Then everyone saw Ah Fei with a vortex mask on his face, slowly walking over. Seeing this, Tendou Pain slowly said: "Since everyone is here, I will talk about the current situation. As far as the current situation is concerned, our plan to collect tailed beasts must be put on hold first."

Everyone was puzzled when they heard this. Deidara on the side asked a little unhappy: "Leader, why do we have to put the plan on hold! Pain heard that it is because there are variables that we cannot control in the current ninja world."

Everyone fell into deep thought when they heard this, and then Uchiha Obito on the side slowly said, "You are talking about Konoha's Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. Pain nodded slowly when he heard this, and everyone also understood the reason why their leader wanted to put the plan on hold."

Uchiha Obito was a little anxious when he heard this. Nagato was a tool selected by himself and Uchiha Madara.

If this guy postpones the plan for a few years, how can he revive Uchiha Madara, how can he realize the Moon Eye Plan, and how can he stay with his beloved Lin forever, so Uchiha Obito can never accept it.

Then Uchiha Obito said: "Although the golden flash is very powerful, don't you still have the leader? Aren't you even his opponent?"

The few people on the side also showed curiosity on their faces when they heard it, wanting to see what their leader would say. After all, their leader's strength may have reached the super shadow level. They are all shadow-level strongmen, but they are still not enough in front of the leader.

Nagato slowly said: "I'm not sure about this, because we haven't officially met with Namikaze Minato until now." Everyone nodded slowly when they heard it because they really haven't fought with Minato.

Nagato paused and continued: "In order to avoid great resistance when capturing the tailed beasts, I decided that our Akatsuki organization would recruit powerful S-class rebel ninjas from outside."

Everyone was shocked to hear that their leader was going to recruit S-class rebel ninjas from outside. Uchiha Obito on the side was also thinking about it.

I don't understand why Nagato is still waving rebel ninjas. Suddenly, the face under the mask frowned slightly. Could it be because of the appearance of Minato teacher? Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito's face under the mask was so gloomy that water could drip out.

Nagato saw that everyone had different expressions on their faces, and continued expressionlessly: "Kisame and Itachi were attacked when they were on a mission in the Land of Earth."

At this time, Nagato looked at Kisame. Seeing this, Kisame knew that this was his leader, asking him to tell the situation at that time, so he cleared his throat and said: "I remember that Mr. Itachi and I went to the bounty hunter's place. , issued a task to surround and kill Konoha's fourth-generation Hokage Namikaze Minato, and nothing happened when they came back.

As a result, when we arrived at the border of the Land of Earth, Mr. Itachi suddenly found that someone was following us, so Mr. Itachi opened the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan. At this point, Kisame deliberately paused. "

Everyone saw Kisame stopped, and they all said anxiously: "Why don't you continue? Did Uchiha Itachi kill that black-robed masked man? Seeing this, Kisame's expression was serious. It was that black-robed masked man. Mr. Itachi fell down with just one look. "

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this. They didn't expect that such a powerful guy like Uchiha Itachi was knocked down by the other party's eyes. The other party was from the Uchiha clan like Mr. Itachi. Kisame remembered what happened that day and said solemnly: "The other party also has the same eyes as Mr. Itachi."

The Akatsuki organization who were watching the show on the side exclaimed: "Could it be the Mangekyō Sharingan , Kisame nodded slowly to indicate that everyone had heard correctly. "

At this time, Obito, who was disguised as White Zetsu Afei, suddenly said: "This is impossible! Didn't Uchiha clan all get killed by Uchiha Itachi, except for his useless brother."

Kisame heard Afei asking him, and shook his head slightly to indicate that he didn't know. Seeing this, Obito's face under the mask looked a little ugly.

He thought to himself, damn, something is beyond his control again, but the most important thing now is to find out who the black-robed masked man is, and how he can have the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan. So Uchiha Obito decided that he would go and find out after Uchiha Itachi woke up.

After all, he was also a member of the Uchiha clan on the night of the extermination of the clan that year. He knew very well whether there were any survivors of the Uchiha clan. Now there is another person from the Uchiha clan, and he has opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, which may disrupt his plan.

Nagato continued, "From now on, everyone in the Akatsuki organization must wear black when performing tasks.The ninja with a mask on his face, according to my guess, his strength is probably among the most powerful among the Kage-level strongmen, so our Akatsuki organization needs such talents. "Everyone nodded and agreed with what their leader said.

"Obito, what do you think we should do next?" White Zetsu asked worriedly.

Obito's face under the mask was a little gloomy when he heard it. He didn't expect that the matter of his teacher Minato Namikaze had not been resolved yet, and now a mysterious masked man appeared. Obito took a deep breath and tried to calm his depressed mood for a long time.

Looking at the black Zetsu who slowly appeared beside him, he asked: "Black Zetsu has, but I haven't found any news about Konoha Village. It seems that there is a force in Konoha Village that blocks me, so I can't get into Konoha Village."

Obito heard it: "Nodded and asked: Is there anything else? There is that the old man, the third generation Tsuchikage, seems to have some small friction with the old man, the Raikage of the Hidden Cloud Village, recently. I don't know if it's deeper. "

On the other side, in a plain house in the Land of Earth, an old man sat on a throne, with a middle-aged man and a girl who looked to be about 16 or 17 years old standing beside him. They were his son and granddaughter. He sighed and said, "What does the Fourth Raikage, a simple-minded but strong-limbed guy, want to do? Is he really going to go to war with our Iwagakure Village?"

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