Naruto: I sell jars in Konoha Village

Chapter 80 The power of the surgery fruit, Shizune's fear and excitement, opening the C-level m

The blue light was very bright, spreading like ripples.

It seemed to flow in the air like a living being, and instantly formed a huge hemispherical space, covering her, the carriage, and the people and objects on the carriage.

"What's going on."

The sudden situation made the pupils of the female ninja driving in front shrink suddenly.

Is this a barrier?

The noble lady next to her suddenly widened her eyes, looking like she had seen a ghost.

What is this.

At this moment, Shizune was also startled, looking at the blue light spreading from her hands with some astonishment.

She could feel the surge of this power.

For a moment, her heart beat suddenly, and her heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

What is this?

She had never experienced such a feeling.

It seemed that at this moment, she merged with this space and controlled everything.

The air around her became unusually quiet, as if even time had stopped at this moment.

This feeling was like when she was leading the chakra surgery and had absolute confidence in treating the wounded, that feeling.

Subconsciously, Jingyin looked at her hand and found that the blue light was spreading from the palm of her hand, like some kind of energy flowing in her body.

"The power of the devil fruit allows you to create an operating space."

In an instant, Jingyin's mind could not help but emerge with Lin Mo's words.

For a moment, Jingyin's face was dull, and there was disbelief in her eyes.

She subconsciously looked at her hand, and then looked at the "barrier" composed of the blue light around her.

Could this be the operating space that Lin Mo said?

Jingyin tentatively stretched out her hand and waved it gently.

With her movements, everything in the space seemed to have changed subtly under her control.

She felt as if she had become the master of this space, and could freely control all units including kinetic energy, length, temperature, mass, density, etc.

Thinking of what Lin Mo said later, Jingyin was only shocked and unbelievable.

That profiteer, is it true?

Subconsciously, Jingyin's eyes fell on a large stone in front of her.

With a slight movement in her heart, she tried to do something with the power she had just obtained.

Subconsciously, she gathered the chakra in her palm.

Slowly, the chakra turned into a knife with blue light in her hand.

With a gentle wave of Jingyin, the stone was instantly cut in half.

But shockingly, the cut part of the stone did not fall to the ground, as if the gravity in the space failed at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Jingyin's breathing suddenly tightened, and her pupils shrank slightly.

She waved the blade again, trying to cut a part of the carriage.

As a result, the carriage was split apart, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror, but the whole body remained in its original state without any collapse!

What's more surprising is that the cut part of the carriage did not show any signs of damage!

It seemed that the cutting was just a surface phenomenon and could be reassembled at any time.

For a moment, Jingyin's heart was full of shock.

This power far exceeded her cognition.

"By the way, it's not just objects, but also people."

She suddenly thought of the surgical space that Lin Mo mentioned, which can treat people.

Subconsciously, Jingyin thought of the spirit beast Tuntun, and couldn't help but want to try how it would react in this space.

As she thought so, she turned her eyes to Tuntun.

Gently waving the blue blade, Tuntun's body was instantly divided into several pieces.

An incredible scene appeared.

The spirit beast Tuntun did not show any pain.

It was still alive and kicking, and the parts of its body seemed to be still connected, but it was visually cut into several pieces.

There was no bleeding, and there was no sign of any injury, as if it was just a visual illusion.

"How is it possible?"

Jingyin's voice trembled slightly, and everything in front of her made her unbelievable.

She waved the blade again in disbelief, trying to restore Tuntun's body to its original state.

Sure enough, Tuntun's body was reassembled in an instant, as if the cutting just now had never happened.

At the same time, she felt an unprecedented power surging in her body.

This power is not just cutting and splicing, but complete control of the entire space.

She can change the form of objects at will, and even affect time and space? .

This feeling made her feel an indescribable shock, as if she was no longer an ordinary ninja, but controlled a mysterious power beyond reality.

"Is this the power of the surgery fruit?"

Jingyin murmured to herself, and Lin Mo's calm face appeared in her mind.

That profiteer, is it true?

No, it's not a profiteer, it's simply a miracle!

At this moment, Jingyin's heart was both excited and nervous.

She never thought that she would have such a powerful ability.

Subconsciously, she reassembled the carriage and the stones.

Then with her breathing and thoughts, the blue light gradually weakened in the space and finally dissipated in the air.

At this moment, Jingyin's eyes were full of shock and uneasiness.

Although everything returned to its original state, the waves in her heart could not calm down for a long time.

The feeling of controlling everything seemed to linger on her fingertips and was difficult to dissipate.

This power was too magical and completely subverted her understanding of ninjutsu.

No blood, no pain, and even free cutting and splicing of everything.

This is beyond her understanding of medical ninjutsu.

"What kind of power is this?" Jingyin murmured to herself, with uncontrollable amazement and confusion in her voice.

She couldn't help but recall Lin Mo's description of her in the jar shop.

That indifferent tone, as if everything was under his control.

That young man.

Who is he?

How could he master such incredible power?

How was this ability sealed in that small fruit?

Jingyin's heart was filled with strong curiosity and doubts.

Lin Mo's identity became more and more mysterious. He seemed to be more than just an ordinary shop owner, but also a being who possessed some unknown power?

The more Jingyin thought about it, the more uneasy she felt, as if she was touching a world far beyond her cognition.

And this feeling made her heart even more shocked.

She swept her eyes around again, the carriage, the stone, the pig, everything had returned to normal, as if what had just happened was just an illusion.

But she knew that it was not an illusion, but a real power.

She could no longer ignore the existence of this power, nor could she treat it as an ordinary ninjutsu.

"I must report to Lady Tsunade as soon as possible!"

Shizune decided secretly in her heart.

This powerful force must not be easily ignored!

Especially in the current complex situation of the ninja world, any powerful and unknown force may become the key to changing a certain situation.

And the source of this power is Lin Mo and his jar shop.

Although she had a strong urge in her heart to turn around and ask Lin Mo more things immediately, she wanted to know more secrets of this power.

But reason told her that her most important task now was to report all this to Lady Tsunade as soon as possible.

Only Lady Tsunade could decide what to do next.

"I can't delay."

Shizune instantly gave up the idea of ​​following the caravan carriage.

She jumped off the carriage decisively, trotted all the way with Tuntun in her arms, and even used the instant body technique.

The importance of this devil fruit cannot be ignored.

Although she was full of doubts, she knew that she couldn't waste time at this moment.

She must bring all this back as soon as possible and report it to Lady Tsunade.

Thinking of this, Shizune performed the instant body technique and quickly disappeared in front of the carriage.

"She, she."

Watching Shizune leave, the gorgeous lady in front of the carriage looked unbelievable and stammered: "She, she is a ninja?"

Was the sudden situation just now caused by this woman?

She did not see Shizune cutting, but saw the inexplicable blue barrier in front.


Next to her, the female ninja wearing fishnet stockings said in a deep voice: "And she is a ninja who can release barriers and chakra scalpels."

Thinking of Shizune's condensation of chakra scalpels just now, this is very likely a medical ninja.

She did not see Shizune cutting the pig in the back.

She only saw that this woman could easily cut the carriage and stone with the chakra scalpel, so she was alert at the first time and pulled her master aside.

After pulling the master first, when she turned back, she found that she could not turn back.

She just felt like she couldn't move, like she was at the mercy of others, which made her panic.

But soon, the barrier disappeared, and she felt that she had regained her strength to move.

And the woman left without looking back.

It was simply inexplicable.


Hearing this, the noble lady in front of her widened her eyes: "I remember that when a ninja releases a barrier, it requires several powerful ninjas to work together?"

Although she is not a ninja, she also knows some information.


The female ninja wearing fishnet stockings nodded slightly and whispered: "The other party can release it, maybe it is sealed in the scroll."

She is also confused about the barrier. How can it be released by one person?

She seems to have never heard that this kind of barrier ninjutsu can be sealed in a scroll.

She is just a ninja who started halfway and doesn't know these.

But if the master asks, she still has to give a simple answer.

Even if it is a guess.

"Why did she put up the barrier? We didn't encounter any crisis."

"I don't know about that."

"Forget it, fortunately nothing happened, let's get on the road first, that girl is really a ninja."

"Strange, I didn't see her wearing a ninja forehead protector, isn't she from Konoha Village?"

While the business woman and the female ninja were communicating.

At this time, Jingyin was using the instant body technique to shuttle through the woods, and her thoughts were constantly churning.

She recalled all the details in Lin Mo's shop.

That seemingly ordinary jar shop, but hiding such a powerful thing?

It appeared in the jar?

No wonder the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan said it was cheap.

It is indeed cheap.

This can't be bought with 100,000 taels of silver!

Not to mention 100,000, even 1 million can't buy it!

If it gets out, it will definitely make people crazy and unbelievable.

And the other party put it in the jar for people to spend money to open it?

Thinking of Lin Mo's faint smile, Jingyin's face was solemn.

Who is the other party?

When did such a magical jar shop appear in Konoha Village?

Since the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan appeared there, she must have opened a similar jar, otherwise she would not know so clearly.

"We have to report to Lady Tsunade."

Although she was full of curiosity about Lin Mo, Jingyin knew.

What is more important at the moment is not this matter, but Lady Tsunade.

Thinking of this, Jingyin looked down at the devil fruit in her hand that she had not yet eaten, her eyes excited.

The power of this fruit is too magical, and it can completely help Lady Tsunade.

Although Lady Tsunade is one of the legendary three ninjas and one of the top medical ninjas in the ninja world, her hemophobia has always been a weakness that she cannot overcome.

Whenever facing a scene of heavy bleeding, Tsunade's body will involuntarily stiffen, and she can't even continue to perform ninjutsu.

This makes Lady Tsunade extremely passive in battle, and she often worries about Lady Tsunade.

But now the situation is completely different!

Jingyin's eyes fell on the devil fruit in her hand again, and a strong excitement surged in her heart.

This power allows her to cut and treat without bleeding, completely bypassing the scene that Tsunade-sama is most afraid of.

In other words, if this power is conveyed to Tsunade-sama, her hemophobia will no longer be a problem!

Tsunade-sama will also be able to exert stronger strength in combat and medical treatment.

Thinking of this, Jingyin's heartbeat can't help but speed up a few points.

She knew that she had to go back and tell Tsunade-sama this news as soon as possible.

"With this, Tsunade-sama no longer needs to worry about the problem of seeing blood"

Jingyin muttered to herself in her heart, and the excitement in her eyes became stronger.

Looking at the devil fruit that had not been eaten in her hand, Jingyin could already imagine Tsunade's expression when she got the news.

Although she was still full of doubts about Lin Mo's identity and motives.

But at this moment, she was more concerned about how to bring this power to Tsunade-sama to help her overcome her long-term hemophobia.

Once Tsunade-sama will no longer be troubled by hemophobia, then.

Thinking of this, Jingyin's breathing became rapid.

She was also thankful that she only took a bite and didn't finish it all.

When Shizune excitedly accelerated to Tansho Street.

Konoha Village.

In the jar shop.

Lin Mo has gradually mastered the ability of the surgery fruit.

"The basic cutting and division has been mastered, but this thing also consumes physical strength, damn it."

Lin Mo looked at the worn-out sword in front of him speechlessly.

Although the surgery fruit is very strong, his physical strength is also decreasing in the process of continuous mastery.

Now he is a little tired.

If he continues, it will not consume physical strength, but life.

Now his physical strength has been strengthened by the medicine prescribed by Tiantian.

If you want to continue to master the development of the surgery fruit, you still need a lot of physical strength as a support.

Once the physical strength is consumed every day, you must stop mastering the ability of the surgery fruit.

"It would be great if someone could open a wood escape."

"Sage body is also OK."

Lin Mo pinched his chin and pondered.

The release of ninjutsu requires chakra.

The ability of the surgery fruit also requires physical strength for a long time.

I lack everything.

However, the only comforting thing is that my body will recover my physical strength every day, and I can practice the ability of the surgery fruit every day.

When I can't use up my physical strength anymore, I will try to look at ninjutsu and practice ninjutsu.

After I recover, I will refine chakra.

If I don't recover, I can't refine chakra.

To put it bluntly, both the surgery fruit and ninjutsu require physical strength.

I am currently extremely short of physical strength.

"Physical strength, physical strength."

Lin Mo pinched his chin and sighed slightly in his heart.

It would be great if I had the physique of the Uzumaki clan.

While thinking this, Lin Mo picked up the incomplete Eight Gates Training Scroll and continued to read the second gate.

Now I don't have the physical strength to refine chakra and familiarize myself with the surgery fruit, so I can only spend time on this.

He thought he could throw this thing away, but he didn't expect that it would be taken out again in less than a day.

As Lin Mo observed the second gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, his physical strength gradually recovered.

He immediately started to use his chakra to try to practice.


Lin Mo, who was gradually practicing, suddenly stopped and looked at the second gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu with a suspicious look.

Why does the second gate conflict with the first gate?

It shouldn't be, it should be universal.

"Fuck, there is no problem with this fragment."

"Are you really not afraid that Naruto will have problems practicing?"

"The cunning third generation."

After reading carefully to the end of the second gate, Lin Mo kept trying and found that it was really a complete conflict.

This means that he can't practice at all.

Lin Mo's face darkened.

Why is Sarutobi Hiruzen so stingy.

Forget the fragment of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu.

Even if it's the fragment to the second gate, he still uses some tricks.

What a beast.

Lin Mo was speechless.

If Uzumaki Naruto practiced this, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Are you sure that Uzumaki Naruto won't practice?

"That's good. I can't practice this thing anymore."

Lin Mo casually threw the scroll of Eight Gates Training with the fragments into the storage ring.

He casually took out another scroll.

This is the [C-level task scroll].

He opened it before, but he never used it.

At present, he needs to recover his physical strength, and this scroll is the only one he can use.

"I could ask about it last night at Ichiraku Ramen."

Looking at this C-level task scroll, Lin Mo pinched his chin.

After opening this scroll, a task will be generated immediately, and it must be completed within the valid time to get the reward.

"Open it, there is nothing to do anyway, just take a look."

"If you can't do it, just give up."

"A C-level task scroll, I don't know what the reward will be."

Lin Mo's mind was full of thoughts, and he opened the scroll directly.

Suddenly, the scroll bloomed with a hazy green light.

As the scroll opened automatically, the green light turned into lines of words floating on it.

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