Mizukage Building

In the Mizukage's office, Wuxin stood in the middle and reported to Yagura behind the desk:

"The Sand Village signed a contract with us in order to launch a comprehensive counterattack on their northern land, Rock Village. These are the ninjutsu and information I discovered from Ye Cang's body..."

Wuxin simply narrated, walked forward, and placed two scrolls on the Mizukage's office desk.

Wuxin used the excuse of using mind-reading to discover ninjutsu and information to abduct Ye Cang's body. After he was done, he naturally had to hand over some Sand Village ninjutsu and current information to the Mizukage.

After listening to Wuxin's narration, Mizukage Yagura picked up the scroll on the table, took a few glances, and closed it.

Yagura had his own source of information about the current situation in the Sand Village. Yagura had already known the information provided by Wuxin, but Yagura was not interested in explaining it to Wuxin.

"Resentment needs to be vented, anger needs to be channeled, and Ye Cang is just interest."

Yakura's voice is soft. Although he is small, his words of instruction are very elder-like.

Through negotiations, he induced the Sand Village to hand over the Sand Village Burning Release Master Ye Cang, which was famous in the ninja world. This incident greatly improved Yagura's reputation in the village and covered up the image of losing the ninja war.

Yakura paused slightly and then said: "Wuxin, there is a mission that needs you to execute."

"Please tell me."

Wuxin had no expression on his face and responded softly.

Mizukage Yagura said slowly: "The campaign against the Land of Fire is in a stalemate.

The Kaguya clan once again returned to the land of the Land of Water without the village's order.

I am worried that the Kaguya clan has ulterior motives. If the Kaguya clan cooperates with other major powers.

The situation of the Hidden Mist Village will be very dangerous."

The Mizukage Yagura briefly explained the situation, and then threw out the main topic, saying:

"Wuxin, you lead the team to the outside of the Kaguya clan's land.

Cooperate with the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost to perform the task of monitoring the Kaguya clan."

"Yes, sir."

Wuxin accepted the order without hesitation, bowed slightly, and turned to leave.

In the context of the Ninja World War, most of the tasks of the Yuanshi were to go to the front line to blow up a certain place, or send a letter to someone on the front line, and most of them were tasks related to the war.

Well-known ninjas such as Wuxin and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen should be on the front line.

In fact, the remaining two ninja swordsmen and Wuxin were all in the rear of the village. They occasionally took on a few missions to show up at the front line, and most of the time they performed confidential tasks for the Yuanshi or Mizukage.

Wuxin, who left the Mizukage building, summoned his three disciples, Ringo Yuyuri, Hoshigaki Takeya, and Kihara Toda, and ran out of the village towards the Kaguya clan.

The Kaguya clan's territory is in the southern plains of the Land of Water. After a week's journey, Wuxin led three disciples to the Kaguya clan's sphere of influence.

Most of the southern plains are occupied by the Kaguya clan, with dozens of subordinate villages. The village closest to the Kaguya clan is called Takeshita Village. It is called a village, but it is actually like a small town.

Wuxin led three disciples and walked on the street in the center of Takeshita Village. They walked to a hotel called Xizi Hotel and stepped in.

Wuxin, who entered the store, asked the customer service lady at the cashier to open a room.

"You four people, only open one room?"

The customer service lady asked back with some confusion.

Wuxin replied softly: "Yes, I only live in Room 135 on the first floor."

"Okay, if you need anything else, please contact me at the front desk at any time."

The customer service lady handed the room card to Wuxin helplessly.

Wuxin led three confused students to the deepest part of the corridor on the first floor and opened Room 135.

The room was spacious, fully furnished, and there was a bathroom at the door. After Wuxin entered the room, he opened the bathroom door directly.

As a result, the bathroom was dark, like an underground passage.

There was a portable lamp on the table in the room. Several people walked down the passage with the lamp. After walking for a few minutes, they still didn't reach the bottom, and they walked deeper and deeper. They turned left and right all the way and finally reached the bottom and came to a big door.

There were two masked Mist Hidden Anbu guarding the front door. After checking the token that Wuxin took out, the Anbu opened the door and let Wuxin and others in.

Inside the door was a corridor. On the walls of the corridor, candles were burning, illuminating the secret room.

Wuxin led three confused students to the end of the corridor and finally saw the target.

At the end of the corridor was a large room without a door and the wall was made of glass. On the tatami in the room, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost sat in front of the tatami table, holding a scroll in his hand.

"Master Puffer Ghost, long time no see."

Wuxin greeted and walked into the room.

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost had noticed the footsteps in the corridor a long time ago. When he heard the sound, he looked up and said with some surprise:"I didn't expect you to be sent here."

"I didn't expect Xiguashan Puffer Ghost to be here. With you and your powerful subordinates taking action, there's no need for me."

Wu Xin walked up and sat opposite Xiguashan Puffer Ghost's desk, and the three disciples behind him knelt behind Wu Xin.

After a few simple polite words, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost shook his head, not caring about Wu Xin's flattery, and said in a deep voice:

"No, I lack manpower here and cannot fully monitor, so I asked Mizukage to send some assistants."

"So, what do you need me to do?" Wu Xin said directly.

"There's no tea here to serve you, let's start the mission directly, please follow me!"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost was also very direct, and after saying that, he stood up and walked out of the house. Wu Xin and others quickly followed.

There were many doors on both sides of the corridor. Xiguashan Puffer Ghost walked to a door and took out the key to open it.

It was pitch black inside the door. It didn't look like a room, but a bit like the secret passage that Wuxin had come down from the hotel before.

Wuxin followed the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost in the passage inside the door, turning all the way, then walked up the staircase, and finally walked out of a remote house passage in Zhuxia Village.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost took Wuxin outside the house. Wuxin took a look. The entrance house was five stories high. In a place like Zhuxia Village, it could be considered a relatively tall building.

Wuxin followed the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost to the top floor. The top floor was empty, and there was a long thick telescope, at least one and a half meters long.

"Zhuxia Village is the closest village to the Hyuga clan's base. This telescope can directly observe the situation of the Hyuga clan.

Two people are needed to monitor here in shifts 24 hours a day. Wuxin, you arrange two people to be on duty here.

The remaining one, follow me."

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost briefly explained the task, then walked to the stairs and waited by the stairs.

Wuxin said to the three students beside him: "Takeya, Toda, did you two hear the order of the Puffer Demon Master clearly?"


"I heard it clearly."

Hokaki Takeya and Kihara Toda responded seriously.

Wuxin nodded and said softly: "It's good that you understand. This is the task assigned by the Mizukage. Do it well!"

After that, he took Ringo Yuyuri to the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, and the three of them rushed to the next surveillance point.

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