The dead bodies were all in the morgue, but there were many wounded soldiers sent back from the battlefield in the medical room.

The second lesson to experience the cruelty of war will be unfolded here.

After making preparations, the two children followed Jingyi to inspect the ward.

Here they saw many wounded soldiers, some of whom were in better condition and had intact limbs, while others were in worse condition and had broken hands and feet.

"Go and ask Master Jingyi to send the patient to the operating room, quickly!!!"

The medical room is the busiest place in the camp, no doubt about it.

As long as there are wounded soldiers sent in, the medical room will never be quiet.

"Ah!! My hand, my hand!!"

The wounded man, whose right hand was almost cut off and only a little flesh was left, was sent to the operating room. Blood was flowing all over the floor. Rope Tree and Minato Namikaze followed behind Jingyi, looking helpless.

"Be quiet."

Jingyi calmly raised his hand and knocked on the wounded man's head. The wounded man rolled his eyes and lost consciousness. Jingyi raised his hand and cut off the nerves in his arm.

Stop bleeding, check whether the wound contains toxins, and after confirming that there is no problem, clean the almost broken arm and reconnect the arm through surgery.

After the arm is reconnected, use ninjutsu to heal and accelerate the recovery of the wound on the arm.

When the wound recovers to a certain extent, tie a fixed wooden board, and the operation is over.

After reconnecting the severed nerves, Jingyi asked the nurse to send the wounded man to the ward.


When taking off the gloves, Jingyi heard the sound of swallowing saliva. Looking back, he saw two guys standing by at a loss and swallowing saliva.

From the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that they are very nervous.

Although the bloody scene in the operating room is not as scary as the morgue, the impact it brings is greater than that of the morgue.

After all, the morgue is a place to place corpses, and the wounded received in the operating room are all living people.

After washing his hands, Jingyi led the two out of the operating room:

"The wounded just now were lucky. They were sent back to the camp in time, and their arms were not completely broken. After a period of recuperation after the operation, they can be alive and kicking again."

"Those with broken hands and feet in the ward..."

The medical skills of the ninja world are developing very fast. With the cooperation of medical ninjutsu, many operations that were very difficult in the previous life are nothing in the ninja world.

As long as the medical ninja in charge of the operation has good enough medical skills and is good at using various medical ninjutsu, the probability of failure of the operation is very low.

Hearing this, Jingyi, who was wiping his hands with a towel, bowed his head and said to the two:

"It is lucky to survive the injury on the battlefield. Many wounded soldiers with broken arms and legs are not difficult to treat, but they cannot bring back the hands and legs cut off by the enemy."

"Some wounded soldiers cannot be treated even if they drag their injured bodies back, and some even face amputation when they return."

"Although the medical room is a place to save people, the psychological impact it brings to people is no less than that of the morgue. You two must watch carefully and experience it seriously."

"Sometimes it is lucky to come back with a broken arm. Those who are seriously injured and poisoned are unlucky."

Let's not do it.

Rope Tree subconsciously shrank his neck. He saw many wounded soldiers sent in by poisoning in the ward. It was so miserable.

It was more terrifying than those with broken arms and legs.

There were also many in the morgue. Death by poisoning looked more terrifying than other ways of death.

Minato, are we going to help like this all the time?

How about you say a few nice words?

Shengshu kept winking at the little yellow-haired boy, who had no choice but to ask, "Teacher, don't we need training?"


Jingyi said, "Letting you do hard labor in the morgue and help in the medical room is just to temper your character. You must not miss the training. Let's arrange it from tomorrow."

It's not a good thing to always let these two guys help. They still have to train. After all, strength is the foundation.


Jingyi said, and couldn't help but pause:

"Forget about today. You just walk around. When you need it, just lend a hand and help. From tomorrow, I will take some time to come out and guide your training."

Jingyi couldn't do the things that left his apprentice aside and went to the battlefield and wandered around by himself.

The little yellow-haired boy has a good foundation. If he is taught well, his growth is limitless. As for Shengshu, Jingyi can only say that it doesn't make any difference whether he drives one duck or two ducks. Let's do it together.


! ! Great! ! "

Compared to tempering his character, Nawaki wanted to become stronger.

Even Minato Namikaze looked very expectant.

After getting Jingyi's promise, Nawaki and Little Yellow Hair were full of energy and ran around the medical room. Wherever they needed help, they would be there.

The next morning, after Jingyi made breakfast, he pulled Nawaki and Little Yellow Hair out of the quilt as usual.

"Is it dawn already?"

Little Yellow Hair got up quickly, Nawaki yawned and rubbed his eyes, and it seemed that he wanted to sleep for a while.

It's a pity that Jingyi would not give him the opportunity to take a nap.

"I'll give you two minutes, come and have breakfast, and then start training. No more waiting after the time is up."

"Here you are! ! "

Hearing the word "breakfast", Sheng Shu became energetic and jumped off the bed, putting on clothes while running.


Three people, one big and two small, squatted at the door of the rest room, holding large bowls in their hands, eating noodles.

"Hmm~~~" Sheng Shu's mouth was full of noodles, and his little face was bulging: "Jingyi, why do you have to squat at the door to eat noodles?"

"Because it tastes better this way."

"? ? ? ? "


I don't believe it.

It feels like you are lying to us.

After eating and drinking, Sheng Shu looked at Jingyi eagerly, hoping that he would not abandon himself and only care about his disciple Namikaze Minato.

Jingyi waved to him: "How many water escape ninjutsu do you know? ”

“I know several water-style ninjutsu, I…”

Speaking of his expertise, Nawaki’s eyes lit up, and he raised his hand to give an example, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Jingyi.

“Enough, no need to say more, as long as you know it, your training is very simple, use a water-style ninjutsu, keep using it, and try to compress it, that’s it. ”

The characteristics of the Senju clan are particularly obvious in Nawase, who gathers water and soil attribute chakra, is good at many water-style ninjutsu, and has more chakra than ordinary ninjas.

This is his advantage.

To cultivate Nawase, you don’t need to spend so much time and effort, just focus on water-style ninjutsu, physical skills and instant body skills.

Jingyi hopes that Nawase can become a weakened version of Senju Tobirama.

As long as he can master Senju Tobirama’s compressed water-style ninjutsu, combined with his not-so-weak instant body skills and physical skills, he can become a strong man in the ninja world.

As for other aspects, there is no need to work hard, at least not for now.

With Senju Tobirama as a template, there is no need to think about anything else.

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