Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 107 Kakashi is shocked by the comics: Where did Naruto come from? Naruto: What is the ninja

Kakashi said as he walked outside.

Seeing this, Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke immediately went out to gather.

And Kakashi came to the room where Uzumaki Naruto was.

In the room, Uzumaki Naruto was sleeping happily with a scroll in his arms. He seemed to have dreamed of something, and his face was full of happiness, which made Kakashi very upset.

It was already this late, and Uzumaki Naruto was still sleeping late.

"Naruto, wake up."

Kakashi shook Uzumaki Naruto, but Uzumaki Naruto was still sleeping soundly.

Kakashi: "."

What did this kid do last night?

He didn't wake up even after being shaken so much, it was really weird.

If you don't know, you would think he had experienced a very tiring training and battle.


Suddenly, a comic book slipped from Naruto's arms and fell to the ground.

The cover was facing up, just in time to catch Kakashi's eyes.

Kakashi looked down subconsciously, but was suddenly stunned.

The cover showed a very familiar picture.

It was the scene where their team defeated the Mist Shadow Ninja on the way to the Land of Waves.

For a moment, Kakashi frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed through his mind: "What is this?"

He immediately squatted down and picked up the comic.

However, after turning a few pages, Kakashi was more and more shocked.

The content recorded in this comic was exactly the same as what happened along the way!

From the initial mission acceptance.

To meeting Zabuza.

To the appearance of Bai.

Every detail was accurately depicted, even the dialogue and battle scenes between them were completely reproduced.

"This is impossible."

Kakashi's pupils shrank slightly, and a storm was set off in his heart.

He stared at the content of the comic and quickly flipped through the pages one by one.

The story in this comic seemed like a mirror, accurately reflecting every action they had taken in the past.

"Where did Naruto get this comic?"

For a moment, Kakashi's mind was filled with questions.

He had never heard of such a prophetic comic.

He didn't think it was drawn by Uzumaki Naruto.

"No, that's not right. During the battle, Naruto's predicted information was different from what was in it!"

The next second, Kakashi quickly scanned the contents of the comic and found that some of the plots had changed.

That was when he fought Zabuza.

"Could it be that Naruto knew all this?"

"That's why he reminded me when I fought Zabuza?"

Two thoughts flashed through Kakashi's mind like lightning, and there was horror in his eyes.

Where did this thing come from?

Especially the content at the end, which was the training scene of how he was going to teach Naruto, Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura.

This picture book completely predicted his behavior!

How could Naruto know this in advance and draw it into a comic?

In Kakashi's mind, he quickly recalled some situations after contacting Uzumaki Naruto, and he judged more and more.

If Uzumaki Naruto had seen the content here and some changes in his behavior, it would be completely correct!

Although the future has not been changed much, Uzumaki Naruto knows a lot of things in advance.

Just as Kakashi was thinking deeply, he suddenly noticed that Uzumaki Naruto had made some movements.

Naruto frowned slightly, and seemed to be about to wake up.

Seeing this, Kakashi's eyes condensed and he made a decision quickly in his heart.

Naruto must not be allowed to find out that he knew the existence of this comic.

He quickly closed the comic and quietly put it back next to Naruto, as if nothing had happened.

Then he performed the instant body technique and left.

Leaving the room, Kakashi looked at the sun outside and took a deep breath, with a complex light flashing in his eyes.

Although he had too many questions in his heart, he knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

Kakashi leaned against the door, his eyes deep, thinking back to the scenes of the comics, and narrowed his eyes.

No wonder Naruto sometimes changes, it turns out that he has read these contents in advance.

Then the question is, Naruto, where did you get this thing?

Kakashi fell into deep thought.

"It seems that it is necessary to find a time to ask Naruto."

Kakashi whispered softly.

If possible, he would like to ask now.

But he knew very well that it was not the right time yet.

He could not act rashly, nor could he let Naruto detect his intentions.

"I just seemed to hear the voice of Kakashi teacher."

And at this moment.

In the room.

Uzumaki Naruto rubbed his eyes and woke up with a yawn.

The first thing he did when he woke up was to think of the voice he just heard, and his face changed.

He immediately opened his eyes, touched the seal scroll beside him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, the money is still there.

Subconsciously, Uzumaki Naruto touched his pocket again, and when he touched the familiar comics, he was completely relieved.

The first thing he did when he woke up every day was to touch the comics, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Even if he had already read the comics.

"According to the time, Kakashi-sensei should be awake, get up."

Uzumaki Naruto muttered as he quickly got up.

After a simple packing, he put the seal scroll on his back and walked out.

At a glance, he saw Kakashi, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke not far away.

"Naruto, you finally woke up."

Looking at Uzumaki Naruto coming out, Haruno Sakura was speechless: "Damn it, how did you get up so late? Kakashi teacher woke up faster than you even when he was exhausted."

"Eh? Where did you get the scroll?"

While speaking, Haruno Sakura looked at the seal scroll carried by Uzumaki Naruto, and suddenly widened her eyes with a look of seeing a ghost.

Yesterday Uzumaki Naruto only carried a bag with him.

Why did he carry a scroll today?

And it's not small.

"I was training too late last night, so I picked it up."

Uzumaki Naruto touched his seal scroll and laughed, "I thought I was short of something, so I carried it on my back. How about it, handsome or not?"

While speaking, Uzumaki Naruto was excited and posed in a pose that he thought was very handsome.

Haruno Sakura: "."

This idiot.

In an instant, Haruno Sakura lost interest in asking and was speechless.

And Uchiha Sasuke paid attention to the scroll on Uzumaki Naruto's back and frowned slightly.

That familiar technique seemed to be a seal scroll?

How could such a thing be picked up?

Even the smallest seal scroll is very valuable.

But the next second, thinking of Uzumaki Naruto saying that he trained too late last night, Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists slightly.

Sure enough, he was still slack.

He didn't train last night, and went to bed directly at night.

And Naruto was actually training.

Even if he left the village, he would be so hardworking.

No wonder he is so strong!

At this moment, Kakashi also paid attention to the scroll on Uzumaki Naruto's back and fell into deep thought: "Where did you pick it up?"

I just saw Uzumaki Naruto holding this scroll when he slept.

This means that this scroll is likely to be more important than the comics he has read?

Just now, he was busy reading comics and didn't think about where Uzumaki Naruto got such a seal scroll.

This thing is not something you can pick up casually.

You can explain picking up a kunai and a shuriken.

You picked up a seal scroll? 》

As a senior ninja, he saw clearly that what Uzumaki Naruto was carrying was a seal scroll, not an ordinary scroll.

"In that direction."

Uzumaki Naruto pointed to a direction not far away: "Not only the scroll, I also picked up some money. Speaking of which, I saw a lot of samurai running away last night. It's quite strange. I guess they accidentally dropped it."

Uzumaki Naruto was talking nonsense, and Kakashi frowned instantly.

Many samurai ran away?

"It's bad, isn't it that bad guy Kado who is looking for us?"

Beside him, Haruno Sakura's face changed drastically when she heard what Uzumaki Naruto said: "The rebel ninja from the Mist Shadow Village was recruited by Kado. Teacher Kakashi, you are injured, aren't those guys looking for us? After all, the mission we took was Kado's target."

"If that's the case, it's troublesome."

Hearing this, Kakashi frowned slightly and said softly: "Even samurai have good martial arts."

When he communicated with Dazna yesterday, he knew Kado's status in the Land of Waves.

If he mobilized samurai to encircle and suppress them with that status, it would be a troublesome matter indeed.

"Tap, tap, tap!"

Just then, a series of footsteps sounded, instantly attracting Kakashi and others.

Dazna was seen running over from a distance anxiously, out of breath, and Haruno Sakura's face changed: "No way, is that bad guy Cardo really going to send someone?"

Why else would Dazna be in such a hurry?

"Good news, great news."

At this time, Dazna came over and said excitedly: "Cardo is missing, many of his men are dead, and many people are fighting for his things. Now the residence over there is very messy."


"Cardo is dead?"

"He died well!"

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke and others' pupils shrank sharply.

Cardo is dead now?

And Haruno Sakura was surprised: "So, those warriors who have already run away took their property away because Cardo is dead?"

"Doesn't this mean that you can continue to repair the bridge?"

While speaking, Haruno Sakura looked at Dazna.


Dazna nodded heavily, and said excitedly: "Cado is missing, something must have happened, otherwise those people under him would not have run away, and the most important thing is that many people died."

"Now there must be no one to stop me from building a bridge. I want to take this opportunity to lead everyone to build a bridge."

"So I came to tell you that you should leave later to see if Cado will come back later."

"Cado's men are in trouble, so he must have been in trouble too."

Haruno Sakura looked excited: "This means that our mission has been completed!"

"No matter what, let's go to the scene first."

Kakashi pondered lightly: "This guy disappeared inexplicably, and he may come back again. Let's go to the scene first."

It is related to their mission.

In this situation now, we must go to investigate anyway.

Then, Kakashi led Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto to Cardo's residence.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't want to go, but he thought that it would be out of place if he didn't go, so he decided to follow.

When they arrived at Cardo's residence, the scene in front of them surprised Uchiha Sasuke and others.

Cardo's residence used to be a luxurious manor, but now it has become a mess.

The door was open, as if it had been forcibly destroyed, and the guards at the door had long disappeared.

The manor was in chaos, and the traces of smashing and smashing in various places were obvious.

The windows were broken, the furniture was overturned, and broken porcelain and scattered property were scattered on the ground.

Cardo's men could be seen in almost every corner.

They walked back and forth in the house with solemn faces and panic.

Some people were also hurriedly moving property, trying to snatch more things in this chaos.

Some people were standing aside and arguing fiercely, their voices full of anger and panic.

"Let go of these things! These are mine!"

"Nonsense! I saw it first!"

"Aren't you afraid that Lord Cardo will come back if you do this?"

The scene was noisy, and the quarrels came one after another, as if a silent storm was raging in this once magnificent manor.

Kakashi led Uchiha Sasuke and others to avoid the crowd, looked around, and went deeper.

"It's really a mess."

Kakashi whispered to himself, frowning.

Then he signaled the Chunin to follow him closely and continued to walk deeper into the manor.

Going deeper into the manor, Kakashi soon found several bodies lying on the ground.

These people were obviously Cardo's men.

Some were still wearing armor and holding weapons in their hands, but their deaths were very strange, as if they were suddenly attacked in their sleep.

Looking at the beds in some destroyed rooms, some people have been lying.


Kakashi squatted down and carefully examined a corpse. He found that the other party's eyes were closed and there was a terrified expression on his face, as if he had encountered something terrible in his sleep.

He gently touched the other party's neck and found that the body was cold.

It can be judged that he has been dead for a night.

"These people seem to have been killed by some kind of assassination technique."

Kakashi immediately determined the cause of death of these people.

"Assassination technique?!"

Uchiha Sasuke heard this and immediately stepped forward to check. His eyes swept over the corpses sharply, and confusion flashed in his eyes.

How did Kakashi analyze it?

"Yes, and these methods are a bit like the ninjas of the Hidden Mist Village."

Kakashi frowned and said, with a hint of solemnity in his voice.

"The Hidden Mist Village?"

Haruno Sakura was stunned, and suddenly her eyes widened: "Teacher Kakashi, you mean, these people were killed by the Hidden Mist Village ninjas? Then wouldn't they be solved by Zabuza and his men?"

The rebel ninja from the Hidden Mist Village that we met yesterday was obviously hired by Cardo to kill Dazna.

The ninja killed his client?

Haruno Sakura was stunned.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"After all, he is a rebel ninja from the Hidden Mist Village, and he is from the assassination team."

"There is no ninja iron law in their eyes."

Kakashi stood up and looked around, his eyes full of vigilance and thinking: "The Hidden Mist Village ninjas are known for their assassination skills. The deaths of these people are very similar to the assassination techniques of the Hidden Mist Village."

"It's really dangerous. They even killed the client. Why?"

These days, even if a wandering ninja accepts a mission, it is rare to kill the client.

Because they need money.

If you kill the client for the mission, how tiring it is?

And there are not so many missions to take.

You can't just kill people everywhere.

Even if you kill people everywhere, once you arouse everyone's hostility, it will be difficult to move forward.

And as a rebel ninja, you still have to face the pursuit of your own ninja village.

It's too late to escape, and you still kill people?

"In this case, Kado is likely to have been killed."

Uchiha Sasuke said softly: "It's easy and simple for a senior ninja who is good at assassination to assassinate an ordinary person."

"These guys assassinated in their sleep. It is very likely that Kado was kidnapped, so naturally he will never come back."


Hatake Kakashi nodded solemnly: "So we must be more careful."

"This means that the other party has no ninja spirit. This situation is very complicated and we can't take it lightly."

"Some warriors are not weak, but even so, they are still assassinated. If he targets us, it is also very dangerous. Be careful when you sleep these days."

Hearing this, Haruno Sakura suddenly felt a chill on her neck and shivered subconsciously.

What a joke.

Uchiha Sasuke also frowned.


Uzumaki Naruto looked at Kakashi with a confused look on his face.

He didn't quite understand the ninja spirit that Kakashi teacher talked about.

But in a flash, Uzumaki Naruto stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, they were all bad guys, just kill them and that's it!

"Let's keep looking."

Kakashi continued, "So I can confirm the news."

Following Kakashi's orders, the Chunin continued to search the rooms in the manor, trying to avoid those who were arguing and robbing property.

Along the way, they found more bodies.

These people died in similar ways, and were obviously assassinated in their sleep.

After some investigation, Kakashi was completely sure that something must have happened to Kado.

"So, we have completed our mission this time."

After being quietly pushed out, Haruno Sakura looked at Kakashi excitedly: "Teacher Kakashi, we are carrying out a C-level mission this time, but a rebel ninja from the Mist Shadow Village appeared in the middle of the mission, and it has become a B-level mission. After returning to the village, we have completed a B-level mission, right?"

The B-level mission was completed so easily, which was really beyond her expectation.

"Not bad."

Looking at the excited Haruno Sakura, Kakashi nodded: "The mission rewards after returning to the village will be settled as B-level missions. The assessment evaluation will definitely be high, but the rewards will not be too much. After all, most of the rewards come from the client who issued the mission."

Haruno Sakura: "."

Uzumaki Naruto: "."

"But your first mission out of the village was completed at B level, which is very good."

Kakashi smiled heartily: "As a teacher, I will treat you to ramen after returning to the village!"

"Then can we go back to the village?"

Uzumaki Naruto rubbed his hands excitedly.

He really wanted to go back to the village to open the cans now.


Kakashi shook his head: "The mission is completed, we can return immediately, but Kado is missing. Although we can judge that something has happened, nothing is absolute. We need to stay for a while."

"By the way, complete your training. The environment here is very good. You must master chakra."

"Even Naruto, you have to practice!"

While speaking, Kakashi turned his head and looked at Uzumaki Naruto: "Don't think that you can stop practicing just because you have learned some in advance."

"Practice, definitely practice."

Uzumaki Naruto nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "But I hope we can go back as soon as possible."

"If you want to go back as soon as possible, it depends on your training level."

Kakashi said expressionlessly: "If the training is not going well, then we will finish at this bridge and then go back."


Hearing this, Uzumaki Naruto's face turned green.

Wouldn't it take at least half a month?

How many jars would be wasted?

"Sakura, Sasuke, please."

For a moment, Uzumaki Naruto clasped his hands together in front of Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, begging: "Please, make progress faster, I want to return to the village earlier."

Uchiha Sasuke: "????"

Haruno Sakura: "????"

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto's sudden change of attitude, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke were stunned.

What does this guy mean?

Does he think their training progress is slow?

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