The old man was in trouble.

Damn it! !

Tsunade suddenly felt powerless. At the meeting, she strongly opposed the village to continue to spend time in the Rain Country.

But the Third Hokage and the Elders stood together, so even if she strongly opposed it, it was invalid.

Akimichi Tofu is just a figurehead now, and can't give her help and support. Unless the Elders can be won over, her opposition will not have any effect.

Tsunade left angrily before the meeting was over.

Walking out of the Hokage office building, a late autumn evening breeze blew in her face. The cold wind calmed down Tsunade, who was full of anger.

After returning home and thinking about today's meeting carefully, Tsunade felt that she needed to go to the front-line camp.

She needed to have a good chat with Jingyi face to face.

Using puppets to transmit messages across half of the Fire Country was not only slow, but many things could not be explained clearly.

Tsunade did not tell anyone that she wanted to go to the front-line camp. She sent an additional Anbu team to protect Kushina, and she quietly left the village with her people.

Under her special instructions, not to mention ordinary people, even the Hokage's office did not receive the news.

Tsunade planned to come and go quietly, because she did not notify Nara Shikashin. After arriving in the Rain Country, she asked the puppet to notify Jingyi.

Jingyi, who received the news, put on his clothes and left the camp at night.

In a hidden cave near the border between the Fire Country and the Rain Country, Jingyi gestured to the Anbu ninja hiding in the dark, took off his raincoat and walked into the cave.

There was only one oil lamp in the whole cave, and there was no fire.

Putting the raincoat at the entrance of the cave, Jingyi walked into the cave: "Why don't you light a fire? It's so cold, I'm afraid it's going to start freezing rain."

Jingyi felt that he had a good relationship with the Rain Country. After traveling for more than two years, he stayed in the Rain Country for two years.

Tsunade threw the prepared cotton-padded clothes to Jingyi:

"I don't want people to know that I left the village to find you."


Jingyi put on the cotton-padded clothes, walked up and hugged Tsunade:

"Have you gained weight?"

"Get lost!!"

Do you think I want to?

Tsunade herself was puzzled. When she was a child, she always hoped that her chest would grow up quickly, and then she could slap Jiraiya in the face, so that Jiraiya would not laugh at her for being flat-chested.

Now it's getting bigger and bigger, and there seems to be no sign of stopping, which makes Tsunade a little distressed.

Being laughed at for not growing up and being called an airport, not only does it affect your movements, it also looks a bit strange.

It can be seen that Tsunade is very angry, and Jingyi did not continue to tease her. She sat on a clean rock and asked:

"Are you looking for me about the war?"


Tsunade got angry when she mentioned this, and her delicate face darkened:

"The old man and the two elders are unwilling to withdraw from the Rain Country. My voice of opposition is completely ineffective. I am so angry."

"Then let them fight."

Jingyi thought it was something else.

The result... is just this?

Just wanting to save face.

"You mean, don't object, continue to fight with the Rain Village?"

Tsunade frowned.

This is not what she wanted to hear.

She tried her best to oppose, hoping that the village could withdraw as soon as possible to reduce greater losses, and at the same time transfer more strength and energy to the River Country.


Jingyi put his hands in the pockets of his cotton coat and said:

"You and I think the village should put its strength and energy into the River Country, but others are different. They think that after the Iwagakure and Sandgakure evacuated, it would be easy for the village to take over the Raingakure. Why should they evacuate the victory?"

"Who doesn't want to take the glory?"


Tsunade wanted to refute, but found that any rebuttal seemed so pale and powerless.

Yes, who doesn't want the glory?

It is human nature to pursue glory and success. The third generation Hokage is also a human being, and he will definitely not miss such a good opportunity.

It's a pity that this glory is not so easy to get.

The Raingakure is a soft persimmon, but the Salamander Hanzo is not. It is difficult for Konoha to take the glory of victory from this demigod without bleeding.

"So, there is no point in blocking or opposing them. Since they want to take the glory, let them go. We just need to make sure we won't be affected. Victory in the war is my promise to you. I only...

Care about this. "

Jingyi raised his hand and hugged Tsunade in his arms.

The Third Hokage didn't care how many people died in the war, and he didn't care even more. If he wanted glory, let the ninjas of the village fight for it.

As long as it didn't affect him.

He was very curious. When the village suffered a big setback, would the Third Hokage and others still want to take the glory?

This so-called glory would definitely slap them hard.

Leaning on Jingyi's shoulder, Tsunade sighed:

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Since the old men like glory, let them take it."

"Yes, this is a good idea. You just need to do what you should do. The recent losses of the Anbu must be not small. You must remember to replenish people in time. The replenished people must be carefully selected and gradually replace the old people. ”

It is most important to do your own job well. Jingyi should take care of the camp medical room. What about Tsunade?

Just continue to deepen the control over the Anbu.

As for the others, it has nothing to do with them. If the war is won, they will get a little reputation at most. The biggest credit belongs to the Third Hokage.

But if the war is not going well, it is not their turn to take the blame.

“I will.”

Tsunade leaned on Jingyi’s shoulder and nodded slowly. Suddenly, Tsunade opened her eyes, glared at Jingyi unhappily, and pulled out his hand that was stretched into his clothes.

You don’t even look at where you are when you are making trouble!!

All the Anbu people are still guarding outside.

It’s big and soft. As expected, fat has its advantages.

Jingyi smiled meaningfully, and Tsunade was so angry that she wanted to punch him.

“I get angry when I see you like this. Okay, I’m going back to the village. I don’t want people to know that I left quietly and came to the front to see you.”

“Well, go slowly. "

Now is not the time to stir up trouble.

Tsunade has to return to the village, and he has to return to the camp in time.

The war situation has changed. As expected, the pressure from the Cloud Village to the Rock Village has continued to increase. Ohnoki can no longer care about the war in the Rain Country, and directly issued an order to withdraw all the ninja troops in the Rain Country back to the territory of the Land of Earth.

In a simple sentence: I, the Rock Village, will not play with you.

The retreat of the Rock Village is a signal.

As the Rock Village evacuated, the Sand Village followed closely.

Although Chiyo was not happy, the situation forced her to retreat.

When the Rock Village did not withdraw, it could help the Sand Village share some pressure. After all, the battle is a situation where you hit me and I hit you.

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