The two of them were so angry that they left.

Danzo Shimura really had nothing to say and was directly angry and left.

In the lounge of Konoha Hospital, Jingyi was drinking juice leisurely and reading a book with relish.

As a weak medical ninja with blood stains degenerating, Jingyi felt that he should make some puppets to enhance his own strength and protect his own safety.


The door of the lounge was pushed open by someone, and it hit the wall heavily with a loud noise. Jingyi, who was sitting in the lounge reading a book, shivered and almost threw the book in his hand as a shuriken.

Looking back, it was Tsunade.

And it was Tsunade who was in an angry mood.

What's wrong with this.

Jingyi thought it would be better to stay away, so he took the book and prepared to run away.

"Where are you going?"

Jingyi's plan to run away failed, and he was blocked by Tsunade.

"I treated two patients today, and I'm going to the ward to see how they are recovering." Jingyi made an excuse for himself.

Tsunade was obviously angry at this time, so it's better not to be alone with her.

The city gate has been set on fire, and staying in the lounge may cause harm to innocent people.

Tsunade looked at Jingyi with a strange look in her eyes, and when Jingyi was not prepared at all, a face suddenly came up.


"Tsunade, please calm down, I'm still a child, please don't be impulsive."

Jingyi started the backward tactic, raised his hand to stop Tsunade from getting closer to him, these two faces were almost sticking together.

"Shut up!"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and a few black lines appeared on her forehead. She raised her fist and waved it, angrily saying: "I just want to see your eyes, don't be as dirty as Jiraiya."

Look at my eyes?

That's fine, you can see it.

Jingyi breathed a sigh of relief, and her throbbing heart finally fell back.


Seeing Jingyi's relieved expression, she pressed her hands on her chest a few times, and Tsunade suddenly wanted to hit someone. You little brat thinks I want to take advantage of you?

Seeing that Tsunade was really about to explode, Jingyi quickly spread her hands and explained: "It's just a joke, don't hit anyone."

"This joke is not funny!"

Tsunade stared at him with gritted teeth, and Jingyi said I was innocent.

It was deeper, with a unique attraction, full of mystery that made people want to understand it in depth.

Staring at Jingyi's eyes for a while, Tsunade felt something was wrong, very wrong.

Is this blood degeneration or blood evolution?

If the Hyuga clan's Byakugan had never evolved, Tsunade would have suspected whether Jingyi's eyes had evolved with the Sharingan.

Throwing the documents in her hand casually on the table, Tsunade leaned against the table, pondered for a moment, and asked: "Are the sequelae of Byakugan degeneration still serious?"

Jingyi answered half-truthfully: "Occasionally there will be stinging, but not as strong as when it was first injured, and the vision of the eyes is not affected."


Tsunade carefully observed Jingyi's expression and eyes. She really wanted to know if Jingyi had concealed anything.

"Is there something on my face?"

Jingyi knew what Tsunade was thinking, but he would not reveal the flaws, because the script had been set since he crossed over, and Jingyi had deduced countless possible plots.

Whenever he encountered the corresponding situation, he could respond flexibly.

"No." Maybe she thought too much, Tsunade shook her head, and the whole person suddenly became like an eggplant hit by frost, a little wilted.

"Damn, these guys, if they don't understand, they should just give orders blindly."

"The old man too, actually listened to their advice, so annoying."

What are the top management doing?

There is no need to guess the old man mentioned by Tsunade, it must be the Third Hokage, and those guys are, if nothing goes wrong, the other members of the F4 group.

"Is it about the reform of the medical department and Konoha Hospital?"

Jingyi had heard about this from Tsunade before, but the Third Hokage had not considered it yet, and he didn't expect the reform to come so soon.

"You can see it for yourself."

Tsunade lay directly on the table and pushed the file that had just been thrown on the table to Jingyi. Jingyi picked up the file, opened it, and looked at it carefully.

"Hiss~ Good guy."

After glancing at the contents of the file, Jingyi couldn't help but exclaimed.

The threshold for medical ninjas is high, and there is no perfect training system in each village, so the training progress of medical ninjas has always been slow, and the number of medical ninjas in each village is also small


So the F4 group proposed a reform, and the reform proposal was initiated by the old woman, Koharu Utatane.

The content of the reform is that the training of medical ninjas will change from the teacher-apprentice, hand-in-hand teaching mode to mass education, which is the so-called assembly line mode education.

Gather a group of talented ninjas, and let experienced medical ninjas be teachers to educate these apprentices.

Isn't this a bit of a joke?

Jingyi closed the file: "Isn't this a bit too big a span?"

"I said, the old man doesn't want to listen to me. He said that the medical department needs reforms before there will be progress." Tsunade began to slam the table in anger.

Perhaps it was the reform of the ninja school that gave the F4 group enough confidence, and Koharu Utatane directly targeted the medical department.

Can't you manage your logistics department well?

Why do you reach out to the medical department for no reason?

You will have a hard time in the future.

Jingyi looked at Tsunade's eyes and couldn't help but sympathize.

The person who was most affected by the reform of the medical department was Tsunade.

Fortunately, it had nothing to do with me.

Too few medical ninjas? Tsunade can only suffer. As long as she is not exhausted, she will work hard.

Jingyi decisively put down the file, picked up his book, and continued to read.

This kid.

Jingyi's reaction directly made Tsunade laugh.

Tsunade slapped the table in dissatisfaction and asked: "Stinky boy, the medical department is undergoing reform, shouldn't you contribute? Also, why do you want to read books about puppet masters and puppet making? Don't tell me that you want to become a puppet ninja because your blood is degenerated?"

"As a weak medical ninja with degenerated blood, isn't it reasonable to make some puppets to protect yourself?"

What medical department, what reform?

I don't know anything. I'm just a junior apprentice who has just graduated. I dare not get involved in such a big thing.

Is it reasonable?

Reasonable ass! !

Tsunade wanted to swear.

"It's almost time, get ready to leave."


Jingyi, who hadn't reacted yet, was forced to leave by Tsunade.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"It hurts, Uchiha bastards, you actually killed the villagers!!"

"I'm going to the Hokage office building to complain about you!!"

Jingyi, who was forced to leave, hadn't even walked out of the hospital when he ran into the police department carrying several patients into the hospital lobby.

"What's going on?"

Tsunade, who was about to accompany Jingyi to leave work, walked up to the patient and checked the patient's injuries. She frowned and said, "Multiple fractures and large-area muscle injuries. Did you, the police department, go too hard?"

If the target of the attack was an enemy, Tsunade wouldn't care, but the other party was a villager of Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama, this is our fault."

The captain of the police department who led the team to the hospital apologized sincerely.

Jingyi, who was standing aside, found that this team leader was none other than the young clan leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku.

"Tsunade-sama, you have to make the decision for us. The Uchiha bastards beat us up........"


Facing the patient's accusation, Uchiha Fugaku, who was still the young clan leader, was obviously a little bit overwhelmed. From his clenched fists, it can be seen that the young clan leader was very upset in the face of the accusation.

The work of the police department was indeed a bit aggrieved.

This was clearly a false accusation.

The Uchiha people's style of doing things was a bit arrogant, but the Uchiha people would not target the civilians of the village for no reason.

On the contrary, among many families, the Uchiha family was a family that treated ordinary clan members more friendly, at least much better than the corrupt family of Hyuga.

"Asshole, what did you say?"

Uchiha Fugaku did not choose to argue after being framed and accused by the patient. He could control himself, but his teammates could not.

The Uchiha ninja standing behind Uchiha Fugaku became furious when he heard this.

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