large cloud of wind bullets suddenly spit out from his mouth and rushed towards the Nara antlers with terrifying destructive power.

Needless to say, the power of Wind Escape is naturally one of the best in all ninjutsu, so Nara Antlers hurriedly dodged a wind bomb after seeing Wind Escape coming.


Nara's dodge of the antlers caused the wind to hit the tree behind directly, and the tree was directly shattered after being hit by the wind escape.

Nara Antlers seized the opportunity and immediately took out the kunai and threw it at the Senju Honma, although the Senju Honma had just finished using up the void period of ninjutsu at the moment, but his reflexes were naturally not weak, so he successfully dodged Kunai's attack when the kunai just shot out.

Senju Honma also took this opportunity to directly pull out his weapon and slash at the antlers of Nara, the sharp katana immediately flashed a cold light under the sun, Senju Heima is a shadow-level powerhouse, although he is not a swordsmanship powerhouse, but he still has some experience in swordsmanship.

Senju Honma's knife hit the heart of Nara Antlers at a strange and tricky angle, but Nara Antlers seemed to have expected this, so he didn't dodge and stayed in place, Senju Honma's face was stunned when he saw this scene.

However, before he could think about it, the weapon had successfully pierced into the body of the Nara antlers, but although this knife steadily stabbed the opponent's heart, there was no scene of blood flowing out of the mind of a thousand hands, and the figure of the Nara antlers immediately turned into a pile of water stains after this stabbing was hit.

Seeing this scene, Senju Honma's pupils immediately contracted wildly, and he secretly said in his heart that it was not good!

"Shadow Hanging Technique!" The

pitch-black shadow immediately attached to Senju Honma's body like a ghost, that is, after the black shadow was successfully possessed, Senju Honma immediately felt that his body had lost control, but his brain gave instructions to his body, but his body would not carry it out at all.

After controlling Senju Honma's body, the black shadow immediately separated into an arm and pinched Senju Heima's neck, which was the secret technique of the Nara clan.

"Hehe! It looks like you're losing this time!" Nara

Antlers' calm voice slowly resounded in Senju Honma's ears, and his flat words seemed to be really talking about a trivial matter, as if he had expected this outcome from the beginning.

"Heh! It's worthy of the Nara clan, the combat IQ is high, I want to know when you used the water body!"

Senju Honma asked with a little unwillingness in his tone, for his failure, Senju Honma was somewhat surprised and incredulous, after all, he was about to wake up just now when he looked at the situation, and finally found out that all this was actually a conspiracy that the other party had designed, which made Senju Honma feel very uncomfortable.

"This question is very simple!I said that I used the doppelganger technique from the first moment after I got out of the swamp, do you believe it!" This

time Nara Antlers' voice was no longer the same as before, but became serious, although Senju Honma was defeated in his own hands, but respecting the opponent is respecting himself, and in line with this principle, Nara Antlers still answered Senju Honma's question with a serious face.

"Huh...... Hahaha! I didn't expect it, the old man was actually calculated by you from the beginning! The old man lost in your hands, don't do it!" "

After learning the reason for the failure, the thousand hands of the whole world is not entangled in the obscurity of the old death, he is still more willing to die vigorously on the battlefield, he has made countless contributions to the thousand hands in his life, even if he dies, he will die well, so that future generations will remember him, and the battle death is his ultimate destination.

As Nara Antlers continued to control the shadow arm, the scene in front of Senju Honma gradually blurred, and he seemed to have returned to the beginning, a carefree childhood as he grew up and kept fighting for his family, remembering that he had never lived for himself at all in his life, and was fighting for his family from beginning to end.

"Finally...... It's going to be liberated.,The ultimate fate of a ninja is really death.,Born in war and died in war.,That's ...... Maybe there's nothing bad about it......


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